DSP Grand Prix Legends League

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DSP Grand Prix Legends League

Post by pk500 »


Race #1 of the 11-race 1967 season is tonight at 10:30 p.m. (EST) at Kyalami. We will use Don's server.

The team lineup:





-- Fifteen-minute combined practice and qualifying session.

-- A race that lasts in the 30- to 40-minute range. Since laps at Kyalami average about 1:25-1:30 for most, we're looking at around 20-22 laps. I'm not sure if race distances can be set independently.

-- Novice damage. Again, can novice damage be used with a race of a longer length?

-- "Common sense" rule regarding passing into first turn of first lap. Don't stick your nose under someone in close proximity to make a dumb move that takes out half the field in Turn 1. If you pass someone off the line before the first turn or someone goes off or very high in the first turn, pass them. Otherwise, hold station until after the first turn.

-- Obey the blue flags. If you're about to get lapped, get the hell off the racing line as soon as possible and let the faster cars through.

-- Follow the Viv Savage philosophy from "This is Spinal Tap:" "Have a good time, all the time."

Don also will be in charge of posting the stats from the race as he did from our Poker Night practice sessions earlier this month. I will post Drivers and Constructors points standings.

Please be prompt at 10:30 p.m. (EST) tonight. We'll start the practice/qualifying session no later than 10:35 p.m.

Almost forgot: Our server password is siam007.

Looking forward to it!

Take care,
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Post by johnvon314 »

As I have not seen the server recently, is Don's server on IGOR?


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Post by TCrouch »

That's what I was wondering. I look daily and hadn't seen it since last Friday.

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Post by pk500 »

I'm sure Don will have it ready on IGOR by 10:30 p.m.

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Post by DChaps »

Up. Set for 20 laps, no damage.

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Post by Smurfy »

I don't see it.

What's the server name again?

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Post by Smurfy »

Now I see it ;)

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Post by Smurfy »


I thought I did the bandwidth patch, but I get client/server mismatch!

I currently am using the SteveLife maps.

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Post by Smurfy »

Anyway, I found my way in. Sorry for all the confused posts.

Sorry to whomever I ran into on the track.

By the way, how do I prevent the race from starting while I'm figuring out my race setup?

LOL I watched the start on the TV. It looked cool from there.

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Post by pk500 »

Points after Round 1:

1. T. Crouch (Brabham) 10
2. R. Magruder (Ferrari) 6
3. D. Gildehaus (Lotus) 4
4. D. Chapman (Ferrari) 3
5. Smurfy (Cooper) 2
6. P. Kelly (Brabham) 1

1. Brabham 11
2. Ferrari 9
3. Lotus 4
4. Cooper 2
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Post by pigpen81 »

Fun race guys. Terry and Randy, WTG...super quick tonight.

I wasn't at my best..nursing a cold.

Truth be told, I haven't been practicing since I went negative at the Glen and it showed tonight.

Jonvon, looks like we have some catching up to do in the team standings.

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Post by DChaps »

Race Results and stats from Wed. night (click on the link below):

Race 1-Kyalami

Nice job everyone. I will make sure the server is set correctly for next week so we don't have to go through a reboot.

One cool stat worth noting is RACE LAPTIME CONSISTENCY:

Driver Avg Deviation Std Deviation Avg Laptime Laps
Terry Crouch 0.545 0.652 1m23.932s 20
Randy Magruder 1.102 2.013 1m24.518s 20
Dennis Gildehaus 1.267 1.935 1m26.159s 20
Don Chapman 2.229 3.355 1m29.304s 19
Ferhad aka Smurfy 3.507 4.762 1m27.119s 18
John Voncannon 9.745 10.378 1m38.116s 4
Paul Kelly 12.904 15.793 1m48.256s 16
Last edited by DChaps on Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by pk500 »

Simply horrid. :x
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Post by RandyM »

Awesome drive there, Terry.

I was hoping to 'inherit' a win if you made an unforced error. Unfortunately for me, you drove a smooth, consistent race. My Std Dev might have been noticeably better were it not for the spin off the track on the last lap trying ot catch you.

It's pretty clear to me that the only shot I've got at beating you is to get faster and put myself in a position to put some heat on you so that maybe you'll make an error that way, because it ain't gonna happen with me 4 seconds back. But, of course, easier said than done.

What I find really interesting was that my fastest lap (1:22.85) was on the 2nd to last lap when I more or less stopped PUSHING the car so hard and just tried to really smooth, braking a little earlier and a little less, not downshifting as much as I feel that I should, etc. That lap was much better than my prior best lap there, a 1:23.75 an hour earlier that I had thought was pretty good. But near the end of the race I clocked in two 1:22 times. It's a game of opposites. A lot of times, when you think you're going fast and pushing harder and harder, you're just going slower...and when you chill out and just try to gently guide the car through the course, you suddenly rip out a fast time.

At the end of the race, I was mystified as to how it was that I kept a relatively stable margin between us the whole time. I assumed you were backing off to avoid making mistakes (which probably is true to an extent). But at the same time, I would still have fallen back further and further had I not been running low 1:23's and high 1:22's. So the whole race I'm assuming I'm running 1:24-1:25 and you're just coasting (which was really a depressing thought!) and it turns out I was going faster than I ever have. Weird...just weird...

GPL is certainly an amazing sim.


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Post by TCrouch »

Good run Randy, you WERE putting the pressure on more than you know. My strategy was just to build a lead and then sit on it. The former was much easier than the latter. My quickest lap was a 1:22.8 back on lap 8, and then I had to dial it back because I had built an 8 second lead up. After that, it was 7...7....6....5....5.....6.....5. I had to make a decision as to whether to let you keep reeling me in and ensuring I didn't blow it, or push it and try and hold the gap. Remembering what happened when Piggy was trying to catch you at the end of that last race that we all ran at Kyalami, I took it a bit easier and hoped for the last-lap desperation. It was bizarre, identical to that last race with a different #1 and #2. I have a feeling it won't be the last time we see that, either.

I haven't turned laps on most of these tracks, so I'll probably be hit or miss for most of the season. I've never driven GPL much at all, so I may be the biggest Jekyll and Hyde competitor in the bunch as the season goes on.

That and the fact that I'd never made 20 laps in GPL on ANY track without spinning before, so it was a major victory for me last night. My wife was like 'what are you so giddy about?'. I tell her "I just made 20 laps without losing my ass in GPL" and her jaw dropped. She's seen the frustration on my face year after year whenever I fire this game up. She's telling me "it's hilarious. It's the only game you've ever come back to year after year because you've never been able to master it. I guess competition helps you, huh?".

No sh*t, honey.

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Post by RandyM »

>> Good run Randy, you WERE putting the pressure on more than you know.>>

Well, coming from you, that's high praise. Thanks :)

>> My strategy was just to build a lead and then sit on it. The former was much easier than the latter. My quickest lap was a 1:22.8 back on lap 8, and then I had to dial it back because I had built an 8 second lead up. After that, it was 7...7....6....5....5.....6.....5. I had to make a decision as to whether to let you keep reeling me in and ensuring I didn't blow it, or push it and try and hold the gap. >>

I was rather hoping you'd push it ;)

>> Remembering what happened when Piggy was trying to catch you at the end of that last race that we all ran at Kyalami, I took it a bit easier and hoped for the last-lap desperation. It was bizarre, identical to that last race with a different #1 and #2. I have a feeling it won't be the last time we see that, either. >>

Probably not. There's something to learn in here. I made a calculated decision to push on the last lap. The reasoning was that my nearest opposition was far enough behind me I could still keep 2nd place if I spun off. So LOSING a position wasn't a great concern. On the other hand, I felt that as long as you didn't feel me breathing down your neck you were unlikely to make an error. After the first 10 laps when you didn't go off...I figured you weren't going to....unless you had a brain fart or I made you change your strategy, and 15 laps in I was well and truly not depending anymore on a gift win.

On the last lap, my thinking was that you knew you had the win in the bag if you didn't screw up. Catching you and passing you just was NOT going to happen. Not with a 3-5 second lead. However, I thought if I could get closer and be seen in your mirrors, I might be able to distract you or get you to make a mental error or even just push you out of a comfort zone. In short..I needed to upset the status quo somehow, even if it meant going off the road trying. So it was really a mental game: Can I get close enough to him to make him alter his driving or get him out of his zone... But if you were mentally disciplined and knew, as I did, that there was no way for me to catch & pass you given our respective paces, that strategy probably wouldn't work. Still, I had nothing to lose at that point. 2nd was mine as long as I kept the car in one piece...so why not go for that 10% chance that I might be able to distract you or cause you to mess up in some way. I would do it again in a heartbeat. A 10% chance beats a 0% chance any day.

>> That and the fact that I'd never made 20 laps in GPL on ANY track without spinning before, so it was a major victory for me last night. My wife was like 'what are you so giddy about?'. I tell her "I just made 20 laps without losing my ass in GPL" and her jaw dropped. >>

LOL! My wife asked me how it went last night and I said "I came in 2nd." She asked "How many drivers. I thought...."6 I think" and she just said "oh that's nice". Sheesh.

>> She's seen the frustration on my face year after year whenever I fire this game up. She's telling me "it's hilarious. It's the only game you've ever come back to year after year because you've never been able to master it. I guess competition helps you, huh?". >>

Yup, Socialists everywhere should take note. Yes, competition drives us to up our game. I know that having you in the field means I can't just fall back on old habits and experience. I need to improve. I'm hoping at one of these races I can get into a position of applying relentless pressure on you, and I'm sure it will be cool one of these times when you are behind me for whatever reason and are trying to get by. I've been told that one of my talents, if not being fast, is that I can make my car "REAALLLLLY wide" (both in real racing and virtual racing) without actually blocking. Of course it helps if I don't put a wheel off in the process, as I so often do!

What's the next race? I haven't looked at the schedule?


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Post by TCrouch »

Monaco, which kicks my ass every time. Shouldn't be too tough to make your car very wide. That's assuming that I can turn the required 500 laps of practice this week to get to a competitive time.

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Post by pigpen81 »

Crap, Monaco kicks my arse also. I am 12 seconds from benchmark on that one and have no idea how I can get quicker....I thought I was quick when I ran the +12 lap.

This one could be wide open folks!

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Post by pk500 »

I'm so far from the benchmark at Monaco that I need the Hubble Telescope to see it. 8O

Take care,
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Post by RandyM »

Have you guys looked at the "multiple choice madness" section of GPL Rank? There's a [Statistics] Button there that will show you, for all types of cars or just yours, what the spread is of laptimes that were submitted. It's a good way to benchmark where you stand in relation to the rest of the world. I moved up into the 80-85% percentile at Kyalami, but I don't want to talk about it where Monaco is concerned.

Time to get practicin!


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Post by TCrouch »

Might not be as bad as I feared. Not pretty, but not horrible. My first couple laps were 1:33-1:35, and then was in 1:32 range in a couple more laps. That's not great, but it's an average 70% ranking with a week to practice.

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Post by RandyM »

1:32? aw crap....here we go again.


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Post by GB_Simo »

Not wanting to put the wind up anyone, but if Terry's in the 32's without much practice, there's a week to the next race and benchmark is a 1:29.3...

Quick aside - the broadband fairy shall be visiting my house next Friday, so provided the connection is strong enough for me to run GPL online properly, I wouldn't mind getting involved in any subsequent seasons if there's room for me.

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Post by pk500 »


The hell with subsequent seasons: You can join us as soon as your broadband is hooked up, mate! Jump right in.

Take any car you like. You'll only score Constructors points with a Cooper, BRM, Eagle or Honda since Lotus, Brabham and Ferrari have established two-car teams, but you can score Drivers points with any car that you choose.

You are the new fly in the ointment. :)

Take care,
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Post by TCrouch »

Hell yeah, come on in! We could all learn a lot from you!

I shaved my time to a 1:31.19, but I don't know where I can go from there. Couple of late entries, but for the most part, if I push it further, I'm out of control. I don't know where I'll find more *stable* speed.

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