OT: Hand washing, or lack thereof

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OT: Hand washing, or lack thereof

Post by sportdan30 »

Has anyone experienced this in their work place? You go to the restroom, you do what you gotta do. You're washing your hands with soap and water and then you notice.... A guy who's just finished using the urinal or dropping the kids off at the pool walks immediately out of the bathroom wthout washing his hands! Just what are they thinking? It's absolutely disgusting if you ask me. And some of these guys are high up in their jobs so you know they're shaking others hands in meetings, etc.

With a potential bad flu outbreak and lack of the vaccine available, one has to think of taking every possible precaution to stay healthy. It's literally impossible when you have these individuals blatantly bypassing cleanliness!

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Post by F308GTB »

Yep. Grosses me out. I don't think even half the country washes the old dukes. I wash each time afterwards and then some. Touch too many doors, wash the hands. Before I eat anything, wash the hands. I admit I get a little lazy at home after a whiz but them's my germs and the only one touching my hands after would be my wife, and she's looked that one eyed worm in the eye plenty of times.

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Post by Leebo33 »

What bothers me is when you are taking a crap and someone moves into a stall right next to you even though there are plenty of open stalls to choose from.

I almost always wash my hands unless I am in a high-traffic public facility that forces me to touch something. If so, I'll take my chances as my penis has got to be cleaner than a towel dispenser touched by 1,000 men (please no jokes about my penis being touched by 1,000 men).

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Post by wco81 »

Does this have anything to do with the fact that all members of Congress, their staff and their families get all the flu shots they want while at the same time, the rest of the country is being asked to sacrifice and forego flu shots unless they're very young or very old?

And Bill Frist's justification was that members of Congress shake a lot of hands?

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Post by F308GTB »

Leebo33 wrote:What bothers me is when you are taking a crap and someone moves into a stall right next to you even though there are plenty of open stalls to choose from.

I almost always wash my hands unless I am in a high-traffic public facility that forces me to touch something. If so, I'll take my chances as my penis has got to be cleaner than a towel dispenser touched by 1,000 men.
Nothing worse than the sound and smell of a men's room after lunch.

The answer to the towel dilemna is to pre-dispense.

1. Cycle the dispenser a few times to get adequate paper coverage
2. Turn on faucet
3. Wash hands thoroughly
4. Keep water running
5. Tear off paper and dry hands
6. Keeping paper between your hands and faucet, turn off faucet
7. Retain paper in same position to use as a hermetical barrier between your skin and the door you must open
8. Open door with said hermetically protected hands

Paranoid? Perhaps. Clean hands after a trip to the s*** hall? You bet.

Damn if I had some scary moments here in Japan. Half the public bathrooms don't even have soap. Fortunately even though I can crap 3-5 times a day, I have an uncanny knack to hold the fudge in while in public or on those 13 hour trans-pacific flights. And don't even get me started on how much paper I have to lay down on the seat to keep my lilly white ass from touching a warm seat. No offense to any of you if I take a crap after you, but my ass is just as sacred as my hands.

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Post by wco81 »

Somebody is a germophobe. 8)

Hygiene is nice but we're using so much anti-bacterial agents that bugs are getting stronger.

Plus, there seems to be some evidence that people who live in ultra-hygienic environments are more vulnerable to certain diseases if they ever are out of those controlled environments. Their immune systems never develop antibodies because they are never exposed to a lot of things most people take for granted.

BTW, I've been hearing some scary things about West Nile virus. Our mosquito abatement programs have been non-existent for decades.

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Post by Brando70 »

I 100% wash my hands after I clear room under the salary cap. It's common courtesy.

I probably average 98% after handling the sprinkler system. Like Leebo, I only don't if there's something preventing me from doing so.

Where I work, we share a bathroom with another company in the same building. There's this one guy, an older guy, who breaks three cardinal rules of waste disposal:

--He sits in the stall and talks on his freaking cell phone. Annoys me to no end.
--He doesn't close the stall door! One of my coworkers walked in on him on accident. Luckily I can usually hear him yapping but now I'm checking for his feet.
--He NEVER washes his hands. I'm not a germaphobe but that is really gross.

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Post by pk500 »

Let's just say I've been very diligent about washing my hands after contracting dysentery in the early 1990s.

That's right: I'm one of the few, the proud to contract dysentery while living in suburban America. Not a pleasant illness at all -- recommended only to your worse enemies.

I remember when the county health department called after I got dysentery, interviewing me for possible causes. Finally, after about the 15th question that asked the same thing with different words, I got exasperated and said: "Look, do you think I eat my own feces? Do you think I made a mess of my hands in the bathroom stall, didn't wash my hands and headed straight for the Doritos' bag?"

There were a few moments of silence on the other end ...

Wash those hands, fellas!

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Post by krustylew »

The most disgusting thing I see in our men's rooms are the newspapers on the floor in the stalls.

I will come into the bathroom in the morning, and the paper will be in the stall to the far left. By the end of the day it has finally moved to to stall at the far right. 8O

Very nasty. Don't think I can pick up a newspaper and read it, knowing that it was handled by someone else on the shittter. I guess others don't have that problem.

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Post by pk500 »

>>>--He sits in the stall and talks on his freaking cell phone. Annoys me to no end.<<<

Ha! This reminds me of every May while working the Indy 500 when I leave my perch on the fourth floor of the Media Center to head down to leave a few friends at the pool in the men's room on the third floor.

I'm connected to my entire media notes staff and the Speedway PR staff via walkie-talkie Motorola radios. At least once per May, I'm in the sh*tter and am called on the radio. Because I hardly ever leave my perch, someone usually asks: "PK, you're not upstairs. What's your location?"

"Uh ... I'm busy on the third floor at the moment."

After a while, everybody got the hint that meant I wasn't in the cafeteria on the same floor but in the head instead. :)

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Post by Brando70 »

krustylew wrote:The most disgusting thing I see in our men's rooms are the newspapers on the floor in the stalls.

I will come into the bathroom in the morning, and the paper will be in the stall to the far left. By the end of the day it has finally moved to to stall at the far right. 8O

Very nasty. Don't think I can pick up a newspaper and read it, knowing that it was handled by someone else on the s***tter. I guess others don't have that problem.
LOL, krusty, reminded me of this:

[Setting: Bookstore]

(Jerry and George are at Brentano's. George is trying to return the book)

GEORGE: Yes, I, uh, I need to return this book.

CASHIER: (Puts the book's code into the computer) I'm sorry, we can't take this book back.

GEORGE: Why not?

CASHIER: It's been flagged.

GEORGE: (Confused) Flagged?

CASHIER: It's been in the bathroom.

GEORGE: It says that on the computer?

CASHIER: Please take it home. We don't want it near the other books.

GEORGE: (Outraged. Leaving) Well, you just lost a lot of business! Because I love to read!

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Post by JackB1 »

what gets me is that I am the only one in my office (about 20 guys)
that EVER adds more soap to the dispenser when its empty. It will just stit there for over a week empty until I refill it. ALl these guys are crapping and everything without washing with soap. I just dont get it.
Thank God I dont work in a resturant!

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Post by Spooky »

I am a hand washing fanatic! I am constantly washing my hands. Also, I will NOT take a crap in a public bathroom unless I have absolutely NO choice and it's gonna happen regardless. Otherwise I will go through some pretty decent lengths to get home and use my own private facilities. I think Ihave actually trained my body to not have to go until around 5:00pm.

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Post by Brando70 »

pk500 wrote:>>>--He sits in the stall and talks on his freaking cell phone. Annoys me to no end.<<<

Ha! This reminds me of every May while working the Indy 500 when I leave my perch on the fourth floor of the Media Center to head down to leave a few friends at the pool in the men's room on the third floor.

I'm connected to my entire media notes staff and the Speedway PR staff via walkie-talkie Motorola radios. At least once per May, I'm in the sh*tter and am called on the radio. Because I hardly ever leave my perch, someone usually asks: "PK, you're not upstairs. What's your location?"

"Uh ... I'm busy on the third floor at the moment."

After a while, everybody got the hint that meant I wasn't in the cafeteria on the same floor but in the head instead. :)

Take care,
That's pretty funny, PK. And I have heard guys on their phones in the can before (hell, the was LBJ's favorite place to discuss policy!).

It is admittedly better than one guy I used to work with, who was actually a VP of the company, who used to mutter to himself in the stall. Talk about making it difficult to focus on the task at hand.

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Post by DChaps »

Ask JCalvert about this. We used to witness some pretty disgusting behavior from the higher ups at the company we were both working at. Come on, at least put on a show for the employees if you are in the head at the same time. No lie, I watched someone come out of the john who had not washed their hands and immediately shake someone's hand who was coming down the hall. Nice.

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Post by Leebo33 »

Brando70 wrote:--He doesn't close the stall door! One of my coworkers walked in on him on accident. Luckily I can usually hear him yapping but now I'm checking for his feet.
Yes, the key is to always check for feet. The worst is when you do have the door closed and someone tries to break in. We call the people that try to break into your stall "Turd Burglars."

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

JackB1 wrote:what gets me is that I am the only one in my office (about 20 guys)
that EVER adds more soap to the dispenser when its empty. It will just stit there for over a week empty until I refill it. ALl these guys are crapping and everything without washing with soap. I just dont get it.
Thank God I dont work in a resturant!
I've got people that do that for me...those damn publicly held companies, always tryin' to cut back.

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Post by tsunami »

I've seen guys answer their cell phones both in the stall and at the urinals. I'm sorry, but there isn't a phone call that important that I have to answer it in the few minutes (or seconds at the urinal) that I am doing my business.

I've also seen people take their paperwork into the stall with them and be shuffling their papers their whole time. Pretty disgusting.

And, speaking of some what inappropriate behavior, I was at the urinal standing next to one of the VPs in my company. It's a smaller company, so I've met him, but I have never really spoken to this guy other than for some technical computer related issues. So, we're standing there and he begins talking to me and then lets out multiple farts in rapid fire succession for about 10 seconds. And, all the while he is continuing to make small talk with me as if his farting isn't happening! It was one of the most bizarre moments in my work experience. Now, I am not one for small talk in general, especially at the urinal. I believe it's eyes forward, do your business, and move along. No talking or chit-chatting necessary. But, this took it to a whole other level. And he was a VP no less.

What is wrong with people?

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Post by Leebo33 »

tsunami wrote:I've seen guys answer their cell phones both in the stall and at the urinals. I'm sorry, but there isn't a phone call that important that I have to answer it in the few minutes (or seconds at the urinal) that I am doing my business.
That's true. The best line I've heard concerning cell phone use was when we went into an important meeting and everyone was told to turn off the phones. They said only half-jokingly "If you have to answer your own phone then the call must not be that important anyway." In other words, if you aren't important enough to have your own admin to take care of your calls, then any call can certainly wait.

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Post by sportdan30 »

tsunami wrote:I've seen guys answer their cell phones both in the stall and at the urinals. I'm sorry, but there isn't a phone call that important that I have to answer it in the few minutes (or seconds at the urinal) that I am doing my business.

I've also seen people take their paperwork into the stall with them and be shuffling their papers their whole time. Pretty disgusting.

And, speaking of some what inappropriate behavior, I was at the urinal standing next to one of the VPs in my company. It's a smaller company, so I've met him, but I have never really spoken to this guy other than for some technical computer related issues. So, we're standing there and he begins talking to me and then lets out multiple farts in rapid fire succession for about 10 seconds. And, all the while he is continuing to make small talk with me as if his farting isn't happening! It was one of the most bizarre moments in my work experience. Now, I am not one for small talk in general, especially at the urinal. I believe it's eyes forward, do your business, and move along. No talking or chit-chatting necessary. But, this took it to a whole other level. And he was a VP no less.

What is wrong with people?
LOL. That's hilarious and definitely uncomfortable for you as well as being disgusting.

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Post by sportdan30 »

[quote="Leebo33"]What bothers me is when you are taking a crap and someone moves into a stall right next to you even though there are plenty of open stalls to choose from.

This pisses me off to no end as well. Five stalls in the restroom I use. I typically use the same one each time. Normally the second to last stall from the wall. So, I'm figuring whoever else comes in to take a crap can at least use one two down from me. Twice in a week (different individuals) it's happened that they take the stall right next to mine.

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Post by icvu42 »

I work at a university and on my floor there is a single bathroom for men and one for women (It's nice because I don't have to listen to anyone grunting and groaning next to me). On my floor there is only faculty and professional staff, yet it amazes me the number of times I go in there to find the previous occupant hasn't flushed. I would expect to find such gifts if I went down to the floors that are used by the students, but not where I am.


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Post by Granatofan »

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Post by kevinpars »

Whenever I am in a store that is giving away free food samples, the image of the guy not washing his hands comes back to me. Needless to say, I am not big on free food.

Call me a germaphobe, but I bet in the end it won't be a nuclear bomb that gets humanity, but a virus.

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Post by Leebo33 »

Our kitchenette is near the bathroom and today I saw a guy take a fresh coffee with no lid into the bathroom with him. WTF? Talk about poor planning.

edit: Oooh, maybe he needed to caffeine to help move his bowels?
Last edited by Leebo33 on Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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