PS3 Impressions Yes Another One....

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PS3 Impressions Yes Another One....

Post by bdunn13 »

I picked up the last 600 version with a warranty from a local EB today. In 11 months, I will be getting a new PS3 :) I can assure you. That 60 bucks will not go unused, if the machine last that long(crosses fingers).

I did not buy any games with it as there is nothing out as of yet that interest me in the least. I mainly got the machine as a Blu-Ray player for netflix. It comes with Taledaga Nights on Blu-Ray. I was hoping I could return this movie next week to Walmart and exchange it but there is no UPC on the movie box and it says "for demonstration purposes not for resale" on the back of the box, so that idea is out.

The first thing I did after hookin up the system via HDMI(had to buy the cable) was try to register for the Sony network. I could not do this though as I had to update my system. So, I started to update and it took around 15 minutes or so to download the patch, then another 5 or so to apply it. All went smooth.

After the update, I started the process for registering for the network. I am not sure how it works, but I think it binds to your console's serial number as it asked if I wanted to register a primary or seconday account. I chose primary. The registration was pretty smooth. You don't use a typical QWERTY keyboard for registering, you instead use what looks like a phone pad and you have to hit X a certain amount of times to get the letter you want. You have an option to opt out of all contact, but I chose to let Sony contact me via my spam email address. I also chose not to enter any billiing information for premium content as that stuff does not interest me much at all.

After I registered, I added 2 friends that I know of that own PS3s, the send friend request is very similar to the xbox live method. I am still awaiting them to accept.

I then check out the web browser thats built in. Its look pretty damn good in 1080p. I just wish it was wider to take up the whole screen. After that I hit the sony store and downloaded some F1 racing demo. That took around 20-30 minutes to download and was close to 700megs. After the download I did one race and though the game was damn smooth. The motion blur was nice but sort of made me sick(or I thought it would make me sick after a long play) as I get motion sickness from some games(mainly 1p shooters).

I then opened the Blu-Ray movie and started it. I played the trailers on the disc and DAMN they looked kick ass. Using the ps3 controller for navigating the menus is a pain. I wish this thing had a nice remote or it would work with my harmony. The movie did not look that great but it was better than a normal DVD. I did not watch it much as I need to hoop up my surround sound before I watch it. I like the fact that you can bring up the dvd menu and keep watching the movie, however I could not figure out how to navigate the pop up menu in the movie. Also, the initial menu on the movie looked damn good too.. .much much better than a normal DVD movie. I can see myself falling in love with Blu-Ray... I hope more titles are released in this format quickly before I have a chance to watch them on DVD.

The ps3 controller seems light and well, not too solid but plenty good enough. I love the new L2/R2 buttons. When the next wave of sports games come out, I will be torn on which console to get them for ps3/360 as my friends will mostly be on Live but I prefer the ps3 style controller and well 1080p(the 360 needs HDMI).

Also, the initial setup was easy. My house is wired so I plugged in the included cat5 cable to my wall and everything worked perfectly.

The console itself seems VERY heavy, maybe b/c the power box is included inside the console...

Well, thats all for now. Will post more later if I think of anything or try to answer some questions.


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Post by 10spro »

Congrats on your purchase, I am curious as to why it took 15 minutes to just download the latest firmware.

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Post by bdunn13 »

10spro wrote:Congrats on your purchase, I am curious as to why it took 15 minutes to just download the latest firmware.
No idea.. The last 30% went very fast for some reason.. as in seconds.. could have been my network.

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Post by Badgun »

Welcome to the dark side, man. Feel free to add me as a friend. My PS account name is Badgun.

I currently have Resistance and Ridge Racer. If you're curious about Madden, don't be. While it does look slightly better on the PS3, the gameplay is unchanged.

Like you, I'm more enamored with the Blu ray drive than anything else right now. I have already bought Ice Age 2 and the Fifth Element and have Netflixed Superman Returns, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Sleepy Hollow.

Having both a PS3 and HD-DVD drive for the 360, I can tell you that when a movie comes out on both formats, Blu Ray is definitely going to be my choice.

Things should definitely get interesting this spring when the first batch of NEW games come out on the PS3. MLB 07 THe Show, Eye of Judgement, Heavenly Sword, and others really interest me.

Anyway, congrats on purchasing a great system and I'll be looking for that friend invite.

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Post by Brando70 »

BDunn, thanks for the impressions. Were you watching the movie on a 1080p set?

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Post by wco81 »

There is a remote due after the New Year I think. Hopefully, someone will make a USB dongle to use infrared remotes. Or Harmony has a 890 model which uses RF but then there is some dongle which translates to IR. So maybe they can make a IR to Bluetooth dongle.

What kind of 1080p panel do you have? PS3 is suppose to get a firmware update to output 1080p24 and next year, there are suppose to be displays which display 1080p24/48/72 to play back without judder or any kind of pulldown processing. Currently, 1080p24 support is only available on the Sony standalone Blu-Ray player.

I heard that someone just hooked up a Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse, hooking up the USB dongle to one of the USB ports, and it just worked. Would be nice setup if the browser is usable on a big screen while you're sitting several feet away on the couch. Shame that you can't resize the browser to use the resolution. But if you really want to surf and do more computing, you could always install Linux.

I tried NBA 07, the Sony game. It didn't seem that bad to me. There was a force field like most hoops games but if you really worked at it with the right stick moves, you could juke and find a clear lane. But the moves weren't over the top like in NBA Live. Once I doubled Nowitzski with Jason Williams of the Heat and he dumped the pass to a wide-open Terry for a jumper. I don't remember any hoops game AI doing that (although you would think they should all do that).

Would I pay $60 for it? No but if it came down to half price, I might. I see X360 games being discounted months or even weeks after release so that's what I'll be looking for.

If NBA2K7 is way better graphically and gameplay-wise as many have said, that could be worth an immediate purchase. Main thing is if there are a lot of people playing online, especially if people are trying to play anything more than 1 on 1 games.

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Post by bdunn13 »

Brando70 wrote:BDunn, thanks for the impressions. Were you watching the movie on a 1080p set?
Yes, I have a 60'' sony SXRD/XBR2 tv(just got it last week... bought it saturday after thanksgiving.. got a damn good deal IMO).

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Post by bdunn13 »

badgun, I will add you this evening... Just don't expect me to play anything with you as I don't have anything :)


I am not sure if the linux distro is out yet. If it is, you can be assured I will give it a shot.

I also got a popup message when I was doing something that said I could insert a usb keyboard... I did not do this as I did not feel like going to look for mine.

A remote would be nice, but I would not get it as I have a harmony 880 and thats the only remote thats allowed on my table :) Now a usb dongle would be great.

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Post by wco81 »

Did you get last year's SXRD or this year's?

Last year models didn't take 1080p input. It would just double 1080i.

This year, it supposedly does take 1080p but it's not using HDMI 1.3.

Next year, it will probably have HDMI 1.3 and have 24/48/72 refresh rates.

But probably not at as good a price initially as you probably got.

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Post by fatheadX »

Badgun, why do you like Blu-Ray better than HD DVD, besides the name?

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Post by RandyM »

Right now the only really appealing feature of the PS3 to me is the ability to interface with my PSP. I already downloaded the firmware update that lets me control the PS3 from my PSP, but obviously I have no idea what that implies, and whether or not game developers will take advantage of this. (If you could access football playbooks on the PSP, that would rock, for instance).

However, everything else gets a shrug and a 'so-what' from me.

The reviews I've read so far of HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray indicate that, if anything, the compression scheme used in HD-DVD looks better than Blu-Ray, and therefore the head-to-head comparison of movies has tilted in favor of HD DVD. Second, just about everyone BESIDES Sony has also agreed to do HD DVD, and those that haven't are seriously wavering (Disney for example).

I'm rather annoyed that we are yet again in a format-war, and yet again, Sony is right in the thick of it. Why can't they just for once go along with the crowd...first betamax, then minidiscs, then memory sticks.....sigh.

Anyway, I've yet to hear anyone tell me that games look substantially better than XBox 360 games, whether or not they are ports or originals. Maybe PS3 is more powerful, maybe it isn't. But the proof is in the games, and the proof is not there yet. By the time it is, the PS3 should be more widely available, and I'll re-evaluate then. But in the meantime, this longtime Sony Playstation fan is sitting on the sidelines....I'm just not feeling the urge to spend.

On the other hand, I did add a Wii to my Christmas list, but not for technology reasons. It's more of a novelty game system for me, that might be fun for certain types of games, and doesn't require a $600 investment to get on board ;)


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Post by bdunn13 »

wco81 wrote:Did you get last year's SXRD or this year's?

Last year models didn't take 1080p input. It would just double 1080i.

This year, it supposedly does take 1080p but it's not using HDMI 1.3.

Next year, it will probably have HDMI 1.3 and have 24/48/72 refresh rates.

But probably not at as good a price initially as you probably got.
Yeah, I have the xbr2(this year's model). My fiance told me I could not talk about TV's for 5 years.... so me getting next year's model is out :)

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Post by wco81 »

RandyM wrote:The reviews I've read so far of HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray indicate that, if anything, the compression scheme used in HD-DVD looks better than Blu-Ray, and therefore the head-to-head comparison of movies has tilted in favor of HD DVD. Second, just about everyone BESIDES Sony has also agreed to do HD DVD, and those that haven't are seriously wavering (Disney for example).
Nobody else has agreed to do HD-DVD. Please cite your source.

If you want to get an HD-DVD player, your choices are Toshiba and the X360 Add-On, which uses a Toshiba drive, I believe.

All of the major electronics makers are lined up behind Blu-Ray, including the big one, Matsushita (Panasonic). This is the reverse of the Beta vs. VHS situation, where Matsushita was king-maker for VHS.

Disney has not officially said they will release on HD-DVD as well as Blu-Ray. Fox is even more hardcore about Blu-Ray because Blu-Ray has an extra layer of security (not necessarily better for consumers but better from their POV). Sony Pictures of course won't flip to HD-DVD until Blu-Ray is completely dead.

So right now, Blu-Ray has more hardware and software support. Period.

However, if PS3 doesn't sell as quickly and in as high a number as expected, the studios may re-evaluate later on. But the PS3 has been out less than a month so they won't be making those kinds of decisions for at least a year.

That means if you want Disney, Fox, Sony and MGM movies in high-definition disc, you have to get them in Blu-Ray. Only HD-DVD exclusive studio is Universal. Warners and Paramount are releasing titles on both formats.

One exception I just remembered. Toshiba is banking on cheap Chinese-brand HD-DVD players to help spread their format. That is suppose to happen some time next year.

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Post by Kazuya »

Now that someone has ruined a perfectly good PS3 thread with yet another "I have no interest in a PS3, my 360 looks better, blah blah" (how can there be anybody left who thinks we haven't heard this spin?), I predict this thread goes down the drain in... 3.... 2.... 1.....

I've seen both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD now on good 1080p screens and they both look absolutely OUTSTANDING. I'm very tempted to get the 360 HD-DVD because that's the cheapest route for me, but the awkward connections and the format war makes me hesitate. I know that the first Blu-Ray player looked horrible next to HD-DVD, but once they fixed the issue with that model playback was brought up to the same level.
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Post by bdunn13 »

Okay, I will try to get the thread back on topic so it does not get locked.

The ps3 controller has a USB connection on it. I have not read the manual but I assume this is how its charged(by hooking it up to the PS3 or another USB controlling system). This is pretty cool, but I prefer user replaceable batteries like AA.

I have a PSP as well that I never use. I guess I could try using that as a remote instead of the controller. No idea how or if it would even work.


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Post by Kissrox »

Great article from CNET. A few months old. I'm going to do what they said and sit this one out for a while until someone wins. DVD's are still great and cheap. I'm tempted, though, to buy the 360 HD-DVD drive for $199.00. What a bargin!

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Post by RandyM »

>> Nobody else has agreed to do HD-DVD. Please cite your source.

Sorry I wasn't more explicit - I was referring to movie studios and discs, not the players.

>> Disney has not officially said they will release on HD-DVD as well as Blu-Ray. >>

No, but they are wavering.

>> So right now, Blu-Ray has more hardware and software support. Period.

But the articles I've read say that HD DVD sales are substantially higher. Hmm..

>> That means if you want Disney, Fox, Sony and MGM movies in high-definition disc, you have to get them in Blu-Ray. Only HD-DVD exclusive studio is Universal. Warners and Paramount are releasing titles on both formats.>>

That's a pretty sad situation, as I indicated. We've got several studios who are exclusive to one format. That's bad for us as consumers.


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Post by bdunn13 »

Kissrox wrote:

Great article from CNET. A few months old. I'm going to do what they said and sit this one out for a while until someone wins. DVD's are still great and cheap. I'm tempted, though, to buy the 360 HD-DVD drive for $199.00. What a bargin!
You could of gotten it for 160 last week at CC.

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Post by RandyM »

If someone else comes on the thread and says they prefer the blu-ray to HD DVD, no one is allowed to respond? Sheesh...


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Post by bdunn13 »

RandyM wrote:If someone else comes on the thread and says they prefer the blu-ray to HD DVD, no one is allowed to respond? Sheesh...

The thread is for first person impressions.

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Post by Kazuya »

RandyM wrote:If someone else comes on the thread and says they prefer the blu-ray to HD DVD, no one is allowed to respond? Sheesh...

That's not what I had issue with, careful reading is your friend.

BTW, I apologize for singling you out; you don't have a high post count and may not be terribly familiar with all of the wars on here. Just seems like a decent thread was about to go into the crapper on the basis of "vs", whether it's PS3 vs 360 or Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD (which are inextricably linked to the first pair). Carry on.
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Post by Spooky »

Had a chance to get a PS3 yesterday and passed. I wanted the Blu-Ray player but still am just not feeling the overall package at this point. I have spent a bit more time with it at our kiosk (after hours) and still leave feeling unimpressed.

I have no feeling of excitement for anything that they are doing. Again, I am sure this will change once the library of games gets rolling, but I still think it is a very disappointing and very unexciting launch.

And even when trying to view this thing with the most un-prejudiced of eyes, I still see more jagged edges and slowdown than most all 360 games that I have played (both old and new).
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Post by GameSeven »

Kazuya wrote:That's not what I had issue with, careful reading is your friend.
Here are the 360 quotes in this thread, prior to your knee-jerk reaction:
bdunn13 wrote:I will be torn on which console to get them for ps3/360 as my friends will mostly be on Live but I prefer the ps3 style controller
Badgun wrote:Having both a PS3 and HD-DVD drive for the 360, I can tell you that when a movie comes out on both formats, Blu Ray is definitely going to be my choice.
RandyM wrote:Anyway, I've yet to hear anyone tell me that games look substantially better than XBox 360 games, whether or not they are ports or originals. Maybe PS3 is more powerful, maybe it isn't.
wco81 wrote:If you want to get an HD-DVD player, your choices are Toshiba and the X360 Add-On, which uses a Toshiba drive, I believe
So, careful reader, where was the "I have no interest in a PS3, my 360 looks better" line? I have zero interest in the pissing match PS3 threads become around here, yet I do follow them as I might be down with trying to get one down the road. But when you start your countdown for the thread going down the crapper, consider your own contribution to the process.


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Post by Badgun »

fatheadX wrote:Badgun, why do you like Blu-Ray better than HD DVD, besides the name?
The name has nothing to do with it. I am just more impressed with Blue ray than I am HD DVD at this point. I own multiple titles of both formats and I have also been Netflixing both formats and EVERYTHING I have seen just looks sharper and more vibrant on Blu ray. That's not to say that HD DVD is bad or anything, I just happen to think Blu ray looks and sounds better.

Actually, I wish it was the other way around as the HD DVD drive came with a nice media remote and the PS3 has to be controlled with a controller that has very limited functionality when watching DVDs.

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Post by fatheadX »

Thanks for the comparison. I happen to hate the name HD DVD, it's just too many letters and I hate trying to explain it to someone, so I was just making a dumb joke. Blu-Ray does sound pretty cool, though.

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