MVP the New FIFA???

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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by JRod »

Not expecting much from MVP this and not really keeping up with that game. I had a good look at all the previews tonight and learned that it has minor league play. No real surprise for those that are keeping up with this game.
<BR>But having experienced the horror that is FIFA, part of me knows that all this effort to put in minor leagues will result in less than stellar gameplay. Sure the features sound great but haven´t we all been through this with FIFA. FIFA is the only game where you can play as a D2 team but we all know that it doesn´t mean much.
<BR>I have hope like I alwqys do but don´t we know better?
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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by pk500 »

<BR>I think you´re selling MVP short by comparing it to FIFA.
<BR>The FIFA game engine is so broken that it´s not even close to being a good game. And it´s a very old engine that EA hasn´t overhauled in a long time despite its annual claims of "improved gameplay."
<BR>MVP, on the other hand, really was a first-year product last year. The only similarity between it and the awful Triple Play series was that both were baseball games.
<BR>EA really did a solid job with MVP. The pitching meter was innovative as hell and somewhat realistic. The game needs some significant tweaks, such as a greater variety of hits, CPU players swinging at pitches out of the strike zone and a better pitcher fatigue model, but it´s a hell of a lot closer to being a very good game than FIFA.
<BR>FIFA is absolutely f*cked. The worst EA Sports game right now.
<BR>Something tells me that MVP will be the new NHL 2004 this year, a vastly improved game that climbs toward the top of the EA lineup. We can only hope.
<BR>Take care,
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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by pigpen81 »

After playing HH for years...I played MVP more than any other last year....but all baseball games left something to be desired.....
<BR>the most disappointing genre of all last year.
<BR>Every game was missing something....HH just felt stale.
<BR>Let´s hope this year is different.

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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by JRod »

MVP was pretty good but let´s face it EA Sports takes a while to change the game. And once they get something they think the public likes all evolution stops at EA sports.
<BR>I will be getting this game and not getting ASB, or WSB just because of the Minor Leauges. It was partly the reason why I bought FIFA becuase of the lower leagues.
<BR>I just hope the gameplay is good.
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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by Slumberland »

I think they´ll get it worked out for this installment. The problems in MVP 2003 were large, but they were relatively simple. The engine is excellent. Even with the flaws, it was probably my most played game of last season, and the only baseball game where I felt compelled to play for multiple seasons (though I did sim a bit).

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MVP the New FIFA???

Post by kevinpars »

Not sure which way I feel about this game.
<BR>I have always liked NCAA football and always had mixed feelings about Madden. Never really liked Live and while I always liked the slick presentation of the NHL series, the AI left a lot to be desired. FIFA has already been discussed.
<BR>But EA has surprised me in the past. Who would have predicted that Tiger Woods would become PGA Golf with EA presentation and graphics (on the PC)??
<BR>This year is difficult to predict. I have never felt the love for ASBB, and while I liked WSB last year, it was limited in a lot of ways. MVP was a basic startup. Fun at first but got tired quickly because of the limitations of a first year game. High Heat was just...... man, a good game in 2000-2002(on the PC) that went bad. It played OK on the field, but the atmosphere was worse than Madden and the game just felt tired and ´been there done that´ (PC and Xbox). Mods helped the PC game, but not enough to keep me playing.
<BR>So I HOPE that EA gets it right. Certainly they have the money and resources to do a lot, but I do have some pessimism about the game. But I imagine that I will buy it at some point. I may get the PC version just to take advantage of the mods.

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