Emergence Day (GOW)

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Post by Spooky »

I still think this is the most fun DSP "Poker Night" game in the current rotation.

The playing with randoms online can be a mess from a run n' gun standpoint (especially depending on the map) but I still think it boils down to a lack of teamwork when playing with strangers that makes it that way. I have yet to totally prove it but I bet if you had a cohesive team working against 4 randoms the team would win out almost every time.
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Post by RandyM »


I have this game out from Gamefly and thought I'd just rip through the single player game on 'casual' (enjoy the occasional shooter) mode.

I'm at the part where the Berzerker gets loose and I'm supposed to lead him out into the open and laze him from the satellite. However, it wasn't clear to me how to move silently, and maybe I made too much noise, as he burst through the wall, charged at me and killed me instantly.

I load last checkpoint, and it resumes from the point where the berzerker bursts through the wall, down the hall and kills me!

I am kind of tired of restore - die, restore -die, and don't feel like having to play everything up to this point. Further, I HATE the idea of having to try to bumble around to figure out the map to the building so I can lure some 'instant-death' monster out into daylight.

Basically the game has instantly stopped being fun or interesting to me. I enjoy a challenge, but this ain't doing it for me.

Is the multiplayer much more fun than single player, because if it's up to a single player thing, I'm about to send it back. Maybe we need a poker night or something for me to find out what people are saying is so great about this game, because aside from some pretty graphics and a kinda neat cover mechanic, I'm just not feeling it. I'm thinking of returning it to GameFly and giving RS:Vegas a shot.

Am I being an idiot? Giving up on single player too soon? Haven't LIVED til multiplayer? What?



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Post by TCrouch »

You can't get around it charging out of the wall. Simply dodge it with the A button at the last moment and then run around. You can move quietly but I just roadie-ran to the openings and would turn around, shoot it a few times, and pull it to me. It's very, very easy to dodge as long as you don't back yourself into a corner. Just keep it in your sights and then use A to roll out of the way when she gets up a head of steam.

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Post by Slumberland »

Speaking of GoW, is anyone starting a poker night thread for tonight? The urge to play this game has returned for me, somewhat... Zeppo? Rob?

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Post by ScoopBrady »

Here's a video on Youtube that shows how to beat it.


Just remember that the Berserker can't see and relies on it's ears and nose to hunt you down. If you run it will hear you. The best thing to do is walk until you're clear of it and then either shoot it or make some noise running around. Jump out of the way and move to the next room. Keep luring it to smash through the doors and you'll be outside in no time. Once outside you just need to hit her with the Hammer of Dawn a couple of times.

Single-player is a ton of fun but it can be difficult. Online co-op is a total blast as is multi-player.
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Post by RandyM »

So wait, you're saying if I reload last saved point and stand still while it's coming through the wall it can't get me?! Cause it seemed to me it just came at me.

Also, what was the button to push to 'walk quietly'

(be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting a berzerker)

I'll look at the youtube tonight and get past it I suppose.

And I'll be watching for the next poker night announcement so you all can show me why I should click 'keep it' on this game. :)


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Post by TCrouch »

You only move the stick a small amount to move quietly instead of pushing it all the way. You can be in plain view of it, but if you don't move or do anything, she doesn't sense you other than at the very beginning. Even when you're in the tiny room where you first encounter her, you can dodge her at the start and then just bait-and-dodge repeatedly through the 3 (or 4?) doors you must have her knock down.

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Post by ScoopBrady »

Once I understood how to beat her the only problem I had was keeping Dom alive. He blew it for me a couple of times by getting trampled. If you can make it into the first room without Dom getting killed it's not too hard after that. Just keep her attention on you and let her do the rest.
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Post by Spooky »

The game really takes on a different life if you play ti Co-Op. I did the Bezerker thing first time without having any idea how to beat it when playing co-op with a buddy. it helps when two people are trying to figure it out, plus the other human player is usually better than the CPU teammates.
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Post by Brando70 »

Randy, here's how I did it:

--When the Berserker bursts through the wall, immediately take cover behind the near arch to the north doorway. Dom will hopefully do the same, and when the Berserker charges, she should miss both of you about half the time.

--If you're both alive, RUN through the doorway all the way to the door on the opposite side of the first room. Dom will follow and walk around quietly in this first room. When you see the Berserker in the doorway you entered, shoot a few rounds into her. You'll see her wind up to charge. Start walking slowly to the side by pushing the stick slightly. You should have enough time to get out of the way before she plows into the sealed door. Then throw a grenade to the other side of the room. The Berserker should charge that noise, giving you time to vamoose into the next room.

--Lure her into room 2 with the chainsaw noise -- she should eventually find you. Shoot her again, then leap at the last moment toward the alcove to your right (with the door behind you). Use another grenade to distract her away from the door and head into room 3.

--This room is pretty small, so you'll need to shoot, duck, and grenade again. If you're out of grenades, just walk slowly away and lure her with shots, then duck and run toward the door.

Once you're outside, you get another checkpoint, and it's pretty easy to light the old girl up with the Hammer of Dawn. I had problems with this part, too, but once you get the hang of getting out of the way, it's not too bad. Keeping Dom alive after the first charge is the hardest and most frustrating part.

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Post by RandyM »

I'm thinking I want one of you expert types to go online with coop and help me out here ;)


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Post by Fshguy »

I think of you hold down the left stick you walk quietly. In any case, the A button is your friend to roll out of the way and avoid her/it.

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Post by kevinpars »

The only time I have really hated the 360 controller is the early spot in the game where you are in a dry fountain and have to close up 4 emergence holes while staying alive. I was killed about 10 times because I would hit the D-pad to change to the mine or back to a gun and it would not respond because of the crappy d-pad.

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Post by MizzouRah »

Finally opened my copy of GOW that I received for Christmas and WOW was I surprised at how much fun this game is and how great it looks in HD.

Now I'm wondering why I waiting so long to check this game out. :)

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Post by Airdog »

I also finally picked up this game on the weekend and I've been very impressed so far, although I've only played it for about an hour in single player and about the same MP. I will note that I do not play a lot of shooters, but my favourite would be Half-Life 1 (I didn't play enough of 2, waiting for it to come out for 360, but fom what I did play of it, 2 would probably be my favourite). Additionally, the only FPS that I have played extensively online is Return to Castle Wolfenstein for XBox.

The single player campaign, so far, is absolutely fantastic. I cannot come up with enough positive adjectives to describe the visuals, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Everything from the subtle blurring when aiming/running, to the very very effective 5.1 digital sound mix. The enemy also seems to be fairly intelligent (on hardcore) and the cover system is brilliant. I thought that the GRAW cover system was great, but I think GOW outdoes their system, especially with the multiple options for getting out of cover.

This is something I'll probably attempt to play-through rather quickly, if I have enough free time to do so.

The MP was pretty difficult, as it was painfully obvious that I was behind the skill level of the other players on both my team, and the other.

The satisfaction of chainsawing an opponent for the first time in MP is unrivaled though. The game can be very tense and exciting throughout though. I could see myself playing it MP for a long time.

Much of what I've said has been said before, but it cannot be said enough: get this game if you have even a passing interest in shooters.
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Post by MizzouRah »

Airdog wrote:I also finally picked up this game on the weekend and I've been very impressed so far, although I've only played it for about an hour in single player and about the same MP. I will note that I do not play a lot of shooters, but my favourite would be Half-Life 1 (I didn't play enough of 2, waiting for it to come out for 360, but fom what I did play of it, 2 would probably be my favourite). Additionally, the only FPS that I have played extensively online is Return to Castle Wolfenstein for XBox.

The single player campaign, so far, is absolutely fantastic. I cannot come up with enough positive adjectives to describe the visuals, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Everything from the subtle blurring when aiming/running, to the very very effective 5.1 digital sound mix. The enemy also seems to be fairly intelligent (on hardcore) and the cover system is brilliant. I thought that the GRAW cover system was great, but I think GOW outdoes their system, especially with the multiple options for getting out of cover.

This is something I'll probably attempt to play-through rather quickly, if I have enough free time to do so.

The MP was pretty difficult, as it was painfully obvious that I was behind the skill level of the other players on both my team, and the other.

The satisfaction of chainsawing an opponent for the first time in MP is unrivaled though. The game can be very tense and exciting throughout though. I could see myself playing it MP for a long time.

Much of what I've said has been said before, but it cannot be said enough: get this game if you have even a passing interest in shooters.
Perfectly said! Agree with you as Half Life was my favorite until playing this quite a bit this weekend. I do like the COD series as well.

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Post by RandyM »


I was doing reading and pondering about Gears of War (no comments please!).

The thing that is kinda bothering me is this: CliffyB of Epic stated that if the favored tactic in GoW was to circle strafe your opponent then he failed in his job to make a tactical shooter.

Yet when I log in, night after night, what do I see? Guys doing the circle strafe dance with shotguns til one of them gets the magical hit and blows the other guy into chunky bits.

So, logically, either:

a) CliffyB has failed and GoW is like any other shooter in this regard
b) A well coordinated team working together would rarely, if ever, have to get into a circle strafe fight in order to win.

Of course, the problem with trying to do any teamwork stuff online is that most people online are just in there to have a good time, go in and shoot stuff, and tactics be hung, besides maybe just staying together (the most primitive form of teamwork).

So, is anyone interested in having a GoW poker night where we divide up into teams and actually experiment with some tactics...maybe like refraining from circle strafe battles and seeing whether a well coordinated team can without doing the shooter happy dance? Or do we just concede that for all Cliffy's talk, the only effective way to play is to just dive in and dance...

Clearly the Lancer's bullets are pitiful coming from one person. They can usually close on you by rolling and evading and tag you with a grenade or do a shotgun/chainsaw on you before you can finish them with the little lancer pinpricks. But I'm thinking - maybe combined fire can win where a one-on-one lancer fullisade will not.

Anyhoo...apologies if this sounds like a complete waste of time, but the tactician/thinker in me cannot help but wonder if the problem is the game itself, or the players that you see night after night on XBL?


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Post by LAking »


We do that every time their is a GOW poker night. We generally communicate well and use good tactics. You can't come up with a grand scheme to try and win the game but you should always have a general idea of where you want to go and what you want to try at the beginning of each game. But once you meet the enemy things can change in an instant and tactics are always being adjusted.

Some maps works better for set tactics than others of course, but in general if you communicate well you will be better off. When one guy wanders away from the rest of the team to do his own thing he generally hurts the team because he's very ineffective going solo against 2 or more opponents and he weakens the rest of the group by diminishing their numbers.

Playing random matched online in any game usually means very little teamwork. You never know what kind of people you are going to end up with. But with our regular GOW poker nights you know you'll get a good game. So in short, JOIN US! Tonight 1/30, 10:30 EST. More than eight people have already chimed in but maybe if you get there early enough you could grab a spot. Or stick around until someone drops.
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Post by RandyM »

Yeah it's been pretty brutal. I can never seem to get into a DSP Poker Night. Every time I answer the invite it's already full :(


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Post by RobVarak »

RandyM wrote:Yeah it's been pretty brutal. I can never seem to get into a DSP Poker Night. Every time I answer the invite it's already full :(

The 8-player limit is the only drawback to online mulitplayer.
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Post by LAking »

RobVarak wrote:
RandyM wrote:Yeah it's been pretty brutal. I can never seem to get into a DSP Poker Night. Every time I answer the invite it's already full :(

The 8-player limit is the only drawback to online mulitplayer.
Yup, it sucks. If only the game could go to 10 or maybe 12. I don't think that extra one person per side would change the dynamic too much.
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Post by Brando70 »

Six per side would add some nice wrinkles -- having three two-man teams would make flanking pretty interesting.

GOW definitely doesn't work as a Rambo style Halo game online. I've only played it online during poker nights, so I am definitely a little spoiled.

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Post by GameSeven »

New multiplayer mode ("Annex") of GoW announced: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/777/777 ... Sid=777675

The name seems to imply a territory control mechanic. Quoting the article, which quotes the original thread on Epic's forums:

"Some folks who got to play it a few weeks ago said they think it is our best multiplayer gametype yet but I'll leave it for you fans to decide what you think for yourself when it shows up soon on Xbox Live. More details next week."

Seems like more fuel for GoW Poker Nights!

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Post by Naples39 »

GameSeven wrote:New multiplayer mode ("Annex") of GoW announced: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/777/777 ... Sid=777675

The name seems to imply a territory control mechanic. Quoting the article, which quotes the original thread on Epic's forums:

"Some folks who got to play it a few weeks ago said they think it is our best multiplayer gametype yet but I'll leave it for you fans to decide what you think for yourself when it shows up soon on Xbox Live. More details next week."

Seems like more fuel for GoW Poker Nights!
Gears update scheduled to hit today at 4pm PST. We should definitely try this out on a poker night this week (I'd vote for Wednesday).

Details of mode: http://kotaku.com/gaming/gears-of-war/g ... 249637.php

Clips of it in action:
http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/clip-gea ... 250752.php

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Post by RobVarak »

A couple of excellent fixes too:
Adjusted Boomshot: splash damage to be more effective rendering targets down-but-not-out

Adjusted Hammer of Dawn: aiming will be more forgiving of moving targets

Adjusted Roadie Run: reduced frequency of accidentally grabbing cover while running
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