OT: What's your interest in MoV, CoD, and GR2?

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OT: What's your interest in MoV, CoD, and GR2?

Post by ScoopBrady »

Men of Valor ships next week, Call of Duty ships 11.16.04, and Ghost Recon 2 ships on 11.30.04. Does anybody have any plans of picking up any of these games?

I thought the MoV demo a couple of months ago showed promise but I've been reading that the cpu teammate AI is pretty bad so that could kill the single-player portion. I've heard the Live part is pretty good.

I really liked the single-player game of Call of Duty on PC but thought the multiplayer was too fast and arcadish. I saw a movie on the latest OPM disc and the console version is looking great. It's a brand new game with only the first level being the same from the PC version. Hopefully the mutiplayer will be more fun on the consoles as well.

Ghost Recon 2 needs no explanation.

Just trying to gage potential interest in some future army shooter action.

Of course Battlefront and Halo 2 will take up plenty of shooter time away but you need a little army action every once and again.
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Post by pk500 »


I'm definitely getting Ghost Recon 2 and Halo 2 on release day. No questions asked.

I had some reservations about GR 2 since Ubi Soft indicated the maps might be smaller than GR or GRIT, but stories I've read and movies I've seen since then have eased my fears.

Since GR 2 and Halo 2 will give me hours of online and offline FPS bliss and destruction through the holidays and into early 2005, with one game military and one game futuristic, Men of Valor and Call of Duty will have to blow me away -- I mean absolutely floor me -- during a rental for me to consider purchasing them. Two AAA shooters in one month is enough to carry me for a while, especially when I'm still getting a ton of mileage out of NASCAR 2005, CMR 2005, ESPN NHL 2K5, ESPN NFL 2K5 and TOCA 2.

But I must admit that I'm fairly stoked about Brothers in Arms in late February 2005. That could be my next FPS purchase after Halo 2 and GR 2.

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Post by Sully »

I'm definitely picking up GR2 and Halo 2, that'll probably be it. Two wonderful shooters is all I need.

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Post by Spooky »

Yeah, what they said...

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Post by Diablo25 »

GR2 is a no doubter as is Halo 2. I look forward to XBL with you guys. BTW, my GamerTag = my username.
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Post by LAking »

I'm F'ing broke and just got a speeding ticket yesterday, i don't know if can afford any of them. :( If i can buy anything it's gonna be Half-Life 2 whenever they finally release it. Since PC gamer has already written a review it should be soon.
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