Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

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Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

Post by Spooky »

I am curious about thsi one for single player and LIVE play.
<BR>Anyone planning on getting it or have tried it already ?
<BR>Impressions welcome...
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Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

Post by webdanzer »

Supposedly pedestrian shooter with awful AI.
<BR>Did you try Kill.switch yet?

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Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

Post by ScoopBrady »

I also ran through the PC and PS2 demos and was utterly underwhelmed by everything except for the graphics.
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Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

Post by Badgun »

IGN gave the Xbox version a not-so-stellar 8.0. Here´s the summation.
<BR>NOLF, Hitman 2 and Bourne Identity make it difficult for XIII to distinguish itself, once you get beyond the stylish presentation. The characters are mostly colorful, but the AI is no match for auto-lock and a little side-stepping of your own. The story is fairly deep for an action game, but you sometimes have to reach some hard-to-locate triggers in order to keep things moving. The character models are quite awesome, but apparently not nearly as much work was done on stylizing the environment as well. XIII has a great story-driven sheen, but at it´s core, it´s weighed down by some occasional bewildering flaws, in addition to the lackluster weapons and simple combat we usually see in lesser productions. Perhaps if the enemy AI had had just a little more self-defense capability, instead of generally standing and shooting, it would have been better. Other games have gotten away with this by using large numbers of foes and/or unique, satisfying weapons, or multiple ways to achieve a goal. Without these elements, XIII is a fun but linear play-through with middle-of-the-road AI.

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Anyone Interested in or Played ´XIII´ ???

Post by pk500 »

I haven´t played XIII, but every impression I get is that Ubi Soft thinks people will be snowed into playing a mediocre first-person shooter because the game has cel-shaded graphics and a supposedly good story.
<BR>The days of cel-shaded graphics moving games out the door by the wheelbarrow are over. Remember how everyone at Sony predicted that Auto Modellista would be the cel-shaded Ridge Racer or Gran Turismo? That game was a total flop.
<BR>Jet Grind Radio on the Dreamcast was the last great, original cel-shaded game, in my opinion.
<BR>Take care,
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