Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by J_Cauthen »

Amen Kevin... I´ve never looked at it that way! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

What is even more amazing is this is the most watched Super Bowl since 1998 according to the ratings. Many figired this would be a dud going in and it ended up with solid numbers.
<BR>As for the nipple, prude or no-prude we are born into this world naked. Sorry but I think people are making way to out of this. First of all if you are letting your kids watch a show produced by MTV that included Kid Rock, P Diddy and Nelly, just to name a few you pretty much get what you deserve. Forcing yourself to watch Justin Timberlake perform would be a good sign you might be a masochist.
<BR>I remember the good old days where I could switch to MTV and watch Beavis and Butthead during the Super Bowl Half Time. When MTV was rotting my mind without the nudity.
<BR>Of course I don´t think this type of programming belongs on public TV but I think CBS had an idea what it was in for when it let MTV handle the show. I mean come on we all know Justin had to one up Britney Spears after the Madonna kiss.
<BR>Sorry buddy but there is a vast difference between what was on last night and porn. I have tons of porn, and that was not porn. <BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: bdoughty on 02-02-2004 12:19 ]</font>
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by JRod »

While I don´t think it should happen whether or not you think think it´s right is not the real point. If children are watching they get their dose of sexualty and shock value from other avenues and any good parent will atleast have a chat about this. You can´t just compain that it shouldn´t be on TV and then let their kids watch a Britney video, I don´t think that´s a good job of parenting.<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: JRod on 02-02-2004 12:23 ]</font>
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by JasonC »

bdoughty - thanks for your reply. From the Merriam Webster site defining the word "pornography":
<BR>1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
<BR>2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
<BR>3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction <the pornography of violence>
<BR>So I think this fits nicely. Our society has become so desensitized to sex that no one really even notices things like this anymore.
<BR>Guys, pornography is serious stuff, whether you want to believe it or not. One extreme example:
<BR>Obviously this won´t happen to everyone. But anyone who believes that it is harmless fun that doesn´t affect anyone but themselves is living in a lie.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by pk500 »

<BR>So is alcohol. So are cigarettes. So is fast food. So are drugs.
<BR>It´s all about choices and personal responsibility, man, something that is almost extinct in the U.S.
<BR>Take care,
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 12:28, JasonC wrote:
<BR>bdoughty - thanks for your reply. From the Merriam Webster site defining the word "pornography":
<BR>1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
<BR>2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
<BR>3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I studied that image of here breast long and hard and still no sexual excitement, emotional reaction so I guess it depends on the viewer as to how correct the dicitionary is. Hopefully next year they will try harder and have Britney Spears do that to Janet. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_cool.gif">
<BR><!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE> Our society has become so desensitized to sex that no one really even notices things like this anymore.
<BR>Guys, pornography is serious stuff, whether you want to believe it or not. One extreme example:
<BR> </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Our country is not even close to being desensitized to sex in comparison to many parts of the world. Of course we could go into all the studies done on counties like Holland who on % has lower rape, STD´s, teenage pregnancy, etc... Yet they seem a bit more open when it comes to the "porn" you refer to.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE> <a href="http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/deadly/" target="_blank" target="_new">http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/deadly/</a> </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Please tell me you are joking right? I was going to be a criminologist before I changed my major. I have a pretty good idea as to why Ted Bundy killed all those women.
<BR>Should we lock up all really smart kids who wet their beds and on occasion kill an ant in the road?
<BR>I mean come on like PK said you have to have some personal responsibility.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by J_Cauthen »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 12:16, bdoughty wrote:
<BR> First of all if you are letting your kids watch a show produced by MTV that included Kid Rock, P Diddy and Nelly, just to name a few you pretty much get what you deserve. Forcing yourself to watch Justin Timberlake perform would be a good sign you might be a masochist.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Good point, and I am the maddest at myself as I am anyone else. I just flat was asleep at the switch; I was halfway watching the screen and discussing the game with my family. I had noticed how bad the performers were musically before anything else. When I saw the garb of Janet´s henchpersons, I should have had the good sense to switch the channel at that point. That was inappropriate for my kids. (And how does one get rid of this blasted Winnet/Comwiz crap that I have to keep acknowledging performed an illegal operation and will be shutdown! It won´t uninstall!!) We were all in the kitchen during the crotch grabbing escapades of the rappers, so thankfully I missed that.
<BR>I learned a lesson from this, I just hope I don´t forget it.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by davet010 »

Best definition of pornography
<BR>"Erotic is using the feather....pornography is using the whole chicken"
<BR>Coincidentally enough, my daily trivia calendar has the following entry for today
<BR>"Man has free choice, or otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards and punishments would be in vain" - St Thomas Aquinas
<BR>As for your website Jason, I found that somewhat more disturbing than 99% of the ´porn´ that I have seen to date.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

Unfortunately I did not see the incident, but here is my take on it...
<BR>I applaud MTV for this bold move of ground breaking on TV. While I do not think it was the most appropriate way of doing it, I do think that our society needs to loosen up in many respects and that MTV’s stunt can hopefully pave the way for more relaxed FCC censorship laws all around (whether MTV even had this in mind or not). To me, this is no different that South Parks ‘Sh*t’ saying episode, or NYPD Blue’s ass shots and swearing. Now the fact that they did this on live TV without warning was not the best idea but it certainly has turned a lot of heads (again, I am sure that MTV is trying to turn heads for many other selfish reasons, but intentionally or not, they have now stirred up some serious debates on censorship).
<BR>I also understand the negative outlook on this stunt since it hit without warning and many families were watching together. One can definitely argue that the incident was inappropriate not because of the nudity itself, but because of the nature in which it happened. Do we really want to promote that it is ‘cool’ or ‘sexy’ for guys to go around grabbing the covering of a woman’s breast and tearing it off? Of course that is not a good message to send to kids. But, on the other hand, any kids who see that and then go around trying it on a classmate or female acquaintance probably have other issues and parenting problems that are ultimately responsible.
<BR>Again, this incident is a tricky one cause I can really see both sides of the ‘moral’ debate. On one side even the parents that are all for taking full responsibility for what their children see and hear (music, video games, violent movies, nudity, ect…) and parenting accordingly could not have prepared for this if they did not think it was appropriate for their kids to see. And that’s unfortunate. On the other hand, for this stunt to have the impact it did just shows how prude we are as nation on many levels and shelter our children from things that should not be view as indecent or harmful if approached in a mature manner (not that this stunt was really ‘mature’) but the idea of a kid seeing a boobie should not be a scary and horrifying experience, similar to the ‘European’ outlook on drinking and nudity.
<BR>Back to my original comments, I hope that this can begin to pave the way for TV and all media to begin looking at it’s censorship ideals and laws. I mean, really, I think we all know what Ozzy and family are saying underneath those beeps. And we certainly all know what is underneath those bars and blurs on E!’s Howard Stern show. Would it really make that much of a difference if we actually heard and saw those things !?!?!? The people that think it is okay to let their 6 year old watch Howard Stern or The Osbournes just because they cover up the offensive content are still exposing the child’s mind to the adult oriented material regardless of the bleeps and blurs !!! Do you really think it would make a big difference on those children if the bleeps & blurs were gone???
<BR>Let’s (as Americans) start being less sensitive and offended and spend all of that wasted energy on educating !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the head start MTV !!! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>I mean, really, I think we all know what Ozzy and family are saying underneath those beeps. And we certainly all know what is underneath those bars and blurs on E!’s Howard Stern show. Would it really make that much of a difference if we actually heard and saw those things !?!?!? The people that think it is okay to let their 6 year old watch Howard Stern or The Osbournes just because they cover up the offensive content are still exposing the child’s mind to the adult oriented material regardless of the bleeps and blurs !!! Do you really think it would make a big difference on those children if the bleeps & blurs were gone???
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Conversely, do you really need to actually hear the word? You know what they are saying so what is the problem with bleeping it out. I actually like the bleeping of curse words just out of respect for the people that are offended by it. I can swear like a drunken sailor, but I feel there is a time and a place for it. If I´m flipping through the channels at night with my son I like not having to worry about it. If my in-laws are over I like the fact that Shaq´s tirade is bleeped out on Sportscenter.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by RiverRat »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>Our society has become so desensitized to sex that no one really even notices things like this anymore.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>A society that truly was desensitized to sex wouldn´t let the most hyped sporting event of the year, and one of the best Super Bowls ever, be overshadowed by a quick peek at Janet´s rack.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>As for your website Jason, I found that somewhat more disturbing than 99% of the ´porn´ that I have seen to date. </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>With that I agree 100%.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Brando70 »

I´ll never understand why it´s okay for children to see boobs until they´re age one, but not okay after that.
<BR>The thing is, we are way to sensitive to nudity. I can see parents getting upset at the sexual content of the songs and dancing last night. But the quick flash of a breast, honestly, should be no big deal. Frankly, it would be easier to laugh that off with a kid (it was an "accident," little Jimmy, isn´t that funny) than it would be to explain why Nelly is grabbing his crotch.
<BR>Really, we make too big of a deal about sex, which is why we can´t handle the subject very well. I´m not saying I want full exposure on prime-time TV, but it´s precisely the taboo nature of sex that elevates stupid stunts like this to national headlines.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by pk500 »

>>>I´ll never understand why it´s okay for children to see boobs until they´re age one, but not okay after that.<<<
<BR>It´s cool in my house. My son is 3 and still goes to the boob bar for a few nips every night before he goes to sleep.
<BR>I´m jealous as hell of the little bastard, but I´d hang on to the frau´s rack until I was 14 if I was him ... <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Take care,
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by ScoopBrady »

Man, is this country turning into this much of a ***** (which of course we shouldn´t be able to look at since we will obviously murder many young women), where a little titty flashing is over the top? I´ve read some comments in this thread about how bad America is getting with what is shown on tv and how we are all desensitized to anything sexual yet we are by far one of the most tame countries when it comes to sex on tv IMO. Want some ***** proof? Check out that HBO show that show the stuff being aired on European tv.
<BR>The real problem is parents don´t want to have to explain things to their children. Well I say ***** that, I want my daughter to have things explained to her by me or my wife rather than try to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with my child. I think I´ll raise her myself thank you very much. Should you expose your child to hardcore porn, of course not, but at least don´t shelter them to the point where sexuality becomes a bad thing. I´m a firm believer that children seeing nudity or violence isn´t the end of the world if their parents at least talk to them about it.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

"I can swear like a drunken sailor, but I feel there is a time and a place for it. If I´m flipping through the channels at night with my son I like not having to worry about it. If my in-laws are over I like the fact that Shaq´s tirade is bleeped out on Sportscenter."
<BR>You are actually adding to my overall point. Wouldn´t it be nice to one day be in a society that is not offended by a ´word´ or a ´boobie´ so that we don´t have to feel uncomfortable when Shaq is swearing up a storm or Janet Jacksons Boobie falls out in front of our parents/grandparents/kids, ect...Come on people, it´s just a word and/or a part of the human body !!!!
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Post by Brando70 »

I think you have to have standards. There´s some stuff on the morning radio shows that is just awful -- I was reading about the Bubba the Love Sponge show that received a record fine from the FCC, for instance. I couldn´t believe what that guy was saying (it was a series of sexually explicit skits involving cartoon characters).
<BR>I mean, I wouldn´t let kids watch the South Park movie, even though I think it´s hilarious. Some stuff is definitely not for kids. And the thing is, there will always be language that offends, because language holds a certain amount of power.
<BR>It´s more the idea that nakedness is wrong and evil that bothers me. Not that I´m promoting nudism, but the sight of a boob or a guy´s talliwacker shouldn´t send people swooning or proclaiming the End Times are near.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>You are actually adding to my overall point. Wouldn´t it be nice to one day be in a society that is not offended by a ´word´ or a ´boobie´ so that we don´t have to feel uncomfortable when Shaq is swearing up a storm or Janet Jacksons Boobie falls out in front of our parents/grandparents/kids, ect...Come on people, it´s just a word and/or a part of the human body !!!!
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Actually, I wish people including myself could find more articulate ways of expressing themselves without having to rely on needless profanity.
<BR>I also like the fact that profanity isn´t just another word and offends people. How can I yell "f you" at a driver cutting me off it doesn´t offend them? Won´t we always have some form of offensive speech even if they are just words? Do you really envision or want a day when it is OK to say "motherf*ker" on the evening news?
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>I mean, I wouldn´t let kids watch the South Park movie, even though I think it´s hilarious. Some stuff is definitely not for kids. And the thing is, there will always be language that offends, because language holds a certain amount of power.
<BR>It´s more the idea that nakedness is wrong and evil that bothers me. Not that I´m promoting nudism, but the sight of a boob or a guy´s talliwacker shouldn´t send people swooning or proclaiming the End Times are near.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Exactly ! I Agree 100%
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

Sometimes a word is only word and a boobie is only a boobie. Yet certain words and boobies cause some people to do the damndest things. I would hate to know how many people today called to CBS to protest a nipple and not even the complete nipple...
<BR>You know this is why I admire a show like the Dave Chappelle show.
<BR>My new personal favorite
<BR><!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/play.ph ... iggar.html" TARGET="_blank">The Niggar Family</A><!-- BBCode End -->
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

"I also like the fact that profanity isn´t just another word and offends people. How can I yell "f you" at a driver cutting me off it doesn´t offend them? Won´t we always have some form of offensive speech even if they are just words? Do you really envision or want a day when it is OK to say "motherf*ker" on the evening news?"
<BR>You´re right man. I agree. I think that your and Brando´s point of language having a certain amount of power is very true. But what I am alluding to is that if the word ´f*ck´ is used by a character in a movie to add to the intensity of that particular line or to the overall character´s personality, we (Americans young or old) should NOT be uncomfortable. Same with TV. If the beeps were taken off the Osbournes, would less people watch because it is now become offensive?
<BR>It´s all within context also. Of course if a news anchor is saying ´motherF´er´ for no reason then I would be offended not because of the word, but because it serves no purpose to the actual broadcast.
<BR>My girlfriends daughter just turned 6 and yesterday said "Awww fudge" about something. And my girlfriend said to her, "be careful saying that because the word that you are replacing with ´fudge´ is not very polite and you might also slip and say the ´real´ word" and her daughter said "what, f*ck?" and my girlfriend responded "Yes. That word is not very polite and it can give people bad feelings if they hear it and don´t want to.". Now, should her 6 year old grow up being offended by the word ´f*ck´ just because it makes other people uncomfortable? Should she be uncomfortable by it if she hears it in certain context´s? Obviously you don´t expose her to the types of movies/shows/songs/ that use that language because they will not understand it and can take it very differently than it is intended since they don´t have the mental capacity to understand fully, but she should not grow up fearing that word and being uncomfortable when she does hear it more often at age 16, 25, 42, 63, ect...
<BR>Her son is 12 and I swear around him and he swears around me. But both him and I know when to turn it on and when to turn it off. Just because we occasionally swear in front of each other does NOT mean that he goes to grandma and grandpa´s and says the ´F´word. You see, he is educated with morals, etiquette and standards. I could NOT even imagine living in a house where I got uncomfortable if I was watching a movie with him and they said ´f*ck´. What a sad life that would be. There are SO may other things to worry about.
<BR>Actually here is another good example, my girlfriend and I recently watched ´Scary Movie 2´ with him cause he´s seen all three numerous times at friends houses, ect...and he wanted us to see it too cause he thinks it´s funny. Now there is some very interesting/offensive jokes in that movie. The ´inappropriate´ parts were just viewed as dumb and not funny. Her son would turn to us at those parts to see our reaction and we just kind of looked at him with a ´wow, that´s really dumb and not necessary´ look and actions. Does that mean we were offended and uncomfortable. Heck no ! It actually felt really nice that I live in a household where a 12 year old is not afraid and uncomfortable to watch a movie like that with his mom and myself. He knows why those scenes are put in for jokes and also understands why they are not appropriate to act on or talk about in most situations and circumstances. I mean, the stuff is out there people. We all have penis’s and vagina’s. All of our penis’s squirt milky white stuff once we hit a certain age. All of our vagina’s bleed once we hit a certain age. We all take craps. We all like sex. We all say the ‘F’ word sometimes. We all understand that a 6 year old should not watch pornography for many reasons (when I say ‘we’ I am referring to most rational, educated, sane adults). The point is that seeing a boobie and hearing the ‘F’ word should not send the majority of this country into an absolute hissy fit and be a headline on the news! And if my girlfriends kids saw it they hopefully would not have to feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, scared, awkward, offended, ect…
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by pk500 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 15:23, bdoughty wrote:
<BR>Sometimes a word is only word and a boobie is only a boobie. Yet certain words and boobies cause some people to do the damndest things. I would hate to know how many people today called to CBS to protest a nipple and not even the complete nipple...
<BR>You know this is why I admire a show like the Dave Chappelle show.
<BR>My new personal favorite
<BR><!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/play.ph ... iggar.html" TARGET="_blank">The Niggar Family</A><!-- BBCode End -->
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I was convulsing in laughter during that sketch last week. "Chappelle" is the funniest show on TV now that "The Office" is done, and Chappelle makes me rip a gut more frequently than even "The Office."
<BR>Take care,
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 15:23, bdoughty wrote:
<BR>Sometimes a word is only word and a boobie is only a boobie. Yet certain words and boobies cause some people to do the damndest things. I would hate to know how many people today called to CBS to protest a nipple and not even the complete nipple...
<BR>You know this is why I admire a show like the Dave Chappelle show.
<BR>My new personal favorite
<BR><!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/play.ph ... iggar.html" TARGET="_blank">The Niggar Family</A><!-- BBCode End -->
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I TiVo´d that episode and was VERY offended by that sketch. Nope, not funnay at all... <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 13:25, Leebo33 wrote:
<BR>Conversely, do you really need to actually hear the word? You know what they are saying so what is the problem with bleeping it out. I actually like the bleeping of curse words just out of respect for the people that are offended by it. </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>You realize of course that people who are offended by "curse" words could simply change the channel or turn off the TV and go outside, right? I love when people whine and cry about something on tv and all they have to do is turn it off.
<BR>Reminds me of the woman who complained about Married With Children about 15 years ago, she wrote the sponsers, etc., really caused quite a stir. She was upset because her children were exposed to this "filth". I always wondered why she didn´t get up and turn off the television. The end result of her crusade? Ratings shot up about 200%.
<BR>This isn´t directed at anyone, but for god´s sake, can´t you morons turn off the damn tv if you´re offended? You don´t have a right to watch tv.

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