Great News for Xbox owners

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Great News for Xbox owners

Post by Rodster »
<BR>"While Microsoft continues to loose money on Xbox hardware, the company may actually turn a profit on their game console due to stronger than expected software sales this holiday season. According to financial analyst Charles Di Bona of the firm Sanford C. Bernstein, "Preliminary reports from retailers indicate that game software is moving extremely well this holiday season as discount-driven console sales through the fall have boosted the installed base. Depending on the performance of console sales, revenues could swing some (plus or minus) $200 million around our base case." As a result, Di Bona has revised his projections for Microsoft´s earnings this quarter to 50 cents from 49 cents."
<BR>I never doubted Microsoft. Great news ! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon21.gif">
<BR>Meanwhile The GameCube is going in reverse so much so that news is starting to leak The Big N is already working on a new console.

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