PGR2 question

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PGR2 question

Post by wabash97 »

I don´t have Live, so I was wondering if this game is worth the single player - is the AI at least reasonable and challenging? Having the ´ring, which I´ve only heard about having not had GPL and being 26, sounds like reason enough to warrant a trade-in deal, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn´t Turismo-esque robotic competition.
<BR>I enjoyed PGR, but only played at a friend´s so I never tried againt the cpu.

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PGR2 question

Post by TCrouch »

If you´re primarily worried about the "follow the leader" AI, then you won´t like PGR2. They follow each other nose to tail and don´t divert very often. If you get next to them, or go to cut them off, they´ll react, but for the most part, if you´re looking at human-like AI when running by themselves, you won´t see it.
<BR>However, I can´t possibly think of any reason that it wouldn´t be at least worth the money to play through it. It´s challenging on the higher medal levels regardless of the AI, and you don´t have a lot of AI-ramming-into-you frustration points (at least I haven´t so far...I have 4 more series to go before I "beat the game", though).
<BR>I´d say if you enjoyed PGR, you´ll love PGR2, as it´s just more of the same, but bigger, better, faster, and the method of progression is MUCH better this year. No more random car unlocks. You choose what you want to unlock, when you want to unlock it.
<BR>It sounds contradictory, but it boils down to: if you liked PGR, you´ll like PGR2. If you´re going to pick it up and LOOK for the robo-AI, you will find it. Whether that dampens your enjoyment of it is up to you. How much would it bug you?
<BR>Personally, I can´t play it enough, online or off.<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: TCrouch on 20-11-2003 23:50 ]</font>

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PGR2 question

Post by wabash97 »

I don´t think it would bother me that much, especially if the ramming is limited. I´ve sort of settled in for a basketball season, given up on the hockey games and I´m looking for a little diversion. This sounds perfect, especially with the 13-miler (or is it 8 in the game?) at the end.
<BR>I haven´t heard anything bad about this game, and since I´ll be trading in and not spending any dough, it sounds like a no-brainer.
<BR>Thanks for the time.

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