Retro Gaming

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by JOZ »

Picked up College Hoops 2k8 for the 360 over the weekend. It was at a Half Priced Books for $35. It regularly goes for $60+ on eBay.

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by pk500 »

Hell of a find and a get. Enjoy!
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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by Zeppo »

I’m looking to dip my toes into the retro handheld world. Who’s got some advice for this newbie? New anbernic RG35XX plus? RG40XXV? Or RG40XXH? What’s the deal with “Plus” vs. V vs. SP or just plain XX? Is there any internal difference between the smaller vertical units versus the H horizontal ones, or is it just form factor? Personally, I like how small and unobtrusive the vertical ones seem.

What about the comparison between the Anbernic RG40XXH and the Retroid Pocket 3+ ? Frankly, I’m looking to spend, like, no money, and at least for my first foray and I don’t think I need PS2 level stuff.

I’m pretty surprised how cheap some of these devices are and how quickly they seem to come out with new ones.

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by Danimal »

I cant help with handhelds as I use my Steam deck but for retro I bought this little retro stick I kept seeing on tiktok it was like $60 and came with 2 wireless controllers. I thought it would be junk but its pretty cool, has over 40,000 retro games and is so easy to use and I'm enjoying some old psp games, playstation games and sega system games. It also has a tone of Mame emulated games.
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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by dbdynsty25 »

Zeppo, I’ve had every single one of those devices you mentioned. Here’s the breakdown of my favorites based on form and price.

Vertical Handheld - Miyoo Mini Plus is around 75 bucks. Best built, best operating system if you installs Onion OS. Great device up to PSX. My pocketable pick that’s easy to get going and pick up and play some retro stuff.

Horizontal - Anbernic RG40xx - around 75 bucks also. Same situation as the Miyoo above, Nulli OS is the recommended, or Garlic.

Android Based up to Dreamcast is the Retroid Pocket 2S at around 90-100 now.

Android Based with some PS2 - Retroid pocket 4 pro around $150

Android based with most ps2 and GameCube - Retroid Pocket 5 $220 - the device I use currently for everything. I found that all of the middle ground devices lacked a little something so I use this for my on the go pS2 and GameCube stuff and below. It’ll even do a little switch.

Anyway that was quick and dirty. If you have any specific questions just let me know.

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by Zeppo »

Thanks db! Just the helpful info I was looking for.

Why specifically do you rate the Miyoo Mini Plus better than the Anbernic RG40xxV?

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by sportdan30 »

Sold my Switch recently and picked up a Steamdeck. Holy hell is this thing a retro gaming paradise. I'm not familiar at all with Linux, but my son has figured it out quite quickly. It's unreal the library of games that can be played on it. Switch games even look and play beautifully.

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by dbdynsty25 »

Zeppo wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2024 12:16 pm
Thanks db! Just the helpful info I was looking for.

Why specifically do you rate the Miyoo Mini Plus better than the Anbernic RG40xxV?
Build quality, size and operating system. The anbernic series have all had a few annoying issues to me like rattling rear buttons. The horizontal versions are better than their verticals in that regard. The Miyoo is a little smaller and more pocketable and just feels better to me. The 40xx series is a bit too big for the power capabilities. If I want something with a 4+ inch screen I want to play ps2 and GameCube.

The biggest reason is Onion OS…just a full featured and fully fleshed out OS to replace the stock one. It’s simple as hell to install but you have to source your own Roms. Tiny Best Set is your google starting point there haha. In fact it doesn’t matter what device you get you should curate your own Rom set starting there.

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Re: Retro Gaming

Post by Zeppo »

Thanks again for the top-notch info db.

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