EA's broken game (MVP lefty bug)

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Post by JRod »

There's definately something wrong with the homerun mode. And EA Sports indirectly admits it. If you look at the rewards for beating someone in the homerun mode you'll notice that almost all of them are righties except for Todd Helton.

With the settings at 10,000 ft for a win, Todd Helton and Larry Walker jacked between 1-2 homeruns a contest.

Now I went back to the game and just started to pitch right up the gut with the power bal filled up completely and they didn't have this problem. This was also with default sliders. So I don't know what it is but it's not right in the homerun mode.

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Post by Jared »

I don't think this bug is limited to home run mode. I played about 5 innings of the Yankees vs. the Tulsa Drillers in rookie mode. Hit about 11 home runs. 8 were with right handed hitters, and most were moon shots that were in the 450 range. Even Aaron Boone jacked one about 430...there were three 500+ shots. And I surprisingly got 3 HRs from lefties. All of them were pulled, and all of them just barely cleared the short right and right center at Yankee Stadium. Probably would have hit the wall in most other parks.

And for all the home run (and most pop flies that weren't home runs, few for the righties, many for the lefties) I watched the spin of the ball. Lefty = top spin, righty = back spin. And there was a definite difference in the way the ball carried in the game for righties v. lefties. Just like in home run mode, the ball carries with the right handed hitters and just dips with the lefties.

I'm having problems seeing how this is NOT due to the ball spin. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is why some other people don't seem to have this problem.

(And this one is for those EA conspiracy theorists out there. Whenever a RH hitter hit a home run, I could lock the cursor on the ball in replay mode and follow it the whole way. When a LH hitter hit a home run, the cursor would never lock on the ball. This only happened with lefties, and only when they hit home runs. There could be a myriad of other reasons....or could it be an EA coverup??? Maybe they don't want us to find out the evidence.....PANACEA UNITE!!! :) )

(Note: I am not endorsing that this is really an EA coverup. It is just a joke. But everything I've described has happened. I am not an anti-EA zealot. Really, I'm not.)

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Post by JRod »

Well I hate to admit it but I wondered why Todd Helton and Larry Walker couldn't hit homeruns in my franchise.

So I went back and played an intrasquad game of CO Rockies. I two controllers to see if there was an advantage and Jared is right.

Lefties with power can barely hit homeruns while I was taking out more balls with Damian Jackson than I was Todd Helton. I was really enjoying this game a lot but I wondered why in 10 franchise games I wasn't hitting homers with the lefties and this is the reason. You have to be perfect to hit a homer and even then the ball will dove tail down while if you hit a ball with a righty it seems to sail on you.

I really wasn't even looking for it but it just sort of rears it's head when you have a line-up of Walker, Helton, Bernitz with Damian Jackson and Charles Johnson hitting more homers than those three.

That really just kills the game for me. How can EA Sports miss something like this. It's not as if this is something that you have to look long and hard for. If you have lefties on your team it makes them pretty worthless unless you want a lot of doubles.

Even take the all-star teams, Edmonds, Helton, and a few more still couldn't match the fireworks of rightys.

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Post by Leebo33 »

Could the people that aren't seeing the problems with lefty power please post their slider settings? I don't think I noticed the problem as much with the human power increased. I did notice that right handers were smoking the ball to the opposite field, but I was getting some homeruns from lefties so the problem wasn't as apparent. As I started to get better and move my power back to zero I lost my left-handed power.

I think the problem is really noticeable on default settings. I deleted my options file and played a three game series between the Yankees and Braves on Pro with no slider adjustments (I did all the batting). I started the worst right handed pitchers for both teams. I hit around 1 or 2 homeruns a game for each team and all were from the right side. Many were to the opposite field because I wasn't used to the faster pitch speed after playing a lot of MLB. My best left handed result was a one-hop hit off the fence using Giambi on a mistake pitch. Sure, my sample size of three games isn't adequate but it is interesting none-the-less.

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Post by Zeppo »

I too have seen the problem; I ran a little HR derby between Thome and M. Alou in Wrigley, and it wasn't pretty. Thome hit 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 HRs while Alou hit 4, 7, 7, 4, 5, 5, and 7 HRs while winning 3 times out of the 7. And I could see it happening, too; balls that looked the same off the bat (same location, same timing on the swing, hit in the same direction, i.e. opposite field or pulled) would become very different as they neared their peak. Thome's balls appeared to be heavier, while Alous balls appeared to be lighter. That's what it looked like to me just watching from behind the plate.

What I think is most interesting, however, is that this whole issue seems to be due to the spin of the ball off the bat, and I for one happen to think that is rather encouraging, although the ultimate screw-up is frustrating.

I think it is good that this may actually be a clear example of the ball-physics in the game working quite well, indeed so well they are exposing a problem with the contact of ball and bat from the L side of the plate. Time was, and not too long ago, I would have been happy to see a cosmetic spin on the ball in a replay, and not even worry too much if it affected the flight of the ball or not. Here it is obvious that the spin on the ball is not only cosmetic, but actually affects the flight of the ball, and I happen to think that is pretty cool. Too bad the final result is a serious mistake in design that makes the game hard for a thinking creature to play.

I still want to get in some head to head, because like someone said earlier, who cares if it's 420 or 450 as long as it goes over the fence. But, when thinking of PHers, it will be tough not to just go with righties every time I'm looking for the long ball. But I think I need to play some games v. human before I can decide if this issue is really a total killer for me.

And one thought; perhaps this is intentional, but poorly executed? Perhaps they intended to include in the game some sort of essential difference between left handed hitters and righties, but ended up going too far. Jared have you experimented with different pitchers? That is to say, is there any difference in the average spins from a R handed hitter off a R handed pitcher vs. off a southpaw? Or the same with Left handed hitters? I wonder.

As it stands though, it appears impossible for left handed hitters to get backspin on balls, and that's just not right. I could see it if it were less likely, or more difficult to get backspin with lefties than righties, but it appears that it is impossible, and that's just not kosher.

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Post by matthewk »

This just about kills MVP for me. I've done enough testing (funded by the P.A.N.C.E.A. of course) to know it's there. I have enough problems hitting HRs in MVP as it is.

I just can't get this out of my mind while I'm playing now. It doesn't matter if I can still hit HRs with lefties, it's knowing that I should be hitting more than I am. I know going in that I'm better off with a RH batter, no matter who is on the mound.

ESPN can't come soon enough. I'm even contemplating ASB at this point. Lookslike I need to give MLB some more time. Maybe it will "click". At this point the time is better spent with MLB than trying to fix MVP.


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Post by Jared »

I think I'm gonna total up all of my observations and experiments with the bug and put it on the front page later tonight. But the bug is definitely there, and I'm 90% sure that it's due to ball spin.

As Hugo said, I think it's pretty awesome that the spin of the ball affects the way it travels. I'm a huge fan of realistic ball physics in any sport, and I've got a lot of respect for the MVP team in modelling it this way. Unfortunately, they made one critical error that has really hampered the game's realism.

And for the many that say "I can hit home runs with lefties", I'm NOT saying that it's impossible to hit them out with lefties. You can. But you really have to jump on a pitch and pull it to get it out.

If you are a video-game pull hitter, you won't see the bug as much as if you hit to all fields. This is born out by the stats of my HR derby tests. Righties still pull more home runs, but at a much lower ratio compared to lefties (27 to 18) than shots to the opposite field (35 to 1!). So if you pull the ball, you'll be doing OK (though there is still an advantage for RH hitters.

(Has anyone gone opposite field with a left handed hitter? If so, with what player? On what level? Against who? And in which ballpark?)

But if you hit to all fields or swing a little late and go opposite way a lot (like me), then you're in trouble.

(Aside: One potential side effect is interesting. I've had lots of opposite field singles drop in front of the outfield for singles with Giambi. It's probably a combination of two things. One, outfielders are shifting expecting Giambi to pull. But secondly, pop flies to LF drop earlier due to the top spin, and the left fielder doesn't have as much time to charge in and make the catch. So the bug is making Giambi a more effective singles hitter for me, but less effective at home runs. Maybe I should take him out of the 5 spot in my lineup....)

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Post by webdanzer »

Giambi has been a torrid singles hitter for me too. Those little sinking, top-spinning, liners.

Anyway, I'm done with MVP. We'll see how ASB does on Wednesday.

Next P.A.N.A.C.E.A. project:

Mass Email Moby (the musician):

in an attempt to get him to sue EA for using his name and likeness in their videogames!


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Post by Jared »

I took some of my posts about the bug and put them together for a DSP Labs Report, and put it on the front page. Here's the link:

http://www.digitalsportspage.com/module ... le&sid=271

Let us know what you think (corroborating evidence, evidence against, opinions, invective against us for our anti-EA bias, etc. etc.).

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Post by wco81 »

Does it make a difference if the pitcher is a right-hander or a southpaw?

That might explain why RHB and LHB have different spins from the same pitcher.

Does the game in general give LHB an advantage when facing RHP instead of LHP?

Is it that LHB can't lift the ball or that the spin just makes the ball not carry?

What about when the wind is blowing out to right field?

Does it alter off field drives? Do RHB have problems hitting it out to right field? Do LHB have easier time hitting HR to left field?

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Post by JRod »

Okay guys just to beat a dead horse.

I took a few different pitchers and threw meatballs an entire inning trying not to make outs.

It didn't matter the team nor the pitcher. All the righties could hit bombs when I pitched to them in the hot zones. The ball exploded off their bat. The lefties could do no right. They would make the same swing but the ball would fall out of the sky.

So even though the USER can hit homers the CPU lefties can't even when you serve meatballs in the red.

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Post by nycmanowar »

It's not a "glitch" persay. It's the simple fact that right handers in the game are overpowered. Hitting HR's with a lefty in this game is real baseball. Hitting HR's with a righty in this game is like real baseball....if it were played on the moon! EA FORGOT to change the way that the ball spins off the the bat to correspond to left handed batters. Now...in the words of Homer Simpson..
DOH!!!! Unacceptable EA...you're better than that...own up to your error and fix it...not next year....NOW. I gotta play on pitch speed 50 to even make Major League lefty hitters even remotely resemble PROFESSIONALS, to substitute the lack of lefty power with increased pitch velocity, so balls will be hit harder off the bats of lefties (which goes against the dynamics of physics...but o well).

Does increasing the pitch speed to 50 affect right handed hitters? NO. Because on pitch speed ****ing 0, a righty can hit a homer 500+ feet, so what....are they gonna hit it 700 ft now cuz of the pitch speed being at 50? That would be comical.
I play on all-star setting, and i have the xbox version. I hit left handed HR's constantly ...but none with the ease or distance of a righty. Never have i hit a HR with a lefty over 450ft...and i never will. I'm writing EA about this again, because they ignored me the first time.If i were Jason Giambi, Carlos Delgado or any league lefty showing thier displeasure in EA's representation of lefty hitters in this game...I bet EA would actually listen. Cuz there would be no lefty hitters in opening credits saying, "EA Sports, it's in the game!."

I also post on Gamefaqs as daddy warbucks.

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Post by matthewk »

Since I'm now convinced beyond doubt that this is a bug, I eamiled EA tech support. I didn't even rexpect a response. I did get one the next day.

To paraphrase (the actual email is at home, and I'm at work. Shhh!!!):

"There is no lefty bug. Both righties and lefties have the same strengths and weaknesses."

That was it. I'm sure that by now the programmers are aware of their screw up, but my guess is they'll never admit it in public. It's really sad, becuse I could live with the other things. Some, like walks and triples were "fixed" to an extent by the sliders, but nothing we do can fix this. This is a problem EA needs to fess up to and correct.

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Post by Jared »


Feel free to post the e-mail. I'm curious as to what they exactly said.


No, I guess it's not a "glitch". It's an error in how ball spin is modeled for LH and RH batters, which results in different ball physics for both, which results in different HR results. I don't think lefties are realistic...the ball dips too much for all of their shots. But I think righties are too powerful, as I've seen too many 450 foot blasts. Something in the middle would be perfect, and easy to implement (ball spin off the bat can be based on a semi-random formula that takes position of bat on ball, pitch, and player ratings into account).


No difference that I've seen in lefties and righties. In a test game I played, the computer started a lefty and then came in with a righty in relief. Ball spin never changed: top spin for lefties (except when pulled, where some hits would be all top spin while others would combine top and side spin) and back spin for righties (except some pulled would have back and side spin).

I have no idea if the game gives a LHB an advantage when facing a RHP over a LHP. I would expect that...but then we should expect more jacks from LHB than RHB.

I don't think it's because LHB can't lift the ball. In watching home run derbies with equal players from opposite sides of the plate, both seem to hit the ball with equal power and velocity coming off the bat. But the ball acts differently when it gets to the outfield, with dip for lefties and a little lift for righties.

As for wind, all of my tests were done with wind off. Wind blowing out to right would surely help the lefties.

RHBs definitely don't have problems hitting it to right center (see the results of my field tests on either page 4 or 5 of this post). They might have problems going to right field...but that could be because it's difficult to get power on a really late swing.

And LHBs almost NEVER go to left or left center (again, see the test results earlier in this post and in my article on the subject).

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Post by webdanzer »

Slightly encouraging post from EA's MVP boards:

posted on Mar 25, 2004 3:34pm PST reply 41 of 45

Just got off the phone with EA and suprisingly the guy I talked to wasn't playing dumb. He said that their have been a ton of people call and tell him about the whole lefty thing. He said there have even been video tapes sent in of gameplay. I guess people have even discribed what way the seams of the ball were moving when the pitcher through the ball lefty vs righty. He even seen something over at ign. He said right now they're testing the hell out of it, but so far nothing is offical (meaning they havn't found anything wrong with the lefties). Anyway just thought I'd let you guys know. Don't give up, we will beat this! "

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Post by davet010 »

I wonder whether they would be able to fix the Xbox version using XBL, or whether it would only be the PC version that gets patched ?
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Post by GROGtheNailer »

Possible reason why, from HHboards:

"Ive been so frustrated with this left handed hitting glitch and hearing of the top spin off the bat. Ive been doing many replays zoomed right and left... and i have noticed topspins off the bats.. but ive noticed top spins off the bats of right handers too... but in left handers you get zero back spin..... any way the spin off the bat is actually b/c a glitch when the ball leaves the pitchers hands!!!! the ball spins correctly ,, but mid-way through the delivery the pitch stops and reverses to a to spin ,, creating a top spin off the bat....... so all those who says there is no bug,,,, ive saw this replay with my own eyes and zoomed in.... there is a glitch! check it for yourselves,, good job ea.. some one failed physics. "

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Post by Blublub »

My on-again, off-again love affair with MVP is back on, but the cloud of the very real lefty bug is definitely taking a lot of the fun out of things.

Has anyone tried editing the rosters to up the power for lefties and/or reduce it for righties? If that works, it might be worth the effort to go through and do this for everyone.

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Post by matthewk »

I thought about that, but then it would skew the results of any simmed games, and then you have the opposite problem. I'm not about to edit my team and then have to play EVERY game to get realistic results. I'm also not about to edit the opposing team every time I play them and then try and edit them back so the simmed stats work out.

I have been sucked back into MVP a coupleof times after I gave up on it, but each time I come back it lasts for les and less time. Knowing that the lefty thing is out there, and then noticing the lack of steals and walks puts it back on the shelf after a game, or even a few innings.

I keep telling myself MVP does not deserve any more of time because of these problems. I think I'm holding out hope that EA will issue a patch for the lefty bug.

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Post by Blublub »

That's what I thought too, Matt, but has anyone tried it and verified that it does result in abnormally high lefty stats for simmed games? Or conversely, has anyone simmed an entire season and found lefty stats to be too low?

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Post by Blublub »

davet010 wrote:I wonder whether they would be able to fix the Xbox version using XBL, or whether it would only be the PC version that gets patched ?
When hell freezes over. I don't think EA even officialy acknowledges that XBox Live exists, at this point. I'm sure they would have offered an update for the Madden problem otherwise - instead they went with the very expensive disc exchange program.

No doubt someone in the community will find the problem and fix it for the PC version and for those with modded Xboxes. Unfortunately I have neither.

This would be my game of choice this year, if they would fix the three biggest problems: 1. no CPU steals, 2. no Dynasty progression, and 3. the very real lefty power bug.

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Post by matthewk »

Blublub wrote:That's what I thought too, Matt, but has anyone tried it and verified that it does result in abnormally high lefty stats for simmed games? Or conversely, has anyone simmed an entire season and found lefty stats to be too low?
Using the default rosters, simming a season results in *cough* normal *cough* stats. Meaning, the lefty bug does NOT affect simmed games.

The problem is in the physics of the game engine. Simming just uses the attirubutes and some sort of logic to calculate results.

Anyways, I've put in enough free testing for EA. I feel the same as you. If those three things were fixed, it would be my #1 choice for baseball this year. As it stands, ASB, MLB, and even WSB2K3 are ahead of it.

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Post by Toledo »

I have the fixed player progression mod if anyone wants it, send me an email at sean21toledo@hotmail.com and/or AIM me at sean21toledo.

As for the lefty bug, I hope to god that someone finds a way to mod this.

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