Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Teal »

Can't say about in-house MP yet, brother. I'll let you know when I get to try it out. My brother-in-law will most likely be over here soon now that he knows I have the game...lol.

That said, the kids just gave up the Kinect, so...game on!

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Rodster »

Teal wrote: I have to say, I got much closer than the last 'game face' I tried on Tiger 12...I was a bearded black dude last year... :lol:
Is there a way to use the Kinect to import your mug? :idea:

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Gangrel »

I'm weak, I ended up buying the CE after getting my haircut.

The only thing right now that boggles me is how do I get a swing tempo of anything but SLOW on tee shots or fairways? I can NOT move the stick forward any faster........ there HAS to be something else to it then just jamming the stick forward........ I just wish EA would tell us or show us...... since the "manual" sucks big time.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by TCrouch »

I haven't even played it, but I think Divot mentioned earlier that you have to start your downswing before your backswing is finished on screen. If it hits the end, you get slow tempo.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Teal »

Rodster wrote:
Teal wrote: I have to say, I got much closer than the last 'game face' I tried on Tiger 12...I was a bearded black dude last year... :lol:
Is there a way to use the Kinect to import your mug? :idea:
No, and it's one thing that just boggles my mind. Here they have an infinitely better system with the Kinect, and they still insist on that little Xbox Live Vision thing. Plus it takes an eternity plus one, and...it's just not worth it. I can get my avatar close enough on my own. Besides, the way the game is set up graphically now, I don't see my ugly mug all that often anyway.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by DivotMaker »

DChaps wrote:
Hi Tim, I know you have got to be super busy right now, but at some point would you mind providing a Kinect tutorial at tour pro or tournament difficulty. Something that would step by step describe what you are doing in front of the kinect, as well as what you are doing in game to setup/aim the shot before hand. This would include how to Drive, short game, putting, etc. I really want to figure this out and I trust your feedback, so the fact that you are liking it so much and that it is giving you a challenge gives me some hope. Maybe my Kinect is just not setup correctly, or more likely I just don't know what I am doing. The AIM and Stance stuff makes no sense to me and I can't seem to find any help to figure out what I should be striving for. Likewise, the UI with the Kinect is really frustrating for me. It seems to have a life of its own, constantly picking options or pulling up menus that I was not trying to select. Then every so often it makes me pick up the controller. Again, this could all be my incompentence so I am willing to give it some more time. Is there a tutorial in game somewhere that I missing that describes all this or something available online? One thing I do know is that I can't stand "controller" golf. Give me a mouse please! Thanks for any advice!
I am currently working in West Africa, but I would be more than happy to help you out over the weekend. There are definitely some nuances with the Kinect interface and i am finding new ones virtually every time play.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by 10spro »

Playing the daily Masters tourney was brutally difficult today. FIR was OK with my PRO, about 70% but chipping and putting on the slick greens was an adventure.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by DivotMaker »

Aristo wrote:TW 13 is just easy, but with touchy short game controls to add fake difficulty. It's not engaging. It is a twitch fest. And that's fine if that's what people want.
Sorry, but TW13 is anything but easy if you take the time to learn the new swing mechanic. When you hit the ball straight every time, there is a reason. The swing is heavily tempo-based. If you are getting consistently slow tempo, you will hit it straight the majority of the time because the risk of mis-hit is less with a slow tempo swing than if you hit with normal or fast tempo, just like IRL golf. Also, a slow tempo will result in less distance than what your swing result should be. I thought the swing was terribly easy to hit straight when I was at Tiburon earlier this month. The TW Dev rep showed me how to swing with proper to fast tempo and I started seeing varying direction control with normal tempo and some flat out mis-hit shanks with fast tempo. People complained in the EA forums when the demo came out and the Devs encouraged users to keep practicing and now you see far fewer comments about hitting it straight as users are figuring this out. If you don't want to figure it out and TW11 is your kind of game, knock yourself out. TW11 is a walk in the park compared to TW13 and I LOVED TW11...

Also, the short game is NOT touchy at all, but like the new swing, it takes practice. The fake difficulty of TW11 and 12 (the hideous random landing circles, especially in 12) is gone in 13. Sorry, but my experience is just the exact opposite of yours. Again, so be it. Enjoy 11 and I hope it fills your video golfing needs.
Last edited by DivotMaker on Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Diablo25 »

Here is a link to some nice Tip videos for the game. Bunker shots, wind play, etc.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by pk500 »


When you return from West Africa, I'd also like some advice on how to hit a fast-tempo shot. I couldn't figure it out to save my life on the demo.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Teal »

So I went to the garage and cut a duplicate 5 wood down to about a 2 1/2 foot length, reattached the club head for weight (duct tape for now, soldering later), and it really adds to the 'feel' of the game.

What it has NOT done is make me any better... :lol:

I see precisely what you're talking about, Divot. I'm a hard swinger; in fact, I wanted to go to graphite clubs several years ago, and went to a clubhouse to get my speed measurements. The pro told me flat-out "you can't use graphite. You swing far too hard for that". He then showed me a slow motion video of my swing, and, outside of being very ugly, the club was bent at a near 90 degree angle! "With that kind of play, you'll never be accurate with these clubs." So, I stuck with the ol' steel shafts.

I swing hard in Tiger, too, which might explain my tendency to pull the crap out most of my tee shots. I overcorrected one time and pushed one, but that was a rarity. I'm finding that, with the club aid, I can sort of keep my swing plane properly aligned, and keep it at least between the trees...sometimes. I get what they did this year, and that's awesome.

At first, I was pulling drives so badly that I was out of bounds, repeatedly. I slowed down my downswing a little, and it straightened out...a little. I'll enjoy the challenge some, but as I said before, I just want to get on the tee box and rocket that sucker, so I'm probably going to dial it down a notch or two for my career, and play tournament difficulty with you guys online.

I would definitely recommend at least getting a short swing trainer club; it really adds to the immersion.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by DivotMaker »

pk500 wrote:Tim:

When you return from West Africa, I'd also like some advice on how to hit a fast-tempo shot. I couldn't figure it out to save my life on the demo.

You got it PK!

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Danimal »

Ok guys we have a daily tournament set up for Tour Pro at Bethpage to get everyone kicked off any used to the game.

We also have a weekly one which starts tomorrow at Pebble that one is on Tournament level.

We'll do the weekly one on a regular Thursday - Sunday rotation like the Tour. I'll try and switch it up every week. The weekly ones are going to be tour pro or better unless there is an outcry for lesser levels.

The daily we can do whatever we want.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Danimal »

Forgot to add there are only 10 spots left in the club. Not sure why the number is so low at 25 people but that's what it is.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Gangrel »

I shamelessly have stolen this from the Tiger forum, but shameless is what I am. From one of the devs, when the demo came out:

For those of you struggling to understand tempo and having trouble getting perfect tempo, maybe this will help.

First a couple things to make sure you understand:
- The speed on the stick required for perfect is dependant on the aiming marker. With the aiming marker at its max distance on any club, the speed on the stick required for perfect is its fastest and the same on each club. With the aiming marker at its shortest, the speed of the stick required is its slowest and the smae on each club.
- The speed required for perfect changes on each difficulty. As difficulty increases, you need to swing faster on long shots and slower on short shots to get perfect.
- Getting perfect tempo on the expert swing difficulty is next to impossible. It happens about 3% of the time for me. This is as designed. We figure, how often do you actually hit it "perfect" in real life. Not very often. You just have to learn how to play as close to the proper speed as you can to limit how far off your shot is.
- The feedback meter in the bottom left that tells you your tempo is a dynamic element. Just cause it says you were fast or slow doesn't mean you had a bad shot. The meter fills based on the amount you are off. If you are regularly barely off center with fast or slow then you are getting pretty close to perfect.

This is just an example with some fake numbers but i think it will help make sense of it.

Let's assume that the fastest a person could possibly swing the stick is 100. The slowest possible is 0. (These are not the numbers for perfect tempo, but literally the fastest and slowest a human being could possibly swing the stick.)

Based on those numbers, here is the window for perfect tempo on each difficulty:

Max Aim - Prefect window is 30-80
Min Aim - It's 20-70
* The aiming points in between lerp so if I was aimed at half distance my window would be 25-75.

Max Aim - 50-80
Min Aim - 20-50

Tour Pro
Max Aim - 75-85
Min Aim - 20-30

Max Aim - 89-90
Min Aim - 20-21

I hope this makes sense...

This makes sense to me now. On short shots i do see some FAST tempo swings, but never on my drives or full shots.......

Also later in the thread they explain how to read the analyzer.

Basically, the more "full" each bar is, the more you missed the tempo, or the over/underswing.

So, you basically want to see as little blue or red in the metre as possible.

Stuff like this would be nice in say...... the manual. But at least I found it somewhere.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by toonarmy »

After skipping out on the past few Tigers on the PS3/360 due to the series being very stale to me, I went ahead and got the Collector's Edition of 13. The change in swing mechanics was enough for me to give the series another chance. I've been playing much of the day and I have to say I am very much liking the game. The new swing mechanic is just awesome. It doesn't feel dumbed down and artificial to me this year. There is a ton of nuance. It took me several rounds to get the putting down, and that was the area I was doing the most poorly in early on. Sunk a fairly difficult 47 footer last round, which really felt like an accomplishment.

I have the PS3 version so I'm using the Move. Wow! This is the type of game I was hoping for eventually back when I got the Move. The control is smooth and provides nice immersion. EA did a great job of tuning play with the Move. The only real downside to 13 so far is that the load times seem to be a bit long, which gets annoying. That's certainly not a major gripe since the gameplay is so much fun.

As for the way the game is being received on forums and IGN, I am a bit baffled. I don't have much to say about the 6.5 IGN gave the game other than to say they are out of their f***in mind and actually gave erroneous information about the game in their review, not to mention it was quite clear the reviewer is either a bonafide moron or didn't bother spending much time with the game. Some people are complaining about the changed swing mechanic. I guess EA is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't type situation. A lot of folks had been calling for a new swing mechanic, and EA gave that to us. It's a really good one at that. I also love the fact that you can get the DLC courses for free if you want to spend the time mastering them. The number of courses in the Collector's Edition is sufficient IMO, but it's cool that people can get more courses without paying if they so desire (not sure why IGN spent so much time whining about DLC when you can get it for free).

All in all this is a great game of golf and I think EA is going in a good direction with the Tiger series. There's a difficulty level for everyone here, so casual golfers and more sim-oriented gamers both have something good here.

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Badgun »

Danimal wrote:
MUTTS wrote:When I get the game tomorrow--how do I join the DSP club??

Look back a few pages I posted the info for joining there.
I looked back and for the life of me didnt see it, could you just post it again?

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by 10spro »

I remember buying some pins yesterday and I have no clue where they are now. I'd like to equip myself with some of them and see if there's a difference in gameplay. Any ideas?

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Teal »

Well done impressions, Toon. Especially the part about the reviewer at IGN being a moron. Couldn't have said it better myself. :twisted:

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by MUTTS »


Still at work finishing with patients but managed to get signed up for the club.


Hopefully Ill get to try it out tonight.



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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by pk500 »

Thanks for the advice, Gang, and the impressions, Toon.

I bought the Collectors Edition for 360. First time I've ever bought a CE. But I think the extra courses are worth it. Plus Best Buy gave 50 percent more on trade-ins, so I received $27 for trading in Midnight Club: LA, Battlefield 2: Bad Company and DIRT 3. TW 13 CE cost me just $48.50.

Best Buy is KILLING Gamestop on trade-in values, even without these promotions. With the promotions, BB is even more lucrative than eBay for all but the newest or most popular titles.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by 10spro »

Atta boy PK, looking forward to see ya in the club. Now, here's a review I am more in accordance with. When playing with the Kinect, you sure can't be "Happy Gilmore". :)

http://www.gamingexaminer.com/tiger-woo ... iew/13903/

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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Naples39 »

Playing the retail version, I actually had a few fast tempo's on drives and fairway woods in my first round. Probably not anything different with the game, just me adjusting. I've still never had a perfect tempo with any club, though I do get perfect swing length a minority of the time.

Some notes OTHER than analog swing issues
-ball physics are good
-I like using the opposite stick to dig the ball out of the rough, and if you dig too deep you pop the ball up
-on career mode, the sponsor challenges are tough but fair, but the training challenges don't seem fair to me. The computer opponent plays flawless golf every hole.

Overall I'm enjoying it. Yes, drives are too straight, though it's not like you can't shank them, or shave the edges of the fairway. Putting is definitely the tough part of this game, but provides for fist pump moments.

EDIT: Oh, and you can hit spectators!
Last edited by Naples39 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by pk500 »

Teal wrote:Well done impressions, Toon. Especially the part about the reviewer at IGN being a moron. Couldn't have said it better myself. :twisted:
I guess that review proves IGN isn't on the take from EA. It also affirms that the reviewer is an imbecile.

Think the IGN editor-in-chief has received a napalm-laden email or phone call from the head of EA Sports PR about that review? :)
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Re: Tiger Woods 13 PGA TOUR and CE Info

Post by Danimal »

Badgun wrote:
Danimal wrote:
MUTTS wrote:When I get the game tomorrow--how do I join the DSP club??

Look back a few pages I posted the info for joining there.
I looked back and for the life of me didnt see it, could you just post it again?
Look for the Club Digital Sportspage

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