ICS 2005 and mechanical grip

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ICS 2005 and mechanical grip

Post by Gangrel »

How is the best way to increase mechanical grip? From my limited race game playing knowledge over the years, I think I've learned the spring settings are a good way to go.

So my question is, how do you dial in some more oversteer using the springs? I would think softening up the rears would increase grip at the rears, and softening the fronts the same, right? So to make the car turn easier I would soft the fronts and harden the backs.... correct?

It would be nice if someone had a setup template to use. I remember back in my Nascar days on my PC years ago there was a nice document that gave all possible problems (tight into the corner, mid corner push/loose etc) and things you can do to fix them. I know the game just came out, but I'll cross my fingers one of the set up experts does something.... or even a list of all the tracks and the setups for us non-tuning bastards. ;)

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