NHL 19

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NHL 19

Post by vader29 »

Trailer released tonight, pond hockey added.

https://www.operationsports.com/nhl-19- ... -and-more/

From Polygon.com:
The first thing every NHL 19 player will do when they enter World of CHEL is create a character in one of 12 forward or defenseman classes. They can outfit this created player with two “traits” and one “specialization.” A specialization is a perk, like increasing the energy level for your team every time you score a goal. That one won’t necessarily be useful in this mode, though, because NHL Ones matches are three-player affairs — one versus one versus one, every person for themselves.

Outside of World of CHEL, EA Vancouver is also making some major gameplay improvements to the series in NHL 19. Chief among them is the introduction of EA Sports’ Real Player Motion (RPM) technology, which debuted last year in FIFA 18, the other annual franchise developed at EA Vancouver. In the company’s hockey series, it’s being used to overhaul the way skating looks and feels.

“Our game was very uniform,” said NHL 19 lead producer Sean Ramjagsingh of previous entries in the franchise.

For NHL 19, the team did new motion capture for skating, and Ho said that the RPM technology is “very precise” in how it blends different animations together, taking the motion capture data and finding points to seamlessly transition between moves. The effect is that this year’s game will offer smoother animations and more responsive motion. Plus, different-sized players will skate differently. A smaller guy like the Rangers’ scrappy winger Mats Zuccarello simply doesn’t move across the ice the same way the Bruins’ towering defenseman Zdeno Chara does.

More importantly, the system now feels more responsive and explosive, according to EA. “We absolutely had the look; we got the feel [too],” said Ramjagsingh.

RPM also involves a physics overhaul that will make collisions appear more realistic. Ho described players anticipating and bracing for hits, and said that thanks to improved follow-through animations, it will look like players really finish their checks. A bonus of the system is that it has also solved a long-standing problem in EA’s games: puck pickups. “We’ve basically completely addressed this issue,” said Ho.

https://www.polygon.com/2018/6/20/17446 ... 4-xbox-one
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Aristo »

Man, the OS forums are going to melt down. This looks like full on arcade hockey. That's fine by me, but die-hard sim guys there are going to lose their s***.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by 10spro »

I just want a different game engine,(will RPM leads us to that) another duet in the commentary booth, improved servers and since pond hockey is back, why not bring the Winter classics? Apparently #99 is will be featured in the cover of the Ultimate edition, along the addition of other legends.

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

It’s early and only a trailer. OS forums are the “Wild West”. Not saying nothing valid gets posted there but let’s be real. I’m sure they will have another beta so let’s see it play out.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by TCrouch »

Not to attempt a thread-jack, but the last thing we ever expected to see when we started the OS Forums was the sh*t show it's turned into. I remember when the forums were nothing but Steve and myself sending idiotic things back and forth just to generate post counts and get them more active. Now I can't even go there anymore without just shaking my head.

Doesn't seem to matter if it's NHL, Madden, NBA, or any random game you could pick out of a box...they'll rant and rave about SOMETHING. It really sucks your enjoyment out of a title to even try to read some of that stuff, honestly.

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Danimal »

TCrouch wrote:Not to attempt a thread-jack, but the last thing we ever expected to see when we started the OS Forums was the sh*t show it's turned into. I remember when the forums were nothing but Steve and myself sending idiotic things back and forth just to generate post counts and get them more active. Now I can't even go there anymore without just shaking my head.

Doesn't seem to matter if it's NHL, Madden, NBA, or any random game you could pick out of a box...they'll rant and rave about SOMETHING. It really sucks your enjoyment out of a title to even try to read some of that stuff, honestly.
Yep and you get the guys who get banned and then sneak back in because they are addicted to being a dick. I mean how shallow does your life have to be to make duplicate fake accounts to get back on a web forum?

When I was a mod there I spent most of my days just catching PBU's and trying to IP ban them which doesn't work. The other large percentage was people reporting people who didn't violate any rule other than saying something they didn't like.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Aristo »

When you say PBU's, you mean me, right?

I like to post there, although it comes and goes depending on what games are hot. And yes, I snuck back in, just like I did here. And yes, I was aware you nailing me whenever you could.

And I got banned for arguing with Show guys that would. post in the MLB 2K threads. You know, guys that are addicted to being dicks, but seemed to have the protection from moderation.

So like here, I made an appeal to Millennium and he welcomed me back. But I guess I'm just a shallow guy.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Danimal »

Aristo wrote:When you say PBU's, you mean me, right?
Previously Banned users.
I like to post there, although it comes and goes depending on what games are hot. And yes, I snuck back in, just like I did here. And yes, I was aware you nailing me whenever you could.
That bold part is pretty funny but I have bad news for you I wasn't sitting at my PC searching for your to ban you LOL.
You can believe it or not, but I actually never banned you that I recall. Hell I didn't know what user names you used until you posted here and Aristo never got banned there right?

I never got involved in banning people I had a history with, in fact it is something all mods over there are supposed to practice. So someone once here like GT who I constantly got into arguments with and was a pain in the ass over there, but I never banned him. I might of moderate a post but banning, that is not my style otherwise how shallow would that make me?
So like here, I made an appeal to Millennium and he welcomed me back. But I guess I'm just a shallow guy.
Were you making new accounts to be a dick, to cause trouble? If so then yes, I'm talking about you but if you came back an acted fine then no. For someone who frequents that forum you should have a clear idea of the type of person i am referring too. If Mil let you back in then you clearly cleaned up your act or were banned for a bad reason which also happened a lot.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Aristo »

It's complicated, and it's why OS's zero tolerance makes the forums worse, not better.

I never made a new account to be a dick. But with a new account, you aren't participating;ating the same. The moment anyone links your new account to you, you are banned. So many times, it just went poof. Often, it was after I mistakenly posted something here that made it obvious to someone that posted in both places who I was.

But when you are posting as a PBU, it's easier to just get mad and let loose because you have no attachment to an account. It's gonna go poof at some point, because it often happens out of the blue, with no new issue. You aren't even told who did the ban. But if OS did something like suspend guys for a week, a month, six months, or even a year, you change the dynamic. Guys that learn would see the downside of long their account, which is often hard to see the first time. Being a PBU makes it clear that you are an outcast, because you can't play online with them. Those guys end up posting as PBU's, and that means you have a ton of people that don't care if they get banned. I don't think that helps the environment.

I had been posting at OS just fine for over a year on a new account when I posted something here, and you asked me directly what my account at OS was. So I assumed you were going to find me and ban me again. I decided to reach out to Millennium and plead my case and ask to come back under my original account.

I have no idea how much you were involved in my banning. Maybe not at all, and I'm just paranoid. But this isn't the first time you've posted vague stuff that seemed to be directly pointed at me.

Buy hey, sorry for the derail. Yes, it doesn't matter at all what the forums at OS are going to do. I was mostly just pointing out that they seem to be going full on arcade mode now with hockey. As I said, that doesn't bother me much, because I've always enjoyed arcade hockey more than sim. I appreciate sim hockey, and even committed to playing sim for a long time.

But at some point, I just stopped trying to force the issue. I adjusted setting for more speed, big hits and anything to make it fun and challenging. Not saying that it's a better way to play video game hockey, but it seems like a much better way to play EA's hockey game.

I'm not sure if it is a buy, but I assume I will break down and preorder one of the premium versions with extra HUT packs. It's dumb, because I didn't play NHL 18 a ton, and I'm kinda done with HUT.

HUT is what got me into UT in the first place, but they have not expanded it very well, and MUT just blows it away at this point, even though there are few features I wish MUT would adopt from HUT. SOI I probably shouldn't, but I probably will. For one, I love Pond Hockey, and use to play that in one of the old 2K games all the time. It's kind of why I liked threes. So if they double down on that, I will want to play it some.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Danimal »

Last comment on this because I don't want to get into the behind the scenes stuff at OS. I agree with you on the zero tolerance policy they did have a temporary policy when I started there it was removed for reasons I don't honestly don't remember.

Also unless something has changed the PBU system was based off of IP addresses. So the IP was flagged not user names. I haven't actively modded at OS since changing jobs so that over 5 years ago so no idea if there systems have improved.

To get back on topic, I'm curious how Real Player Movement is going to work in NHL. I can see it's benefits in Madden but not sure about NHL.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by TCrouch »

It might be BETTER in NHL...because sometimes those animations can lead to a sort of sluggish feel, depending on how many checks the engine has to go through to trigger an animation.

When a system isn't necessarily a foot planted in the ground, but instead a gliding blade, it might actually be a step forward.

The problem will be the rest of the crap in the game (or lack thereof). I actually didn't buy last year's game, and that's literally the only time that's happened since NHL Hockey was put out on the Genesis. I never even used up all of my Free Trial time with EA Access with it, which is sad, considering how much it used to be part of my weekend-multiplayer rotation.

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Re: NHL 19

Post by vader29 »

Keep reading positive previews of the RPM in 19, actually looking forward to a new NHL game for the first time in a long while.
Improving the Basics

It’s almost as if EA read our review of NHL 18 where we pointed out that while the visuals continue to amaze, the basics of the game of hockey needed an overhaul. In the past, skating, shooting, hitting, and general puck movement always felt a little off. So when the folks from EA told me that they reworked some of those core mechanics, I was admittedly excited.

Dubbed Real Motion Player, or RPM for short, technology, NHL 19 aims to improve the way you move as a player. One of my biggest gripes in previous iterations of the series was that I could never seem to pull off seemingly simple maneuvers. So many times the puck would sit just beside me but be out of reach for my player, who would have to skate a giant circle to attempt to retrieve it. Hits had lost their appeal somewhere in the late 2000’s, and I found myself bouncing off players with little hope of ever recovering the puck before my victim did.

It took no more than 30 seconds to realize that all this has changed in NHL 19. Leaving the fancy marketing terms for engine and mechanic changes aside, you frankly feel much more mobile on the ice. I was able to make small adjustments with my skater, stop on a dime and turn around in what seemed appropriate for a high-level skater. Finally, I was able to skate like the skilled player I was controlling, as opposed to what it would undoubtedly feel like if I ever personally strapped on a set of skates.

Hitting is also tuned up in NHL 19. You can once again line players up and deliver crushing blows, but if you’re more strategic, you’re now able to check opposing players and relieve them of the puck properly. I specifically asked if the settings I was playing with were the defaults and was told that indeed they were. It’s amazing how much such seemingly small changes impact the experience of playing the game. Afterall, what good is a hockey game if it doesn’t feel like you’re a skater on ice chasing after a puck like a professional NHLer.

https://www.tldrgames.com/preview/nhl-1 ... ew-nhl-19/
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

vader29 wrote:Keep reading positive previews of the RPM in 19, actually looking forward to a new NHL game for the first time in a long while.
Improving the Basics

It’s almost as if EA read our review of NHL 18 where we pointed out that while the visuals continue to amaze, the basics of the game of hockey needed an overhaul. In the past, skating, shooting, hitting, and general puck movement always felt a little off. So when the folks from EA told me that they reworked some of those core mechanics, I was admittedly excited.

Dubbed Real Motion Player, or RPM for short, technology, NHL 19 aims to improve the way you move as a player. One of my biggest gripes in previous iterations of the series was that I could never seem to pull off seemingly simple maneuvers. So many times the puck would sit just beside me but be out of reach for my player, who would have to skate a giant circle to attempt to retrieve it. Hits had lost their appeal somewhere in the late 2000’s, and I found myself bouncing off players with little hope of ever recovering the puck before my victim did.

It took no more than 30 seconds to realize that all this has changed in NHL 19. Leaving the fancy marketing terms for engine and mechanic changes aside, you frankly feel much more mobile on the ice. I was able to make small adjustments with my skater, stop on a dime and turn around in what seemed appropriate for a high-level skater. Finally, I was able to skate like the skilled player I was controlling, as opposed to what it would undoubtedly feel like if I ever personally strapped on a set of skates.

Hitting is also tuned up in NHL 19. You can once again line players up and deliver crushing blows, but if you’re more strategic, you’re now able to check opposing players and relieve them of the puck properly. I specifically asked if the settings I was playing with were the defaults and was told that indeed they were. It’s amazing how much such seemingly small changes impact the experience of playing the game. Afterall, what good is a hockey game if it doesn’t feel like you’re a skater on ice chasing after a puck like a professional NHLer.

https://www.tldrgames.com/preview/nhl-1 ... ew-nhl-19/
Fingers crossed.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by vader29 »

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https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro ... rm=xboxone

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

Cool and all but they really didn’t show anything. Hope its a legit change to the game.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by XXXIV »

Diablo25 wrote:Cool and all but they really didn’t show anything. Hope its a legit change to the game.
They did show McDavid.

Im hoping. Always hoping.

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Re: NHL 19

Post by vader29 »

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https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro ... rm=xboxone

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

Just an FYI, I was looking for the EA Access release date for NHL19 and it looks like 9/6. Game releases the 14th...11th for Legend and Ultimate preorders.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by sportdan30 »

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

Maybe I missed something but there is an NHL19 Beta in the MS Store. I had no idea on this.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by vader29 »

Diablo25 wrote:Maybe I missed something but there is an NHL19 Beta in the MS Store. I had no idea on this.
Search for NHL 19 in the store, 21 GB download.

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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

Played an online versus game and had an outrageous amount of penalties called on me. 15 total in the game. Stupid.

Couldn’t get into an EASHL drop in game. Perhaps not enough people have the beta yet. Looks like there is progression with your player in EASHL. I noticed in a menu that you get skills as you progress in EASHL. Perhaps I’m wrong but that’s what it looked like.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by Diablo25 »

I like the player stamina meter. You must conserve your energy or your guy will fatigue. No more just flying all over the place.
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Re: NHL 19

Post by 10spro »

Diablo25 wrote:I like the player stamina meter. You must conserve your energy or your guy will fatigue. No more just flying all over the place.
Yep, I really like that feature. If you’re all over the map and not playing your position, it’ll cost you in the end. Let’s jump into EASHL 19 Beta tomorrow boyz and see how we fare...

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Re: NHL 19

Post by XXXIV »

10spro wrote:
Diablo25 wrote:I like the player stamina meter. You must conserve your energy or your guy will fatigue. No more just flying all over the place.
Yep, I really like that feature. If you’re all over the map and not playing your position, it’ll cost you in the end. Let’s jump into EASHL 19 Beta tomorrow boyz and see how we fare...
Sounds like a good plan I just started the download as I go to bed....

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