What are you currently playing (2023)?

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What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by sportdan30 »

Happy New Year everyone. 2023 is a big year because I'll be turning 50. Can't wrap my head around that.

It seems over the last year or two, this site has seen less and less activity. We're all getting older and perhaps gaming isn't on the forefront of our hobbies like it once was. I've often wondered if I'm too old to still be gaming, but then I'll try a new game that I haven't played in a while and be instantly hooked.

That said, I thought it'd be fun and interesting to see what all everyone is playing.

NHL 23 - Haven't played it in a few weeks. Have a season going, but I don't know if I'll get back to it. Every game feels the same.

NBA 2K23 - Just messing around in the Play Now mode. Started a Nuggets franchise but I'm struggling with finding the right sliders.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey - I've never invested too much time in to this series. Not more than an hour actually. Well, I'm 10 plus hours in to this game and I'm really enjoying it. I'm certainly not playing every night, but when I do, I find myself getting lost in the world.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by TCrouch »

iRacing. More iRacing. A little bit of iRacing in between :lol:

Honestly, a little bit of everything. Just in short doses, it seems. Some New World with the wife. Went on a Borderlands 3 kick over the holidays. Just dug into Final Fantasy XIV and XV again for some reason. I just have game ADD when it comes to anything other than iRacing race/league prep.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by RobVarak »

I've been crazy busy since the beginning of the pandemic (amazing how an enormous worldwide existential crisis focuses the mind on things like estate planning), but I finally got a Series X over the holidays along with a nice shiny new OLED and I was very excited to work some more gaming back into my schedule.

I was kind of stunned to see that the industry had really, from my POV at least, stagnated in the last few years. It seems like damn near everyone (industry-wide I mean, not us old guys) is still playing the same thing they were playing 2, 3, or even 5 years ago. It's either the *actual* same thing (Fortnight or Rocket League) or a barely iterated improvement on something. There have been basically no significant new AAA single-player franchises launched, no crazy new multiplayer thing that came out of nowhere...just stagnation.

Anyway, getting back to the original topic, instead of downloading a s***-ton of new stuff on Gamepass, I'm filling in games that I missed the first time around (No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk) or doing what everyone else is and playing the same stuff I was playing in 2019 (The Hunter COTW, COD, FIFA).

Curious to hear what's on everyone else's screens though...
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Pete1210 »

First of all 50 is not too old to be a gamer. I turned 61 last month and I'm usually on xbox almost every night after the wife turns in. I love GamePass as I've tried a lot of games I never would have.

On xbox lately I've been playing mostly NBA 2K23 (My Team and My Player) and Call of Duty MW2 multiplayer and DMZ. First COD I've bought in a few years and its a good one. DMZ is a new, somewhat addictive 3 man co-op mode with various missions against AI and other human squads. Diablo and I with a third friend (not on DSP) have been playing a lot of DMZ. It's included in the free COD Warzone 2.0. Also, just finished It Takes Two. Still jump on Rocket Legaue sometimes for quick five minute games with a couple of friends.

Singleplayer I recently finished Yakuza 6 (only one I've played) and Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (2nd time). I almost newer play a game twice, but that one is that good. Just started Walking Dead Final Season.

Still haven't got a PS5 since that's my second console and I'm catching up on games I can still play on PS4. Reecently finished Ghosts of Tsushima and Last Of Us Part 2. Just started Spiderman Miles Morales.

Game I'm most looking forward to is Starfield.
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by AcemanPR »

I'm 51 so, 50 is definitely not too old to be a gamer. :o

It's cool to hear what certain people are playing from time to time. I'm currently invested in Marvel's Midnight Suns, Modern Warfare II multiplayer, and have gotten back into Wonderlands as well. But I also have been playing a little Cyberpunk 2077, Halo Infinite, and Assassin's Creed Odyssey the last few weeks.

Pete, if you need a 3rd and see me online, shoot me up an invite to play some DMZ, or any Modern Warfare co-op game mode.

This year I am looking forward to Forza Motorsport and Starfield.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by pk500 »

COD MW 2 Warzone DMZ
The Division 2
The Hunter: Call of the Wild
Tannenberg, Isonzo, Verdun (BlackMill Games WW I trilogy)
World of Outlaws Sprint Cars
Forza Motorsport 7
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Insurgency Sandstorm
TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2

That's the heart of my lineup these days. Could not agree more with Rob about the stagnation of the industry. What's the last great new IP or franchise in gaming? No different than Hollywood these days -- everything is a sequel, remake or sucking on the teet of an established franchise until it's raw.

Special cap tip to Forza Motorsport 7 from me. Is it the most realistic racing game of all time? No. But is it the best, in terms of a complete package of fun and hundreds of hours of entertainment? Without question, for me.

I have played FM7 at LEAST once per week since I got it in December 2017. I can't think of any other game I've played weekly for more than five years straight in my videogaming "career."
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Diablo25 »

52 years young here. I’ve been bouncing around on the games below
1. As Pete said above COD WarZone DMZ. Addictive and fun.
2. Some MLB RTTS and Fictional Franchise
3. NHL23 EASHL with XXXIV, Game 7, Vader, 10SPro and Jimmy D on weekend late nights.
4. Occasional NBA 2K23 My Team
5. The Witcher 3. Superb next gen update.
6. Occasional Rocket League with Pete and a mutual friend.
7. Just fired up The Last of Us 2 for the first time in a while. Watching episode 1 of the new series pushed me to get back into it.
*** I also really enjoy GOW Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West but just haven’t played them recently. Too many great games and I am notorious for playing a single player game for a few weeks then pressing pause for weeks or even months and then going back to it.

I am getting very pumped to play Starfield. All of the early info and feedback from play testers has, supposedly, been awesome. Gonna be a beast of a game/time suck.
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Wilk5280 »

51 here as well and also agree with the overall stagnation of the industry. While graphics and framerates continue to improve, the overall gameplay and excitement seem to diminish for me. Eh, I don't know.

Staying in the spirit of stagnation and lack of innovation here's what's been on my list coming into and at the start of 2023:

I pulled out the Dreamcast recently and am playing:
- Sega Rally 2
- THPS 2
- Crazy Taxi

Something about chasing times or high score in an old school arcade format never gets old, even if I am just chasing my own scores these days lol

On the newer consoles:
- Diablo II
- Madden Online H2H vs randoms
- Horizon Chase Turbo (fun little arcade racer with that 90's vibe that I'm clearly late to the party on)
- CoD MW2 (although I'm already fading fast on this one)
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by dbdynsty25 »

On the PC:

Age of Empires 4
Flight Simulator
Witcher 3

On the Series X:

High on Life
Fifa 23
PGA Tour 23 (I actually hate this game)
MLB The Show 22

On the Switch:

Sonic Frontiers

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Sudz »

52 - game daily for 2-4 hours at night

Madden 23 (yeah, I know)
RDR2 (3rd playthrough)
Latest God of War (though I'm about 3/8ths of the way through and haven't touched it for a few weeks)
Legend Bowl (fun 8bit style football)

Debating running through The Last of Us: Left Behind again. Only played through 1x, but with the show out I'm debating playing the prequel again. Played 1 at least 3x and 2 2x.
This is the first year EVER that I haven't bought the NHL series. Keep debating it, but haven't yet.

Looking forward to the EA Golf game & Harry Potter.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by MizzouRah »


WH 40K Gladius Relics of War
Distant Worlds 2
Phoenix Point
looking forward to AoW 4


looking forward to Dead Space remake
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Zeppo »

I have such limited time to game, but I still try to pop on almost every night. I’ve been working my way through Pentiment, which after a slow start has really taken off in terms of story and especially character. A big bonus for me is that it takes place in a fictional town essentially right where I live now, albeit 500 years ago. It’s definitely an all-too rare example for me of a game truly for “grown ups.”

I’ve also been working my way through The Ascent with an old work and soccer-fan buddy who’s still in Brooklyn. We get together once or twice a week when he is available. It’s a satisfyingly crunchy isometric action RPG set in a pretty nicely realized cyberpunk world. Fits the bill for us after we started to feel too much on a treadmill in Deep Rock Galactic, a really fun game but it’s not that well balanced for 2 players.

I also just started Elden Ring. It’s pretty stunning to me how it basically topped all the “best of 2022” lists, across the board, so it seems like a safe bet even though I’ve never played a Souls game. But only a few hours in, I’m starting to feel like I really need some guidance to make me feel less like my 45’ a night isn’t a complete waste. How has it fared in the end around here? Has everyone (besides XXXIV and presumably TCrouch) actually finished it? Did it peter out for you at some stage?

Otherwise I still have a save going in Citizen Sleeper (sort of the opposite of Elden Ring in that I can play for like 15 minutes and feel like I actually did something), just scratched the surface of Disco Elysium (have heard so many great things about that one), and still have a fem-Shep play through of Mass Effect that is spinning its tires in the middle of ME2, which is actually where that game really gets super meaty and rich.

I still don’t have a PS5, which is why I haven’t dived into Horizon: FW yet. I loved the first one so much, but I don’t want to play the new one on PS4.

Strangely, my years-long attachment to FIFA’s Ultimate Team Mode has basically withered away. I think the fact that they removed the fatigue system, which forced me to rotate among four or five squads based on different leagues, really extinguished the interest and excitement about building teams for me. Also, there is always so much “house keeping” to do whenever I log on, with all these little rewards and too much “build your own stadium” garbage which all gets in the way of me just jumping in a and playing a game.

If I could reliably play sports games against friends, especially FIFA or Madden, I’m sure I’d love it, but vs. CPU just doesn’t compel me, and while I like the idea of a meaty single player franchise type experience, it’s just too time consuming and the actual games would be too deflating I think for me to even try. Not to mention all the consistent reports of weird broken franchise problems in Madden. Actually, I love what I’ve read and heard about the historical mode in NBA 2K23 but it don’t see me actually getting that game.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by JOZ »

46 and still playing 2-4 hrs daily. Don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

PGA 2k23-. This series has surprisingly been my favorite of the Xbox one/Series X generation. Play most of the DSP society tournaments along with some career mode. I am looking forward to EA's offering.

Deus Ex Makind Divided- I got this probably 3 or so years ago for like $5 and just now got into it. Enjoying it so far. Unfortunately they did away with this series.

COD WW2-. Just got into this one as well. Enjoying the campaign.

NBA 2k21-. Started a franchise with a 1995 roster. We will see how it goes. Haven't played a ton since I got it. I see no reason to upgrade to any of the new versions.

Online Shooters-. Mix in some COD MW 1&2, Insurgency Sandstorm, Battlefield 2042 and Battlefield 5 from time to time.

Also have a ton of backlog to get through at some point

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Sudz »

I also just started Elden Ring. It’s pretty stunning to me how it basically topped all the “best of 2022” lists, across the board, so it seems like a safe bet even though I’ve never played a Souls game. But only a few hours in, I’m starting to feel like I really need some guidance to make me feel less like my 45’ a night isn’t a complete waste. How has it fared in the end around here? Has everyone (besides XXXIV and presumably TCrouch) actually finished it? Did it peter out for you at some stage?
I played a bunch but then just got tired of getting my ass kicked when i ventured 10 yards out of the beginning area.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Diablo25 »

Sudz wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:53 am
I also just started Elden Ring. It’s pretty stunning to me how it basically topped all the “best of 2022” lists, across the board, so it seems like a safe bet even though I’ve never played a Souls game. But only a few hours in, I’m starting to feel like I really need some guidance to make me feel less like my 45’ a night isn’t a complete waste. How has it fared in the end around here? Has everyone (besides XXXIV and presumably TCrouch) actually finished it? Did it peter out for you at some stage?
I played a bunch but then just got tired of getting my ass kicked when i ventured 10 yards out of the beginning area.
I heard it was VERY difficult. I absolutely hate games that have boss battles that are stupidly hard. I usually start RPGs or Action RPGs on normal but will bump it down if it gets frustrating.
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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by XXXIV »

Diablo25 wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:16 pm
Sudz wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:53 am
I also just started Elden Ring. It’s pretty stunning to me how it basically topped all the “best of 2022” lists, across the board, so it seems like a safe bet even though I’ve never played a Souls game. But only a few hours in, I’m starting to feel like I really need some guidance to make me feel less like my 45’ a night isn’t a complete waste. How has it fared in the end around here? Has everyone (besides XXXIV and presumably TCrouch) actually finished it? Did it peter out for you at some stage?
I played a bunch but then just got tired of getting my ass kicked when i ventured 10 yards out of the beginning area.
I heard it was VERY difficult. I absolutely hate games that have boss battles that are stupidly hard. I usually start RPGs or Action RPGs on normal but will bump it down if it gets frustrating.
I played through it 1 1/2 times before I got sidetracked by something else in life. I found it to be the most fun and "easiest" of the Souls games. Still NOT "easy" but in all seriousness if I can play through a game anyone can.

They are clearly not for every one but you get out of the Souls games what you put in.

Im currently on new game plus of Nioh 2 which is a blast. A cross between Souls and Diablo. Crazy.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Teal »

Still on the XB1, with no plans to upgrade.

Riders Republic
Insurgency Sandstorm
Chivalry II

and a smattering of others when I feel like it.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by sportdan30 »

Is anyone planning on picking up Hogwarts Legacy?

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by AcemanPR »

sportdan30 wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:40 pm
Is anyone planning on picking up Hogwarts Legacy?
I got it. My wife is a big Potter fan, I never read the books or watched the movies, but the game looks great and something we both can participate in together.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by TCrouch »

Played it for a few hours this morning before work--I don't know anything about Harry Potter, but my youngest daughter and a couple of coworkers were so hyped for it that I gave it a shot.

It's the closest thing I can think of that's like being a kid at Disneyland. Everything just has that "awe and wonder" effect on me. The combat feels fantastic (especially on the PS5 Edge controller with the paddles serving as my block/dodge buttons), and the combat is far more impactful than I expected. Even not understanding a thing about the world hasn't really hindered me...they explain stuff pretty well and it's got a nice rhythm to the combat itself. I'm more curious just wandering around the world and interacting with stuff. I was laughing at one part, telling my wife to "look at this!"--and then she proceeded to give me this full explanation of what it was and the history behind it. I had no idea, but it was indeed pretty cool to feel like I'm in this world that I'm completely ignorant of, but everybody else in my house absolutely loves and can fill in the blanks if necessary.

I think I spent 3 hours in the blink of an eye and didn't accomplish much in the way of main story quests other than the initial tutorial stuff. I haven't even truly opened up the "open world" part yet and it's still been that total sense of wonder, like a little kid.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by sportdan30 »

TCrouch wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 3:01 pm
Played it for a few hours this morning before work--I don't know anything about Harry Potter, but my youngest daughter and a couple of coworkers were so hyped for it that I gave it a shot.

It's the closest thing I can think of that's like being a kid at Disneyland. Everything just has that "awe and wonder" effect on me. The combat feels fantastic (especially on the PS5 Edge controller with the paddles serving as my block/dodge buttons), and the combat is far more impactful than I expected. Even not understanding a thing about the world hasn't really hindered me...they explain stuff pretty well and it's got a nice rhythm to the combat itself. I'm more curious just wandering around the world and interacting with stuff. I was laughing at one part, telling my wife to "look at this!"--and then she proceeded to give me this full explanation of what it was and the history behind it. I had no idea, but it was indeed pretty cool to feel like I'm in this world that I'm completely ignorant of, but everybody else in my house absolutely loves and can fill in the blanks if necessary.

I think I spent 3 hours in the blink of an eye and didn't accomplish much in the way of main story quests other than the initial tutorial stuff. I haven't even truly opened up the "open world" part yet and it's still been that total sense of wonder, like a little kid.
Nice impressions! I've only seen the first movie and never read any of the books. Still, it's definitely on my radar.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by Sudz »

sportdan30 wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:42 pm
TCrouch wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 3:01 pm
Played it for a few hours this morning before work--I don't know anything about Harry Potter, but my youngest daughter and a couple of coworkers were so hyped for it that I gave it a shot.

It's the closest thing I can think of that's like being a kid at Disneyland. Everything just has that "awe and wonder" effect on me. The combat feels fantastic (especially on the PS5 Edge controller with the paddles serving as my block/dodge buttons), and the combat is far more impactful than I expected. Even not understanding a thing about the world hasn't really hindered me...they explain stuff pretty well and it's got a nice rhythm to the combat itself. I'm more curious just wandering around the world and interacting with stuff. I was laughing at one part, telling my wife to "look at this!"--and then she proceeded to give me this full explanation of what it was and the history behind it. I had no idea, but it was indeed pretty cool to feel like I'm in this world that I'm completely ignorant of, but everybody else in my house absolutely loves and can fill in the blanks if necessary.

I think I spent 3 hours in the blink of an eye and didn't accomplish much in the way of main story quests other than the initial tutorial stuff. I haven't even truly opened up the "open world" part yet and it's still been that total sense of wonder, like a little kid.
Nice impressions! I've only seen the first movie and never read any of the books. Still, it's definitely on my radar.
I've been wavering on this one, so please keep the impressions coming!

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by sportdan30 »

My gaming habits have changed quite a bit over the last several months. The big AAA games that once appealed to me no longer have that pull. I've passed on games like Tears of the Kingdom and Jedi Survivor. I have little to no interest in Starfield, even though I believe it'll be great. I should be excited about the new Spider-Man 2 game, but don't even know if I'll pick it up day one. Same with the new Forza Motorsport series.

What I have been playing has been Super Mega Baseball 4 and a just a ton of Pinball FX. I've downloaded all the Williams Pinball tables and have been enjoying playing the events and classic mode.

I've recently downloaded Pizza Tower and Dave the Diver on the PC and Mac. Both high on my list of recommendations.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by pigpen81 »

I am with you Dan. My boys have been playing the bigger games (Zelda TotK) while I have enjoyed the smaller games:

I don't have the time, patience and mental endurance to play the big titles much anymore. They make my brain feel tired.

Heroes of Hammerwatch (Switch)
Card Battle Games (Switch and Steam Deck)
I have nearly all of the tables on Pinball FX3 but do not feel like paying for many of the same tables for Pinball FX. :(

My youngest son (15) has played a ton of Super Mega 4 and LOVES it.

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Re: What are you currently playing (2023)?

Post by sportdan30 »

pigpen81 wrote:
Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:16 pm
I am with you Dan. My boys have been playing the bigger games (Zelda TotK) while I have enjoyed the smaller games:

I don't have the time, patience and mental endurance to play the big titles much anymore. They make my brain feel tired.

Heroes of Hammerwatch (Switch)
Card Battle Games (Switch and Steam Deck)
I have nearly all of the tables on Pinball FX3 but do not feel like paying for many of the same tables for Pinball FX. :(

My youngest son (15) has played a ton of Super Mega 4 and LOVES it.
Yep, gone are the days I have the "want" to devote to open world games. Spider-Man and GTA 6 may be the exceptions. I do have a sense of contentment not having the "desire" to play these 20, 30, 50, 100 hour games anymore. But, I am also sad that those days for the most part are behind me. I'd much rather turn on a streaming show now.

I didn't purchase many of the pinball tables on FX3, therefore I don't feel like I'm paying all over again. But I can certainly understand your disappointment and anger. I am being patient and waiting for sales (there is one going on currently). I have plenty of tables to keep me occupied for a long time.

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