I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Jackdog »

School me up brothers,I am ready to game!! I played Conflict Desert Storm all day and most of the night. I killed the Saddam look alike and had some breakfast,great fun! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif">
<BR>Any new titles worth buying? Give me your thoughts please.<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: JackDog on 28-05-2003 06:57 ]</font>

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by DChaps »

Good to have you back. Obviously an extreme understatement, but thank you so much for your hard work and sacrifice.
<BR>As for games:
<BR>I don´t remember if you are into racing games, but Indycar Series for PS2 has been a pleasant surprise for me so far, and its only $39.99. Xbox and PC versions are supposed to be out come late June.
<BR>MotoGP2 for Xbox is also great, but probably not worth a purchase unless you were a big fan of the first game, or never bought the first game.
<BR>Inside Pitch for Xbox is getting slammed in the press, but here and in the SR forums it is being shown to be a decent game, particularly for online play, although it is short on single player features.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>What´s up, my brother? Haven´t talked with you since last week. Back from Indy now. Did you watch the race?
<BR>What console do you have with you? Let me know, and I´ll call or e-mail you a list.
<BR>All the best to you, Carol and Dom. And remember, you´ll still be faster than this slow-ass white boy once you get your new foot! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">Keep the faith, bro.
<BR>Take care,
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Jackdog »

Thanks DChaps I love racing games.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Jackdog »

Brother PK,whats up man? I know your glad to be home man. I did watch the race and I thought it was great. I dont understand the folks that are dissing it,oh well I guess some people are never satisfied.
<BR>Chevy engines suck!!
<BR>I have a NEW X-Box and a GC. Shoot me a list (Jackdingess@aol.com) I will be able to be online with X-Box live in about 47 days!
<BR>Carol and Dom are doing great, we send our best to you and yours
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Neckthai »

<BR>Good to see you back.
<BR>Like others have said, I think the XBOX games to have right now are Moto 2 and Inside Pitch. I still enjoy NHL 2k3, Colin McRae 3, Ghost Recon and High Heat as well.
<BR>I enjoyed talking to you during my visit to Indy. Look me up when you hit live, I´d love to play some online sports games or a little GR with you.
<BR>Thanks for the service and sacrifice to the country, again.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Sudz »

welcome back, JDog!
<BR>if you just got an xbox........pick up halo. great game!
<BR>wsb 2k3 is my current fave!
<BR>if you want BMX XXX for FREE let me know and i´ll send it to you.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Is this your first Xbox? Can´t remember. A few must-haves:
<BR>1. Halo. Best first-person shooter on a console. Ever. Period.
<BR>2. Splinter Cell. Great espionage game that shows off the graphical power of the ´Box.
<BR>3. Pro Race Driver. This is a pure racing game. The driving model is so-so, but the racing is fantastic.
<BR>4. IndyCar Series, when it´s released in June. If the PS2 version is any indication, this game could be a real treat on the Xbox.
<BR>5. Ghost Recon. What everyone else says. Great game.
<BR>6. Amped. If you like extreme sports games, you can´t do much better than Amped, especially at $19.99 new as part of the Platinum Hits collection.
<BR>7. Project Gotham Racing and Rallisport Challenge. Two fine driving games in the $19.99 Platinum Hits collection. Colin McRae is a better rally sim, but it´s not nearly as fun and is very stripped of basic features. I have to recommend Rallisport over it even though I´m a Codies´ zealot.
<BR>8. NHL 2K3. Superb hockey sim with the right sliders. And very fun online with any sliders.
<BR>9. NFL 2K3. Great game, online or offline. Available for $19.99 new. But you may want to wait until August for NFL 2K4, which was the top sports game of the recent E3 show, according to the consenus of many sites, especially Operation Sports.
<BR>10. Moto GP 2. The original was great. The sequel is supposed to be even better. The online play is insane fun.
<BR>11. Inside Pitch. If you want online baseball, this is your only choice. But it´s no consolation prize. This is a very, very solid game.
<BR>12. NBA Inside Drive 2003. The best console basketball game ever made, brother. I HATE the NBA, but this is a great, realistic, fun game.
<BR>There´s a dozen appetizers for you, brother! Hope you can get XBL, too. It´s superb fun.
<BR>Talk with you soon, man,
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by DChaps »

Very good list PK. Are you still enjoying Kelly Slater Pro Surfing? I saw it for $15 over the weekend and almost picked it up.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by RandyM »

Let me see where I stack up on this one:
<BR>1. Halo. - no argument.
<BR>2. Splinter Cell. - no argument
<BR>3. Pro Race Driver. - Pass. A big letdown IMO. Buy it used if at all.
<BR>4. IndyCar Series - Agree.
<BR>5. Ghost Recon. -- Too slow on the XBox and the joystick interface isn´t anywhere near the mouse on the PC.
<BR>7. Project Gotham Racing - Maybe.
<BR>8. Rallisport Challenge. Two fine driving games in the $19.99 Platinum Hits collection. Colin McRae is a better rally sim, but it´s not nearly as fun and is very stripped of basic features. I have to recommend Rallisport over it even though I´m a Codies´ zealot.
<BR>DISAGREE. Buy Colin McRae. At least the stages last longer and there´s some kind of damage model. From a depth standpoint, Rallisport is a pretty face. It´s fine if you can get it for < $20, but don´t spend a dime more on Rallisport. It´s a cheap date.
<BR>>> 8. NHL 2K3. Superb hockey sim with the right sliders. And very fun online with any sliders. >>
<BR>Pretty fun.
<BR>>> 9. NFL 2K3. Great game, online or offline. Available for $19.99 new.
<BR>>> 11. Inside Pitch. If you want online baseball, this is your only choice. But it´s no consolation prize. This is a very, very solid game. >>
<BR>I´m gonna read more reviews <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by pk500 »

No way CMR is worth more than Rallisport. Reasons:
<BR>1. Three seasons in career mode. Then you need to start all over again. That´s a joke.
<BR>2. You can´t drive anything but a Focus in career mode. Silly.
<BR>3. You can´t make any of your service area repair calls yourself. Team does it. Insane.
<BR>4. No car setup options in single rally mode. Even more insane.
<BR>5. Unlockable parts. Not all performance parts are available during the first season. You gradually unlock all performance parts during the seasons of the career mode. You finally get most of them during season three and then, poof, your career is over after the third season. Return to start, do not pass go, do not collect $200, lose all of your parts.
<BR>6. Dodgy damage model. There´s a damage model, but you really have to cream the car to feel the effects.
<BR>Randy, couldn´t disagree with you more about CMR 3.0. I´d pick it up again, but not for more than $20. It´s so devoid of basic features that it´s not worth more than that. Yes, the stages are excellent and the driving model fine, but there were WAY more options and modes available in CMR 2.0 than a supposed evolution of the breed. CMR is a stripped-down stage sim, not a complete game.
<BR>At least Rallisport is more honest. It delivers what it promises: A fun rally game with plenty of modes and cars, gorgeous graphics, and a fun mix of arcade and sim in the driving model. It´s a much more complete game at $20 as part of the Platinum Hits line than CMR 3.0 is at $50.
<BR>Is there any wonder that the Codies will have CMR 4.0 done by the end of this year? No, because all they have to do is restore modes and other removed features from CMR 3.0 to produce a more complete and fulfilling game.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 28-05-2003 12:19 ]</font>
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by HipE »

I´m not sure how long ago you picked your Xbox up Jackdog, or what kind of deal you got, but Circuit City has a great sale this week. For 179.99, you get an Xbox with the JSRF/Sega GT 2002 disc, plus two bonus games, Project Gotham Racing and Inside Drive 2003.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by davet010 »

<BR>Hope you are feeling a little better, sir !
<BR>As for Xbox games, how about...
<BR>NCAA 2003 (the reason I bought a US Xbox, rather than a UK one. Still gets loads of play)
<BR>Timesplitters 2 (good for single and multi play)
<BR>Splinter Cell (even if I am rubbish at it)
<BR>Project Gotham Racing
<BR>Morrowind (plenty of play in it, if RPGs are your thing).
<BR>Not really convinced by NFL 2k3 or NHL 2k3. I feel the former is overrated, with a poor interface and awful franchise mode. NHL 2k3 just seemed like very hard work - if I knew that much about hockey and could put it into practice, I´d probably be in the NHL..apart from the fact that I am 36 and work as an accountant
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
<BR>Best wishes to you and your family.
<BR>PS - Just put 20 fine British pounds on the Bengals at 200-1...£10 each way. If that comes in, I may just pop over to brighten all of your lives.... <BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: davet010 on 28-05-2003 13:59 ]</font>
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by bkrich83 »

Jackdog, GREAT to have you back in with us. We still on for that Boltz vs. Packers bet??
<BR>If your gonna get XBL:
<BR>I can´t reccomend Inside Pitch enough if you like baseball. I have had as much fun playing this game online as any other XBL game.
<BR>MotoGP2. Another blast to play online, I am really digging this game.
<BR>Return to Castle Wolfenstien. - Very addictive FPS shooter that plays great online. One of those games where your like "Holy crap, 4 hours just flew by"

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by RandyM »

>> 1. Three seasons in career mode. Then you need to start all over again. That´s a joke. >>
<BR>And the equivalent mode in Rallisport is...what? Trying to re-do those races to see if you can rack up more Rallisport points than you did the previous 30 runs?
<BR>>> 2. You can´t drive anything but a Focus in career mode. Silly. >>
<BR>Okay, fine.
<BR>>> 3. You can´t make any of your service area repair calls yourself. Team does it. Insane. >>
<BR>As opposed to....what exactly in Rallisport? Besides, do you think Colin McRae makes his repairs himself? His team judges which damage is most important and fixes it.
<BR>>> 4. No car setup options in single rally mode. Even more insane. >>
<BR>Yeah, I much prefer the Low/Med/High gear setup ratios In Rallisport so I can listen to the needle bang up against the red line on every straight. Car setup options at least exist at a more reasonable level in CMR.
<BR>>> 5. Unlockable parts. Not all performance parts are available during the first season. You gradually unlock all performance parts during the seasons of the career mode. You finally get most of them during season three and then, poof, your career is over after the third season. Return to start, do not pass go, do not collect $200, lose all of your parts. >>
<BR>Eh, whatever, I doubt that either Rallisport or CMR will get 3 seasons worth of gameplay for what they are.
<BR>>> 6. Dodgy damage model. There´s a damage model, but you really have to cream the car to feel the effects. >>
<BR>Gee, sounds like Rallisport....
<BR>>> Randy, couldn´t disagree with you more about CMR 3.0. I´d pick it up again, but not for more than $20. It´s so devoid of basic features that it´s not worth more than that. Yes, the stages are excellent and the driving model fine, but there were WAY more options and modes available in CMR 2.0 than a supposed evolution of the breed. CMR is a stripped-down stage sim, not a complete game. >>
<BR>And with all that, it´s still about 5 times the Rally title that Rallisport is.
<BR>>> At least Rallisport is more honest.
<BR>Ah, so it´s bad, but at least it´s honest about being bad.
<BR>>> It delivers what it promises: A fun rally game with plenty of modes and cars, gorgeous graphics, and a fun mix of arcade and sim in the driving model. >>
<BR>I found it to be more tedious than fun. The stages are ridiculously short, the scoring system has nothing to do with rallying, and almost every criticism of CMR can be made x 2 against Rallisport.
<BR>>> It´s a much more complete game at $20 as part of the Platinum Hits line than CMR 3.0 is at $50. >>
<BR>Whatever, dude.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>You´re comparing an arcade rally game (Rallisport) to a sim rally game (CMR 3.0). Do you hold NFL Blitz to the same standards as Madden and NFL 2K3? Burnout to the same standards as Gran Turismo?
<BR>My simple opinion is that Rallisport is a more complete arcade rally experience than CMR is a sim rally experience. Rallisport doesn´t promise realism, but it does promise nice graphics and many fun, different modes (rally, rallycross, ice racing, hill climb), and delivers.
<BR>CMR 3 promises a true sim rally experience, and it doesn´t deliver. Last time I checked, rally teams have all of their parts available at the first race of the season, drivers can have input about which repairs are made after debriefs, and drivers´ careers don´t end after three seasons.
<BR>So if you´re calling CMR 3 a complete rally sim experience, your expectations are a hell of a lot lower than mine and a lot lower than I expected.
<BR>I don´t take the elitist approach toward all driving games. If the game is fun, I don´t care if it features Batman flames and 14,000 horsepower while cow sh*t drops from the back of the car -- I´ll play it. Especially when compared to a sim that offers little incentive to play the career mode and no tuning options for single races.
<BR>I play driving games to have fun, not to fulfill any kind of Walter Mitty professional racing car driver fantasies. Realism is a vital part of that fun, but I can more than tolerate an arcade driving game if it´s a hell of a lot of fun. And Rallisport delivers in that regard for me. CMR 3 didn´t.
<BR>The whole time I drove in the career mode, even when winning, I said, "What´s the point?" My career would be over in three seasons, win or lose, and I´d lose all my parts. Would Gran Turismo have the same appeal for many if you lost all of your cars and parts after three seasons of racing and you had to start all over again with driving tests and car/parts accumulating?
<BR>Many people have praised CMR´s driving model, including me. But you´re one of the only -- if not the only -- person I´ve found on the Net defending the paucity of options and modes.
<BR>Again, to each their own. I expect more for my money. I expect a sequel to add features, not remove many of them, especially when that sequel costs 50 bones.
<BR>I also know Jack´s taste in games, and he´s not a total gearhead. So I would never try to force a rally sim down his throat when I think he and his son would have more overall, pure fun playing an arcade/sim mix like Rallisport.
<BR>Fun -- isn´t that what gaming´s about?
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 28-05-2003 16:39 ]</font>
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Neckthai »

Does every thread have to degrade into an argument between PK and Randy? <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>To quote Rodney King "Can´t we all just get along?"

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by pk500 »

Well, Randy opened himself up to a response by offering an item-by-item critique of my list to Jack.
<BR>Notice how I was the only person whom he played Rex Reed with their selections. It´s not the first time, certainly won´t be the last. Why the fixation with me, I don´t know.
<BR>I certainly wouldn´t dissect his top 10 or 12 Xbox games list for Jack, if he offered one. I would look at it, shake my head yes or no, and move on. But instead he just offered his takes on my list instead of providing one of his own.
<BR>Oh, well. Fine. But if he thinks I´m going to sit back, well ... <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 28-05-2003 16:08 ]</font>
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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by RandyM »

Naw, I just have an affinity for racing games and I disagreed enough with the Rallisport vs. McRae thing.
<BR>Yes I agree CMR was a disappointment in many ways, but not never had me ready to break the controller in half the way Rallisport did.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Jackdog »

Wow thanks for the heads up fellas. Damn its good to see PK rant again <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
<BR>IP sounds like a must and any racing game I can sit down with my son and play sounds cool. We dont want to have to think ,we just want to have fun. And most of the racing games mentioned sound fun.
<BR>Neck it was cool to talk to ya brother,I am glad you and PK made it home safely.
<BR>"Jackdog, GREAT to have you back in with us. We still on for that Boltz vs. Packers bet?? "
<BR>Thanks BK and HELL YES! I cant wait man.Football season cant get here fast enough. I am pumped about NCAA 2004 and NFL2K4.
<BR>Sudz thank you for your kind offer man.
<BR>Hip thanks for the heads up brother.
<BR>Thanks again fellas. I am glad to read all your posts and know some things never change. In this case thats a very good thing
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif">

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Sudz »

"Sudz thank you for your kind offer man."
<BR>game isn´t that great, but you get some enjoyment out of it.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by bkrich83 »

jack drop me an email, when you get a chance I need your email address.
<BR>bkrich@operationsports.com<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: bkrich83 on 28-05-2003 22:39 ]</font>

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by Jackdog »

BK hit me at <a href="mailto:Jackdingess@aol.co" target="_new">Jackdingess@aol.co</a> or <a href="mailto:Caroldingess@aol.com" target="_new">Caroldingess@aol.com</a> look forward to hearing from you.

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I am ready to game! Whats the hot games right now?

Post by bkrich83 »

Cool Jack, I´ll shoot you an email this afternoon.

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