Veterans´ Day

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Veterans´ Day

Post by webdanzer »

I´m spoiled living in this county, and it´s easy to take things like liberty and freedom for granted.
<BR>I´m 30 years old, and for most of my life Veteran´s Day was about some of our grandfathers, old men in funny hats, and lame parades.
<BR>No longer.
<BR>It took me a long while to really get the proper perspective, but for the past couple of years on this day I´ve considered the sacrifices made by the men and women of this country who have fought and died for my freedom, and I am awed, chilled, and overwhelmed.
<BR>´Thank you´ is not enough, yet it is all we have.
<BR>Thank you, veterans, of all generations.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Airdog »

I second that, and and also say ´Happy Rememberance Day," for those of us in Canada.
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Veterans´ Day

Post by davet010 »

Today is Armistice Day here in the UK, and I must say that the observance of the 1 minute silence at 11am has markedly increased over the last few years.
<BR>The number of people wearing the traditional Flanders poppy has also held steady.
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Veterans´ Day

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Well said. Special thanks to all veterans and especially to Jackdog and his brother Damon.
<BR>There´s a huge price for freedom, but the work that soldiers like Jack and Damon have done, do and will do is priceless.
<BR>Take care,
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Veterans´ Day

Post by lexbur »

There’s this old guy that lives down the street from me, a WWII vet. I see him out walking almost every morning when I’m walking my dog. We always stop and talk for a minute. Usually I just listen to him gripe about the Tribe, the Browns or the weather while he he pets my dog.
<BR>Today being Veteran’s Day I wanted to say “Thank You,” but coming from a member of the Spoiled Generation, I thought that might sound kinda shallow, so I just wished him a happy Veteran’s Day. He smiled and said “thanks” to me, which I thought was pretty ironic.
<BR>Anyways, Happy Veteran’s Day to all the vets out there, young and old. And for what it’s worth, thanks.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Zeppo »

These well spoken sentiments are shared by me as well.
<BR>Thanks and gratitude to all those who have served in the armed forces of the free nations of the world, but especially today, special thanks to veterans of the US armed forces and those of Canada. The sacrifices they make and have made should never be forgotten, nor taken for granted.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by devil_doc »

I salute the men and women of this country who are serving stateside and overseas. These members are my heroes and I´m proud of the work they do each day in harm´s way. They swore an oath to defend this country and continue to do so despite the odds.
<BR>Let us also not forget the past and present as well. Remember they too share a part of history and the sacrifice they made with their lives to defend freedom. And remember the POWs that are still out are not forgotten.
<BR>Lastly, I want to give props out to Medical Battalion out of Camp Pendleton. The devil docs gave them hell but they worked overtime patching up the Marines and sending them back out. They all came back home safely and earned a well deserved pat on the back for their war efforts.
<BR>I bid everyone "Semper Fi" whose served our country past and present. This is your day and be proud.
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Veterans´ Day

Post by kevinpars »

Special thanks to all the veterans.
<BR>Along with all veterans who have been mentioned, I would like to add my wife´s uncle Clinton Cavendish, who is currently in Iraq and previously served in Vietnam and for the past 25 years as a member of the National Guard.
<BR>The reason this country exists and thrives is due to the hard work and sacrifice of those in the armed forces. It is easy to remember their work when we live in a time of war, but it is also true that they are just as important in times of peace. Thanks again.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Neckthai »

I echo all the sentiments of everyone who has said really great words about the men and women who have guaranteed our freedoms.
<BR>I thank any veteran -- here in the U.S. and Canada as well as across the pond -- for their service to their countries.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Jackdog »

My thoughts and on my brother Damon today. He didn´t live long enough to enjoy his first Veteran´s Day as a soldier. My crazy little brother will be missed.
<BR>My thanks today go out to all servicemembers that go willingly into harms way past and present.
<BR>I want to say a special thanks to my brothers in the 75th Ranger Battalion smoking the rats out of their caves in Afghanistan. Gods Speed Eric,Lorenzo, Chip and Kevin. I only hope for a successful mission and to see you all soon.
<BR>Thanks for your kind words PK.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Spooky »

"My thoughts and on my brother Damon today. He didn´t live long enough to enjoy his first Veteran´s Day as a soldier. My crazy little brother will be missed. "
<BR>Let me first apologize if I am inappropriately disrupting the flow of this thread, however the above statement has really put a huge lump in my throat as I was unaware that Damon is no longer with us. Am I reading that statement correctly ? Not that I should have known this (or that it is any of my business), but I do remember him from multiple posts and had some good conversations via the forum with him.
<BR>If I am reading the statement correctly, I want to sent my deepest condolences to Jackdog and his family first and foremost !!! Then I want to say how blessed we all truly are to have brave men and women like Jackdog and his brother risking everything so I can sit here and have the freedoms that make my life so absolutely wonderful. It should NOT be taken for granted. This day helps keep things in perspective.
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Veterans´ Day

Post by Jackdog »

<BR>Thnak you for the very nice words. I am sorry you found out about Damon this way. I had no idea other than PK and Vinny,who he talked to on the forums.
<BR>I didn´t want to post about his death on any forums because I really wasn´t in the mood to deal with trolls on this subject.
<BR>Again I am sorry you heard about it this way. I am glad you got to know him a bit. He was a hoot! And my family thanks you for your concern.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Spooky »

<BR>Your confirmation is saddening. I obviously didn´t know him personally, but that news was quite shocking none-the-less.
<BR>Anyway, I understand your hesitation to post that type of very personal information and I will let the conversation rest here.
<BR>My heart goes out to you and your family.
<BR>Enjoy the day, you deserve it !!!
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Veterans´ Day

Post by Badgun »

I´m a member of a group called the Improved Order of Redmen <a href="" target="_blank" target="_new"></a> .
<BR>This is basically the mission statement:
<BR>We are a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring a greater love for the United States of America and the principles of American liberty. Along with our women’s auxiliary, the Degree of Pocahontas, we support various charitable, youth, and educational programs.
<BR>We have about 300 members locally and we meet every other Monday. Last night was our regular meeting and he had close to 100 members in attendance. Someone asked that all the veterans please stand and it looked like about 75% of them stood up. Most were older and fought in Vietnam, Korea, and some even fought in World War II. I was especially touched looking around the room and thinking "wow, all these guys fought for ME and everyone around me". I tell you, it damn near brought me to tears just seeing these guys standing there. It definitely gave me more of an appreciation for Veteran´s Day and of the men and women that have fought and still fight for our country.

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Veterans´ Day

Post by Jackdog »

Jack: I´m saddened to hear about Damon. I saw something in another thread but I didn´t put two and two together. I know how important brotherhood is to you and can only imagine the pain of losing a brother.
<BR>I remember Damon from SR. I steered clear of the Handhelds rhetoric fest at the start of the Iraq war, but Damon sure covered you and Carol.
<BR>Your family is in our prayers. The kids still ask often about how you´re doing--you and Neckthai which goes to show you how catchy screen names make an impression. Apologies for airing this out in public but I lost Carol´s email address during a computer upgrade.
<BR>Thanks brother. We hope you and the family are doing well. Is your daughter going to play basketball this year?
<BR> Please tell them I said hello. I also appriciated the get well messages they passed along in your E-mails when I was at Walter Reed.
<BR>Here´s my E-mail address <a href="" target="_new"></a>.
<BR>Talk with you soon.

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