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Post by sportdan30 »


Check out the vids that Steve posted on 11/1. I believe the first video is one of Syracuse playing at home. Sure looks pretty sweet.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

sportdan30 wrote:To say that the NBA game is a more enjoyable game to watch is absolutely 100% ridiculous.
And making that statement could pretty much be the dumbest thing I've read on the site in weeks...

It's OPINION Dan...ever heard of it?

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Post by bdoughty »

Brando70 and Sportsdan make some good points.

The Mid-Majors getting better recruits is defiantely spreading things out. I just can't for the life of me watch a 4 quarters of a NBA Basketball game on my TV. I can stand the playoffs but generally wont watch a full game until the conference finals. I can watch multiple college games every night. Early season tournaments like the Alaska Shootout, NIT and Maui are a blast. Then once you get past a few slow weeks the conference games kick in and each game matters. Sure you can always sneak in the tourney by winning the conference tourney, but it is rare amongst the big conferences. Yet this tournament provides even more excitement. Throw in the fans, the excitement of the rivalries and everything else sportsdans added and the NBA can't match it in my eyes.

You will never be able to replace the first 4 days of March Madness as the best time of the year in my book. David vs Goliath will always draw people in. We all wait for the year when #16 finally takes down a #1 seed.

That's just me. I won't every knock someone for enjoying NBA Basketball. over College Hoops. Heck there are people that still enjoy reality TV. Can't force the viewing public to have good taste. ;)

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Post by Kazuya »

sportdan30 wrote:To say that the NBA game is a more enjoyable game to watch is absolutely 100% ridiculous. All it has become is a developmental league with a handful of stars. I could argue the same point you're making about the college game lacking star players to which I disagree of course. After naming about 15 top NBA players, what do you have? Hot dog players who are more interested in the Benjamins and picking up ladies than honing their basketball skills.
LOL... I suppose college age men have no interest in cash or girls. Got any more stupid generalizations?
sportdan30 wrote:The shooting percentage is at an all time low in the NBA. Ball handling skills are atrocious. And execution? There is no execution anymore. The game is either one on one or it's throw it down to the big man and let him back his man up 4 feet and shoot. Scoring is way down because teams don't run anymore. Why? Because the defense is better nowadays? Maybe, but the players don't have the skills because the game is too one dimensional.

Most of your post is filled with horrible stereotypes and generalizations, but since this is your only attempt at interjecting a fact into the discussion I will interject: The shooting percentages are not at an all-time low. You appear to be suffering from "blueduke syndrome", which is rattling off stats you heard someone else say that you cannot verify yourself. Books are your friends.

sportdan30 wrote:Yes, the college game needs some fixing up. My team of interest (Kansas) has a fabulous coach who's an unbelieveable recruiter. What's he's been able to accomplish in just over a year is unreal. What he's doing is going after the blue chip recruits knowing that they're probably stay only a couple years if that. Heck, some of them may even back out of their committments like JR Smith did. There's an enormous amount of pressure to win the NCAA Championship and the only way to accomplish that feat is to recruit the best players. Roy Williams rarely did that and I respected that but the game has changed. It's unfortunate and I've come to deal with it.

But at least the majority of the players who attend college play for the love the game. It's not always pretty, but the NBA game sure as heck isn't anymore either. I'd rather see plays that are set up that have been practiced over and over and over. Bodies flying all over the floor in the first half of a UNC/Duke, Mizzou/KU, Indiana/Michigan, Syracuse/Uconn game, and on and on and on. Not to mention crazed fans who sleep out days before a huge game, deafening crowds, fight songs, and specific traditions at each individual school.
LOL.. now NBA players don't practice "over and over". Meanwhile, Mark Cuban was petitioning the NBA to allow his team to practice MORE, because that's what the coaches and players wanted. Of course, if you knew anything about the NBA I wouldn't have to say this. I'm sure in your world, they show up at game time and that's it.
sportdan30 wrote:To each their own of course. No one will ever ever ever convince me that the NBA game is a worthy product any longer. And I'll never convince you the NCAA game is a more exciting and fundamental game. Which it by far is.
"No one will ever convince me"... the mantra of the open-minded...
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Post by sportdan30 »

Blech! :( The NBA is watered down. In my eyes and the eyes of many it's a developmental league and will remain that way until Stern gets off his arse to make the appropriate changes.

We could only manage to win a Bronze Medal at the Olympics. I don't care we didn't have Kobe, Shaq, or Garnett there. They're still NBA players, still the best basketball players in the world. No longer obviously.

Just what was the shooting percentage between Detroit and was it New Jersey? That's soooo sad.

Attendence is down throughout the league. Who wants to pay upwards of $75 for a boring one dimensional style of play.

At times watching an NBA game is like playing ESPN 2K4. How bout a little player movement?!?!?!?

I'm a bigger Barkley fan now than I ever was. At least he recognizes that the young players don't care about advancing their game. In turn, that creates unwatchable games.

I sincerely hope the NBA doesn't expand in the future. At least here in St. Louis.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

sportdan30 wrote:Attendence is down throughout the league. Who wants to pay upwards of $75 for a boring one dimensional style of play.
Guess you should start watching Phoenix play. Nothing like running the fast break after 'made' baskets. Man that was a fun game to watch last night. Sure it was against the horrible Hawks, but still. Nothing like watching a team run another one out of the gym.

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Post by sportdan30 »

I'll refrain from commenting further about the NBA. Didn't mean to ruffle Kaz's feathers. Enjoy your sport of interest and I'll enjoy mine.

This thread was originally intended to talk about College Hoops 2K5 for the consoles. I apologize for steering it away from that.

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Post by Leebo33 »

sportdan30 wrote:Just what was the shooting percentage between Detroit and was it New Jersey? That's soooo sad.
Not this argument again! I'd certainly like the NBA players to shoot better, but the shooting percentages are just as bad in the NCAA when you get down to the best 32 to 64 teams playing each other. Please do yourself a favor and examine the shooting percentages during last year's NCAA tournament. I analyzed it myself and made some posts about it back then.

The shooting during the whole tourney was pretty bad, but here were the hightlights from the Final Four

From the Floor (combined): 43.5%
From the Line (combined): 64.7% (a pitiful 101 out of 156)

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Post by Kazuya »

sportdan30 wrote:I'll refrain from commenting further about the NBA. Didn't mean to ruffle Kaz's feathers.
Not at all. I have no problem with your previous post, in which you gave legitimate reasons for not liking the NBA. Even "I just don't like the NBA" is fine with me. It's when people get silly by throwing out things like they "can't shoot because they're too busy chasing women", or when they introduce flat out false statements or statistics... that's when I will have to interject.
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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Where do I sign?

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Post by sportdan30 »

I think we can all find something positive out of all the major sports even if we're not big followers of them. Which is why I'm willing to give the NBA a hard look this year.

Honestly, strange but true but sports video games at the very least prepare me for who's on what team and how deep a bench they have. I still remember taking the Trail Blazers as my team when NBA 2K surfaced on the Dreamcast. I found myself checking the TV Guide for when they were playing and rooting them on with semi-interest. Perhaps I'll try that route again with 2K5.

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Post by Kazuya »

sf_z wrote:I've started an online petition to get Kazuya to go back to his old icon.
She will indeed return, but I have to give Nellie some props for starting 2-0.
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