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Thank you, single player. Thank you very much.

Post by seanmac31 »

Last night I had one of those nights that makes me question why I ever bother to play online games. I started off with NHL2K5. Played a guy who took Colorado, which is a remarkable coincidence, seeing as everyone I've played in that game for the last two weeks has done exactly the same. I end up losing the game because he scores four straight goals with the most absurd money goal I've ever seen- he hightails it over behind the crease and then shoots a shot that richocets up over the net, hits my goalie in the back and dribbles in behind him for the score. Four times. I complain but to no avail. So I say to hell with it and throw in Star Wars Battlefront. I join a random game, only to find myself being thrown into a situation where my team has one remaining base and I get spawn killed within seconds of coming in. I die about thirty times this way and then the game ends, revealing that the other team had eight human players while I had one other guy on my side. How fun. So I switch out again and pop in ESPN NFL2K5. I get challenged by some guy whose record is 10 wins 2 losses and 2 drops. He goes for it on every fourth down. I stop him on every fourth down. He plays defense very, very badly. It's 31-0 in the second quarter. At this point he takes the opportunity to go into replay mode and use up his full five minutes worth of pausing zeroing in on the ass of every player in the game. With five seconds left, he returns to the game, attempts a fake punt, fails, then disconnects in a way that keeps him from getting a loss. So I mix it up one more time and throw in NBA 2K5, going up against a guy who was 34-17. He took the Lakers, I took the Hornets. Run an offense? What offense would that be? He double teamed the entire game while bouncing up and down like a bunny in the passing lanes. Every offensive possession came down to either a) he bounced around in the path of a pass to a wideopen man and picked it off b) he didn't pick it off and left the man open for a dunk or c) I pulled back out of the doubleteam and passed the ball around to the other side where we repeated the exercise over again. Oh, and he insisted on making me watch every replay involving one of his offensive scores.

Then I pulled the cord out of the Xbox and went back to my Madden franchise and for the first time all night had an opponent that didn't do a single stupid or obnoxious thing. I was happy.

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Re: Thank you, single player. Thank you very much.

Post by ddtrane »

seanmac31 wrote:Last night I had one of those nights that makes me question why I ever bother to play online games. I started off with NHL2K5. Played a guy who took Colorado, which is a remarkable coincidence, seeing as everyone I've played in that game for the last two weeks has done exactly the same. I end up losing the game because he scores four straight goals with the most absurd money goal I've ever seen- he hightails it over behind the crease and then shoots a shot that richocets up over the net, hits my goalie in the back and dribbles in behind him for the score. Four times. I complain but to no avail. So I say to hell with it and throw in Star Wars Battlefront. I join a random game, only to find myself being thrown into a situation where my team has one remaining base and I get spawn killed within seconds of coming in. I die about thirty times this way and then the game ends, revealing that the other team had eight human players while I had one other guy on my side. How fun. So I switch out again and pop in ESPN NFL2K5. I get challenged by some guy whose record is 10 wins 2 losses and 2 drops. He goes for it on every fourth down. I stop him on every fourth down. He plays defense very, very badly. It's 31-0 in the second quarter. At this point he takes the opportunity to go into replay mode and use up his full five minutes worth of pausing zeroing in on the ass of every player in the game. With five seconds left, he returns to the game, attempts a fake punt, fails, then disconnects in a way that keeps him from getting a loss. So I mix it up one more time and throw in NBA 2K5, going up against a guy who was 34-17. He took the Lakers, I took the Hornets. Run an offense? What offense would that be? He double teamed the entire game while bouncing up and down like a bunny in the passing lanes. Every offensive possession came down to either a) he bounced around in the path of a pass to a wideopen man and picked it off b) he didn't pick it off and left the man open for a dunk or c) I pulled back out of the doubleteam and passed the ball around to the other side where we repeated the exercise over again. Oh, and he insisted on making me watch every replay involving one of his offensive scores.

Then I pulled the cord out of the Xbox and went back to my Madden franchise and for the first time all night had an opponent that didn't do a single stupid or obnoxious thing. I was happy.
I know what you mean. Everytime I go online each game has some kind of "Mad Cheese Disease", does anybody play the games the proper way. I love ESPN, I fire up a game gain possession of the puck get to the red line and perform a slap dump and have my forwards fight for possession along the boards. No matter who I play they always carry in go straight for the crease and start performing the s-move with varying degrees of success. I don't play online anymore because I was spoiled with true online multiplayer with NHL Rivals and I got used to having to learn other players tendecies, and I miss that.

Thank God there is still single player because Online is not all its cracked up to be. Peace

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Post by James_E »

I haven't played online with non DSP;OS people in forever. I cannot remember the last time I played a 1 v 1 game with non DSP person, or for that matter a racing game (except Burnout 3) with non-DSP players in the room.

I think SW:Battlefront, in a room of mostly DSP/OS people with a few strangers, is the only time I've played with people I don't know.

All because of exactly what you wrote seanmac. Pretty much if DSP or OS people aren't playing I play single player or play a PC game.

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Post by Leebo33 »

James_E wrote:Pretty much if DSP or OS people aren't playing I play single player or play a PC game.
Me too. 9 chances out of 10 you'll get a fun game from a DSPer, although you'll still get occassional cheese. I remember back in the SR chat days when guys would go to chat after the games and b*tch about their SRFL opponent's "cheese." I've really only had two bad experiences. One was when Seanmac ran the score up against me due to a misunderstanding (he thought I was showboating on a TD when I scored down by 3 TDs when it was really an accident...we didn't have voice that game) and another was when a DSPer passed out of a jump shot on at least 2/3 of the possessions in the DSP ID league. Other than that I've head a great time and have avoided the "random" opponents.

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Post by Boom »

I used to live by the rule that I don't play anyone that's not on my Friendslist. Lately I've actually been playing more and more randoms in Madden and ESPN NBA. It hasn't been too bad actually.

Cheesers I don't mind because I can usually find a way to counter it and make them pay dearly. It's the quitters that piss me off, but over the course of the past week or so I've only had one quit on me in Madden. It was late in the 4th qtr so I just played out against the CPU and got the win anyway.

Overall though, I couldn't agree more with you. Thing is, online play is totally great when you have a lot of friends that you can play with. I play almost exclusively with the guys from over at ThePRs and I never really have a hard time getting a game in. There's a pretty tight core group of guys that I play with, but we all seem to be on at the same times so it's all good.

AIM is a good tool to use as well. I usually just hit up one of my buds to see if they are down for a game. Usually somebody is around and we hop and have a good time.

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Post by Dave »

I initially had good results with random games on NHL 2K5, but that has dropped off significantly lately.

2 goal lead with under 5 remaining? You probably won't be finishing that game. It's funny, I usually struggle with cheesers at first, since they don't play a rational game of hockey, but then it gets so easy to exploit their weakness that I can beat them. Ask db, that is saying a lot with my 'skills' in the game!

As we've all lamented before, what is it about a silly online record that gets people so fired up to do this stuff? Pathetic really.
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Post by Spooky »

Actually, I used to have the exact same experience/frustration but for some reason, the only three games I own right now are all okay (for the most part) to jump into random, non-DSP, gaems with. BO:3, SW:B and CM:05.

BO:3 encourages to dive like a madman. SW:B is usually to big a room for any one idiot to make a difference and CM:05 is just time trials against other humans so there is really no room for 'cheesing' there.

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Post by wco81 »

The thing is, the game companies try things like Fairplay and XBL with feedback or whatever to try to police good behavior.

But the secret is that gamers self-policing is going to be way more effective than any of these schemes. You play in leagues or with groups you know from forums and you won't have problems..

They should just give up things like the EA Premium Pass. Or at least stop pretending that it's about stopping cheesing and admit they just want your billing info.

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Post by XXXIV »

I hardly ever play a random game.
It seems Everytime I do I run into that same garbage.

No DSPers me no play.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Dave wrote:Ask db, that is saying a lot with my 'skills' in the game!
Hey man, I was the guy with the 2 goal lead sent it to overtime. That's pretty damn good if you ask me. Or I completely of the two.

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Post by pk500 »

Online play is great if I follow a simple rule: DO NOT play any non-racing games with anyone other than DSP brothers. Ever.

I find good random games with TOCA 2, CMR 2005 and NASCAR 2005 because I find most of the people who play those more sim-oriented racers (OK, that's a stretch for NASCAR, I know) are at least fairly serious about their racing or like to have fun or are clean.

But team sports games or shooters? I never, ever, never, ever play a random game. It's an exercise in frustration with adolescent idiots fueled by Mountain Dew, Clearasil and testosterone.

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Post by seanmac31 »

wco81 wrote:The thing is, the game companies try things like Fairplay and XBL with feedback or whatever to try to police good behavior.

But the secret is that gamers self-policing is going to be way more effective than any of these schemes. You play in leagues or with groups you know from forums and you won't have problems..

They should just give up things like the EA Premium Pass. Or at least stop pretending that it's about stopping cheesing and admit they just want your billing info.
I agree. In fact, despite the widespread complaints about the punt blocking glitch (I've only run into it once or twice), I've generally had the best experience with Madden. Well, aside from the fact that 80% of my wins have come from me finishing up against the computer after my opponent quit. But that rather substantial caveat aside, Madden has made a number of great decisions that help a lot with online play: 1) Fair Play rules 2) No replays 3) Three chances to pause the game and 30 second limits each time 4) A Grant Mercy option.

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Post by Badgun »

I'll agree with pretty much everything that's been said here. I've got both NHL 2K5 and NBA 2K5 and I don't think I'll ever take either one online. I knew from the moment that I discovered the left trigger called for the double team that it would be the online cheese this year.

In Madden, I am good enough now to overcome most cheese and I've learned a few cheese moves myself that I will use the minute the other guy cheeses me. I still avoid guys that use the Eagles and Falcons because they take cheese to a new level with McNabb and Vick.

I don't mind racing with random guys and I've actually met some good people this way, but like pk says...I will never ever play a shooter with random people. As a matter of fact, I don't care for shooters on a console anyway.

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Post by pk500 »

The few times I've tried to play a random game with an online shooter, about 75 percent of the time I've never even gotten into a game because some a-hole teen punk says: "Dude, get out. You're not in our clan," and then tosses me from the room.

First, what the f*ck is a clan? Sounds weird. Second, if you don't want random people interrupting your "clan," then why the f*ck do you create a public room?

Shooting games and random matches mix like Palestinians and Jews -- not well.

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Post by Badgun »

pk500 wrote:The few times I've tried to play a random game with an online shooter, about 75 percent of the time I've never even gotten into a game because some a-hole teen punk says: "Dude, get out. You're not in our clan," and then tosses me from the room.

First, what the f*ck is a clan? Sounds weird. Second, if you don't want random people interrupting your "clan," then why the f*ck do you create a public room?

Shooting games and random matches mix like Palestinians and Jews -- not well.

Take care,
Yeah, I agree and what's even funnier is that every shooter that comes out has some kind of hole in it that will allow some sort of exploit. I remember playing Rainbow Six 3 with this Mountain Dew freak and right in the middle of the game, he stopped and showed us all where you could go and not get shot. I remember one place you walked out on a rail and then when the rail ended, you were walking on air. Once you were in the air, you were impossible to hit because no one could see you. I used to get shot all the time and never knew what hit I know.

I will say this about Madden. The fair play rules work. At least for the most part they do. The one real problem is when you play a punt block cheeser and you know he's going to tackle your punter, yet you can't go for it on 4th down. With EA's rep system and stats that are tracked for everything, there really is no excuse for not finding a good game.

If I see a guy's stats and he throws 78% of the time, I'm not playing him. But the stat I look at the most is the number of quits. People with a low quit percentage usually are not cheesers and I've really found that to be true.

Hopefully other companies will soon mimic EA and put some kind of fair play rules in all sports games.

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Post by Boom »

I knew I would jinx myself by saying that I was having an ok time playing randoms on Madden.

Ran into my first "punt blocker" today. I didn't know what people were talking about until this morning.

Yup, it's only gonna take one more of those dipshits to put me back on my friendlist only kick.

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Post by AcemanPR »

I hate playing randoms in sports games. Otherwise, games like Burnout 3, Pro Fishing Challenge, and other niche titles aren't usually bad to find a random game. I need to go through the list and add some of you to my Friends list. I'm usually an easy target. I do have TOCA 2 and of course CMR5, and am a big fan of racers, so I'm sure I will have a good time with many of you.

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Post by pk500 »


Feel free to send me an invite, man.

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Post by AcemanPR »

pk500 wrote:Ace:

Feel free to send me an invite, man.

Take care,
Will do. Curious to see some of your CMR5 times as well. :)

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