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World of Warcraft Updates...

Post by GROGtheNailer »

I'm curious to know how your characters are doing, so tell me.

I'm level 25 Undead Warrior. The game has gotten even better, I thought I would of been tired with it by now or the game itself become repetitive to me. Not at all, this is for sure, 100 % my fav game of all time. one thing that impresses me every time i boot it up is how smooth and beautiful the graphics are and how different the area's are.

I'm also addicted to the auctins, check that out every day. Those playing, still liking it? How is your characters doing?

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Post by James_E »

I started with a human rogue, got her to L15.

Then fiddled with a mage, gave up after L5. I do have an L4 Tauren Druid on another server too, but have not been playing him.

Now, my favourite character is my human paladin, who's now L16 and working the quests in the Westfall area. This paladin has resurrect ability now (L12 skill) so that is really good for grouping. I e-mailed all my rogue's money to this character. I only just tried the Auction house last night on a quick trip to Ironforge, but have not bought anything yet. I usually sell my linen just using General Chat or Trade channel, and I get prices as good or better than those listed in the AH.

The game is just keeping me drawn in like no other. It's amazing. Once you get going on a quest or two, it's hard to stop. Recently did my first Gryphon ride too and that was totally amazing. I've been finding some pretty good people to group with and that's adding to the fun. (Although last night I grouped with a priest, who was always jumping around and spoke in the 3rd person in the party chat channel... wonder if it was our old friend commonsense?)

My wife says I'm addicted... and she's right. I really don't play anything else right now. Just did a fresh format and OS reinstall on my PC and the only things I installed for me are WoW and FM 2005 (which of course I have not touched either.)

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Post by Sudz »

L15 Tauren Warrior

just took my 1st flight! awesome still. at this point i an just trying to level up and do some mining.

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Post by RobVarak »

L16 Dwarven Paladin. The last week has been a work crunch, so most of my online time has been short xbl sessions. I plan on plunging in a lot more this week.
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Post by Badgun »

I'm still enjoying it pretty much, but I am getting to the point that every quest I get is an elite quest.

I have a level 35 night elf druid and one cool thing was I got my travel form at level 30 which allows me to turn into a cheetah and get a speed increase of 50%. That makes those long runs a lot shorter. Looking forward to getting my mount at level 40, but Lord knows where I'm going to get 100 gold from to afford it. I've only got 20 gold right now, and my next spells are going to cost 1g+ each.

I still enjoy running around and killing stuff for loot and EXP, but out of the 20 quests in my log, 18 of them are elite quests. My fear is that the bulk of my future quests will be that way, too.

Here's an example of the quests I'm getting now.

1. Go into some castle or building and bring back the head of King Rapunzel who happens to be a level 38 elite surrounded by level 35 elite guards.

2. Go to the shore and fetch one elder snapjaw crocolisk skin...the elder crocolisks are level 38 elites.

3. I had one quest called Panther Mastery where I had to kill 10 level 32 panthers. Done. After that I had to kill 10 level 37 shadow panthers who happen to be invisible, you just have to go where they are and run around to one aggros on you. Done. Now, to finish the quest, I have to kill this named panther who happens to be a level 43 elite.

4. Get 15 Stromgard badges off of the rebels there who all happen to be level 35 and 36 elites. We took a group of 5 there Saturday and got owned bigtime because the respawn rate is so bad that the last one you killed will respawn on you before you can kill the one you're currently working on.

So while there is still a lot to enjoy about the game, I am pretty much screwed in terms of playing the game the way I want to and now have to rely on other people if I want to continue to do quests. In my opinion, the quests are what make this game so much fun, but when I look at my questlog, I can't find one quest I can do without a full group. What that does is take away the whole concept of logging in for 30 minutes to an hour and doing a quest and logging back off.

Don't get me wrong, the game is still a lot of fun, but I have just accepted the fact that I will just have to get my EXP the old EQ grinding.

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Post by webdanzer »

"I am pretty much screwed in terms of playing the game the way I want to and now have to rely on other people if I want to continue to do quests. In my opinion, the quests are what make this game so much fun, but when I look at my questlog, I can't find one quest I can do without a full group. What that does is take away the whole concept of logging in for 30 minutes to an hour and doing a quest and logging back off. "

I'm currently enjoying the game as a lvl 22 rogue, but I've already seen signs of this sneaking up on me too. And I'd dislike it for the same reasons, Bad; I could no longer log in at anytime for any amount of time and still feel like I'd be able to make some progress.

Now you'd have to assemble your guild or group, or shout around for an impromptu assembly, etc.

This would greatly diminish my enjoyment of the game as well.

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Post by GROGtheNailer »

Are you guys travelling to different area's? I've had some elite quests I didnt think i was ready for so went to a diff land and it seemed there were quests perfect for me, then again...i'm at level 25 right now...not 32.

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Post by webdanzer »

Yep, Grog, which is why I'm not where Bad is yet. Still plugging along fine!

But even when I travel, I now notice that there are more elite quests, and they are available more quickly. If the trend keeps up, I can see how Badgun is running into trouble.

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Post by TCrouch »

My PC blew up on me, and after I replaced the HDD and got my OS up and running...found out that my wife lost her WoW CD's. Mine didn't work from day one (bad install media, kept failing. I should have replaced them, but I didn't).

So now I have a newly formatted PC with no WoW, and no way to install it.

Good stuff.

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Post by James_E »

Terry, I'll send you my CDs if you want.

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Post by TCrouch »

Truly appreciated, but I wouldn't if I were you. I'm moving in a month anyway, so worst case I'm sure it surfaces at that time. She probably stuffed it in a box and buried it, but she can't remember where.

Either way, I might just try copying her install (we're networked) and see if it will launch. I doubt there's many complicated registry entries, since the game loads so quickly anyway. I'll see how it goes.

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Post by TheMightyPuck »

I'm playing a Mage on Daggerspine. Just hit 41 and got my mechanical chicken thanks so a 15 gold loan from a guildmate. Haven't played much this weekend so I need to hunker down and make some cash before I get my legs broken. I'm on a PVP server so soloing is always fraught with peril. Especially in Stranglethorn. I've lost count of the number of times I left my guy AFK in Nesingwary's camp while grabbing a bite and coming back 5 minutes later to a corpse. I did get the satisfaction of punking a 35 rogue a while back after he hit me when i was fighting a mob and practically out of mana and hp. Got a sheep on him just in time. Thank you Power of Mind. Finished off mob. Bandaged up. Got some distance. Sheep broke and the fool ran at me. Popped a mana potion and gem and tore the guy an new one. I'm still having fun with this one but I'm going to take a break for a bit once I've paid off my debts to let my friends catch up to me. I have two friends that I play with using Skype and it makes the game way more fun.

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Post by pigpen81 »

I am a level 23 Dwarf Hunter, and currently in the Ashenvale area.

I can now easily travel beteen Auberdine, Wetlands, Loch Modan, Ironforge, Darnassus, Westfall, and Stonetalon so if anyone wants to group let me know.

James, I have a few quests to finish at Westfall.

I love the tranquility of this game, it is relaxing to play.

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Post by GROGtheNailer »

I'm in Ashenvale and Stone Talon a lot lately. Whats your Character name? Mine is Grogthenailr

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Post by webdanzer »


I have a bunch of Deadmines quests I still need to do. Did you do that one yet?

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Post by Danimal »

Got my Tauren Warrior up yo 22 or so. Was never at a shortage for quest, but couldn't do any of the Elite quests by myself and finding a group sucked. Still I was never at a lack of things to do.

started a Human Rogue (Lvl 12) on Windrunner to play with some of you guys. I saw TC on once, and pigpen on once that is it. I got the rogue up to level 1 real quick and now the quests have dried up. Stormwind has almost no quests that I can find, I think I received like 3, but I see like 2 other white ones right now and no one else has an exclamation point. I have done everything at Goldshire and have just moved to Westfall, were the quests are a little boring. I'm either missing something big or the human area is just not as well structures as the Tauren area.
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Post by Sudz »

there is a bunch of people who think warriors are "nerfed". thoughts on that? i'm enjoying my warrior.

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Post by James_E »

Web and pigpen... I just got my first deadmines quest. I'd be up for grouping.

Danimal: the initial quests in westfall are boring (collect oats, westfall stew etc.) But once you get over to Sentinel hill and start getting quests there they get better.

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Post by pigpen81 »

character name is "pigpen"

I haven't done Deadmines yet, so I would love to get that in

I'll be home around 10 EST and can play for an hour or so.

Danimal, go to Loch Modan and Westfall, I leveled up quick there when I was past the 10 range.

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Post by Danimal »

James and Pgi,

Thanks for the advice, I am in Westfall now, I have no idea where Loch Modan is :)

I guess my point is the Tauren quests as a warrior were nicely paced and had me going to different zones. So while I could do the whole thunderbluff area, it also had me go to Origmar. I had to past through the Barrens to get there and the Barrens were too tough for me, but once I got to Origmar I had a ton of mission in my range.

As a human I have been in elwyn forest forever, also I have only upgraded my armor once as a rogue at level 13 which means I am getting hit a lot. I can't afford anything in Stormwind and I don't know where else to shop.
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Post by davet010 »

Got about 3 weeks to wait, then I'll be joining you...
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Post by GROGtheNailer »

Well, time for updates for who ever is still playing WOW. Reached level 60 about 3 weeks ago and still havibg a blast. Sold an Arcanite Reaper today for 1500 gold and promptly bought my epic mount. Been ding a lot of high level instances too. This game still rocks after 4-5 months!

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Post by Diablo25 »

I may have to get this game soon. I have a buddy who raves about it. I have an extended period of time off coming (Im a teacher) so I may give it a whirl.

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Post by pigpen81 »

WTG Grog

I am close to level 35, messing around in Desolace at the moment.

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Post by Sudz »

level 37 baby!

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