Best console golf game of the current crop?

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by JesseM »

Tiger Woods PGA Championship 2002?
<BR>Hot Shots Golf 3?
<BR>Outlaw Golf?
<BR>Which one is it folks? The choice is not limited to the 3 above (if you can think of a better one). Do you prefer the simulation-esqe style of Tiger or the cartoony, pick-up-and-play control of Hot Shots? Or do you like to mix your golf with crudeness (aka Outlaw Golf)?
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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>I didn´t play Hot Shots 3 before I sold my PS2, but I played Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 and was pleasantly surprised.
<BR>Tiger had a nice mix of sim and arcade elements, and I love the analog swing. The game also had a ton of play modes and enough courses to keep me interested. Right now, Tiger is the most improved of the EA games this year, in my opinion.
<BR>I rented Outlaw Golf for the Xbox and was less than impressed. Only three courses, and the "roughneck trailer trash" commentary gets old pretty fast. Plus the analog swing mechanism is hyper-sensitive and not forgiving at all. The putting engine also is like an acid trip on grass -- totally unpredictable.
<BR>I´m excited about Tiger Woods 2003 coming to the Xbox in November. That should be a very fun game.
<BR>Wow -- what a concept: I´m actually excited about the approach of an EA Sports game. Mon Dieu!
<BR>Take care,
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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by JesseM »

I agree that Tiger Woods 2002 was a much improved offering over its predecessor...
<BR>but didn´t you find it incredibly annoying that you couldn´t see the hole from certain angles when putting? And it wasn´t because it was too far away, it would just seem to disappear until you moved to the left or right slightly (which would of course take your put offline).
<BR>Another gripe I have is with how you create spin on the ball. I don´t think any golf game should allow you to affect a ball in flight. As over the top as Hot Shots is, it doesn´t even let you do that. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>I think Tiger definitely has the upper hand when it comes to driving and iron shots. The analog stick is a great addition and I wouldn´t be suprised if most (if not all) golf games switch to this control style. Outlaw tried it, but it was much more frustrating to master.
<BR>But when it comes to putting, I think Hot Shots Golf´s beats all 3 hands down.
<BR>Its old fashioned (power meter at the bottom of the screen and a grid superimposed over the grass which indicates slope and speed) but its clear and uncomplicated (much like the rest of the game).
<BR>All that said, I think I lean most heavily towards Hot Shots... but we´ll have to wait and see what Tiger Woods 2003 brings. If the jump in from 02´ to 03´ is as large as it was from 01´ to 02´, then I may have a new favorite. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon24.gif">

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by FloridaGators »

Do you have to unlock all the players in Tiger Woods 2002 or do you get them up front?

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by JesseM »

You have to unlock them.
<BR>You can begin by creating a character and playing one of the many modes available. At first, you only have a few skins to choose from but as you unlock new players, they (as well as their skins) become available.

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Itemized deductions ...
<BR>I didn´t mind the putting system in Tiger at all. After all, a caddy does hover over pros´ shoulders when they´re trying to read greens, giving them advice. And the caddy´s advice wasn´t always perfect in Tiger 2002, which left putting open for some interpretation.
<BR>Regarding the spin, again, I had no problem with that because PGA pros can put that kind of spin on the ball when they play. But they apply spin when the club hits the ball, not in mid-air. But the end result is the same. Sure, putting spin on the ball on the clubface would be more realistic.
<BR>I guess I´m a lot looser in my sim requirements for a golf game than football, racing or soccer, as I don´t golf. I just want a fun game with real golfers and courses that feels somewhat realistic. Tiger 2002 did that for me.
<BR>Hot Shots 1 and 2 are fun, pretty realistic games. But I think three-click swing systems are as archaic in golf games as digital steering and gas-brake are in racing games. It´s analog swing or nothing for me in golf games now.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 21-08-2002 09:42 ]</font>
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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by Teal »

I love the heck outta TW2002. I really dig the putting interface, as real golf doesn´t have a grid to read. I´d like the analog swing to be more prone to error. Too easy to get the right "rhythm" and crush straight ones. Other than that, this game is butter, and I can´t wait for TW2003. Oh, and Paul-I bet the Xbox analog sticks will be awesome for TW2003!

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by Jackdog »

TW2002 is a blast at parties,great graphics and fun gameplay,I cant wait for the X-Box version.

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by Leebo33 »

"I´d like the analog swing to be more prone to error. Too easy to get the right "rhythm" and crush straight ones."
<BR>Tealboy is right. TW is a good game as long as you can suspend belief regarding the scores. The analog swing in TW2002 PS2 is way too easy. I rented the game and had a hole in one on my second round (-8 for the round) and that was with the default characters. Sure, you can artificially make the game harder by making it windy and playing from the back tees, but I still hit the ball in the fairway 95% of the time and putting was easy as well. If they can somehow make the next version more difficult I will be very excited because I loved the challenges, graphics, analog swing interface, and unlocking characters.
<BR>I like Hot Shots Golf 3, but I just didn´t feel that it was worth $50 and I quickly sold it to recoup most of my money. It didn´t really add much in the gameplay department as compared to HSG2 and like PK stated the tri-click method is really antiquated.
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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Agreed on the ease of analog swing in Tiger. But the analog swing in Outlaw Golf is a b*tch.
<BR>Hopefully Tiger 2003 will find a happy medium. Maybe EA will institute a professional level which makes the analog swing more sensitive, keeping the default from TW 2002 for novices and schlubs who like to brag about shooting 57´s. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 22-08-2002 09:50 ]</font>
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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by Teal »

I think a good solution for the swing is to have the wind play a part in the swing. Maybe like in NFL2K3, where the wind is affecting the direction of the kick arrow right up until the kick is made. You´d have to stick a visual indicator in there, which may not be cool, but it might work. Or maybe use both analog sticks to swing, in which both sticks would have to be in perfect line in order to hit a straight shot- that would be difficult to do! Kinda like lining up the free throws in NBA 2K#.
<BR>One big thing they´re gonna HAVE to do is make it where you can turn that "Tiger Control" spin thing OFF. Or make it much less effective!

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by Galley »

Tiger Woods 2002. Hot Shots 3 may be a good game, but those characters, Oh my god!

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by FloridaGators »

Yeah guys, is there a flaw with the analog in that it can become too easy?

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Best console golf game of the current crop?

Post by pk500 »

<BR>The analog swing in TW 2002 is pretty damn forgiving, especially compared to Outlaw Golf.
<BR>And sadly, used tee lengths to determine the difficulty levels of the game. I would love to see a standard and professional analog sensitivity introduced into the game -- adjustable almost like analog steering in racing games -- along with the varying tee lengths.
<BR>Then TW 2003 would be a damn fine golf game.
<BR>Take care,
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