Has anyone been able to select different playbooks online?

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Has anyone been able to select different playbooks online?

Post by wco81 »

There are a bunch of threads at the espnvideogames.com forums about this. Not sure if it's a PS2-only issue or true of both versions.

One theory is that last year, if you tried to load a custom playbook online, you got the divergence error. So it looks like they disabled the interface for selecting playbooks, both the stock playbooks (say I want to pick the Raiders playbook while playing with the Ningers) and the custom playbooks.

So that is why you can't save audibles either because they were saved with the Custom Playbooks.

If this turns out to be the case, here is one pitfall of releasing so early. Maybe releasing now is good for the overall sales prospects of this game. But if they punted on some development to get it out early, then it's not so good for how people view the game.

And of course, none of the previews and review mentioned this. But to be fair, nobody thought to ask if they would be removing features, although somebody must have asked about the divergence errors with custom playbooks and whether they would be fixed this year.

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