OT: No more "opinions" from me

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Post by Spooky »


Can I just please make one request if you choose to continue posting here:

Please write your responses to peoples quotes AFTER (underneath) their quote!!! Place your beginning cursor at the end of all the text in your reply box!!!
This will make your posts much easier to read so we know what you are replying to before reading your statement.

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Post by Jackdog »

JackB1 wrote:Jack,
I felt so bad that I got that reaction out of you in that recruting thread.
I later realized that by criticising the recruitiung methods, I was indirectly criticising the military and that was not my intent. That's why I'm better off staying away from that stuff. I write stuff and then read it later and think to myself, WTF...what were you thinking. I guess my big mouth is way ahead of my small brain :D

Jack...I have known some of these "dicks..as you call them" for over 15 years now and some even over 20, going way back to the alt.sports.games newsgroups and have met many great guys who go way beyong the call of duty to help each other out or give friendly advice. I know I should just post whatever and just get over it, but that's not my makeup. When I read your last reply in that now infamous thread, I realized I am better off keeping quiet on certain topics. Seeing how I infuriated you (or at least that's how it appeared) made me recoil in disgust. Who the hell am I to judge? I can never begin to comprehend what you are currently going through and will never understand where you are coming from, but I respect it completely. Please accept my apology. It won't happen again.

Jack,no worries brother. No apology needed man. Free speech is what it's all about. The great thing about our forum is we can all vent and get different opinions. It's all good.

Look man,none of us like that damn war. I believe we are all sick and tired of reading about our men and women getting killed. It's hard on anyone that gives a s***. I can tell by the passion of your posts on the subject,that you do. That means a lot to me. And though it seems I am always pissed when I reply to some of your thoughts on the matter,I don't want you to stop posting your opinions. I am a big boy and can take whatever you dish out and still walk away knowing if I am ever in the ATL we can hook up as friends and drink a few beers. In a non gay way of course. :wink: I know you have a good heart man. Keep posting your thoughts!!!!


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Post by Jackdog »

Spooky wrote:Jack,

Can I just please make one request if you choose to continue posting here:

Please write your responses to peoples quotes AFTER (underneath) their quote!!! Place your beginning cursor at the end of all the text in your reply box!!!
This will make your posts much easier to read so we know what you are replying to before reading your statement.

I agree!! :lol: :wink:

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Post by JackB1 »

Spooky wrote:Jack,

Can I just please make one request if you choose to continue posting here:

Please write your responses to peoples quotes AFTER (underneath) their quote!!! Place your beginning cursor at the end of all the text in your reply box!!!
This will make your posts much easier to read so we know what you are replying to before reading your statement.

I guess I can do that (this). thanks for the tip.

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Post by JackB1 »

JackDog wrote: Jack,no worries brother. No apology needed man. Free speech is what it's all about. The great thing about our forum is we can all vent and get different opinions. It's all good.

Look man,none of us like that damn war. I believe we are all sick and tired of reading about our men and women getting killed. It's hard on anyone that gives a s***. I can tell by the passion of your posts on the subject,that you do. That means a lot to me. And though it seems I am always pissed when I reply to some of your thoughts on the matter,I don't want you to stop posting your opinions. I am a big boy and can take whatever you dish out and still walk away knowing if I am ever in the ATL we can hook up as friends and drink a few beers. In a non gay way of course. :wink: I know you have a good heart man. Keep posting your thoughts!!!!
Jack...nothing would please me more than meeting you for a few brews.
I think if you met me in person, you would see that I am a pretty good guy. I already know that you are a remarkable individual and would be extremely honored to be in your presence. Please do drop me a pm if you are ever in ATL or just passing through on a connecting flight.

I am glad you noticed that I do "give a sh*t". Whether or not you agree with the war, I am amazed daily at how apathetic some Americans have become in this regard. My only desire is that all our boys (and girls) come home safe and return to their families that are missing them deeply. I know we are both at opposite ends of this spectrum and I am only reacting to what I read and hear, where as you have been there and have a totally different perspective.

Also, I am so glad you decided to start posting here again. If this place can make you laugh once in a while or at least be a enjoyable diversion
for you, then it's well worth sticking around. Keep the faith my man and try and stay positive. We are all pulling for you to stay as healthy as possible. Your sacrifices are most appreciated and not in vain.

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Post by BigAl »

-1 for kissing up to a man who told you to get your balls out of your wifes purse

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Post by FatPitcher »

I've always found your posts entertaining, even if I disagree with your views on almost everything unrelated to Collective Soul. The internet would be a boring place if everyone agreed with me.

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Post by Gurantsu »

FatPitcher wrote:I've always found your posts entertaining, even if I disagree with your views on almost everything unrelated to Collective Soul. The internet would be a boring place if everyone agreed with me.
I agree!

Um... I mean no I don't!

Keep posting Jack, heck if I stopped communication every time no one agreed with me, I'd never talk again.

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Post by Badgun »

Your opinions and mine couldn't be more different on almost everything (non-gaming of course), but I do value your right to speak your mind. I advise you to keep doing so and those of us who disagree will continue to pile on like before. There's nothing like a good piling on to get your perspective clear...and trust me I've been on the bottom of the pile many times. As Billy Joel once said (when he wasn't wrecking cars) "Don't go changing to try and please me"

That being said, have you offered up your opinion yet on Bush's veto of the democrats' bill to get us out of Irag starting Oct. 1st?

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Post by JackB1 »

Badgun wrote:Jack,
That being said, have you offered up your opinion yet on Bush's veto of the democrats' bill to get us out of Irag starting Oct. 1st?
We had better never leave Iraq, because when we do the terrorists will follow us back here :D

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Post by Teal »

Badgun wrote: That being said, have you offered up your opinion yet on Bush's veto of the democrats' bill to get us out of Irag starting Oct. 1st?

Best thing he's done in awhile, IMO. Refusing to play a damn game with Pelosi and Co is a good move. You'll see what I mean when the new bill is put out there...betcha money there's nothing in there about a pull out date this time, because they don't care about that so much as making themselves look good for their base. Buncha kooks...

Now, there, Jack....just a little gasoline for your fire, buddy... :wink: Don't lose your passion just because you get kicked in the teeth sometimes-I haven't!

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Post by JackB1 »

tealboy03 wrote:
Badgun wrote: Now, there, Jack....just a little gasoline for your fire, buddy... :wink: Don't lose your passion just because you get kicked in the teeth sometimes-I haven't!
:D :D :D

I won't, but I will be more careful about how I say things and what I talk about.

Since you asked for it......
I just have one question that I ask all those that say that if we pull out of Iraq, that chaos will inssue, and it is this:

Don't we have to leave Iraq at some point in time? What will happen then? Of course we can temporarily reduce the violence in Bahgdad or wherever we choose to concentrate more troop numbers. But when we do eventually leave, won't it eventually go back to what it was? I give the analogy of spraying ants with a bug spray. Unless you kill the queen and the nest, they will return as soon as the spray wears off. I respect those who want to "finnish the job", but what is the indicator that the job is finnished? And how do we ensure that the job will "stay finnished"?
If anyone can answer the above, I would love to hear it.

Another problem I have is that the "objectives" of this war keep changing, so it is extremely difficult to tell when and if "victory" is possible. First it was WOMD's, then it was getting rid of Sadaam, then it was Democracy for all Iraqi's, then it was "we'll stand down, when the Iraqi soldiers stand up", then it was too "surge troops in key areas and to not leave after the areas were secured". It seems like we are continually creating new objectives after the last one on the board become unattainable.

Bottom line is, sooner or later we have to leave and whatever will happen to the region will happen. There isn't much we can do about it now if the other countries in the area don't want to enforce peace. We stirred up the pot....they didn't. So if we are going to leave sooner or later. Why not make it sooner and minimize more casualties? I know I am simpifying things, but someone tell me where I am wrong.

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Post by Teal »

The simplest, best explanation I've ever heard is this:

If we're fighting them there, we don't have to fight them here.

Keeping it on their soil is far preferable to having them bomb us again. And they haven't. As to the stirring of the pot, I couldn't disagree more strongly. Years and years of doing nothing while THEY stirred the pot have finally caught up with them, and us for that matter, and we cannot just go back to simpler days. We are at a war with a bunch of religious zealots, not soldiers, and these guys will NEVER fly the white flag.

I hate war. I wish evil didn't exist, but the fact of the matter is, it does. And we have to deal with it. Placing our heads in the sand, however more comforting that might be, only exposes our asses and cuts off our vision. War is not a perfectly plannable thing. Things happen, things change. The administration's miscalculations were that we were going to win this thing conventionally, and conventionally, we did. We defeated Saddam's 'army' in combat. But now we have these cowards that will never face up to any enemy, because they lack the balls and the skill to do so. So they will strike anonymously, cut the heads off of innocent people, and bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE in a continuing effort to thwart our will. They are succeeding, unfortunately, at least in the court of public opinion. We don't have the balls for war anymore. We don't have the chutzpah to do what is necessary. We have been desensitized to violence and oversensitized to war. Somehow, we can forget that the same terrorists who killed 3000 people on 9/11, and hundreds more in years preceding, are planting car bombs and IED's in Iraq. The newest catch for the US is another high ranking Al Queda 'general'...and he is an Iraqi citizen.

But more than all of this: We need to win. Those brave souls fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan need to win. They need overwhelming support, immediate and unconditional access to everything they need to crush the opposition, and they aren't getting it. They hear that America no longer supports what they are doing. They, inescapably, take that to mean that America no longer supports them. They have dipshits like Harry Reid saying, on National TV, that 'this war is lost', and asshats like Nancy Pelosi, who has all the time in the world to travel to Syria to talk with terrorist sympathizers and enablers, but no time to hear from a general who may say something positive about the way things are going.

Caught in the middle of all the politics, posturing, and ridiculous rantings, are those soldiers, who, if they wonder why they're there anymore, only do so because they get the impression that no one gives a damn about a mission they are giving their lives for. And that is a crying shame.

So, that's what I think...

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Post by mixdj1 »

JackB1 wrote:I respect those who want to "finnish the job", but what is the indicator that the job is finnished?
That's tough ... maybe when they're all running Linux on their PCs, using Nokia cell phones, and producing world class rally drivers? :)

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Post by ScoopBrady »

mixdj1 wrote:
JackB1 wrote:I respect those who want to "finnish the job", but what is the indicator that the job is finnished?
That's tough ... maybe when they're all running Linux on their PCs, using Nokia cell phones, and producing world class rally drivers? :)
:lol: Then it's time to go fishing with their new Rapala gear.
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Post by pk500 »

ScoopBrady wrote:
mixdj1 wrote:
JackB1 wrote:I respect those who want to "finnish the job", but what is the indicator that the job is finnished?
That's tough ... maybe when they're all running Linux on their PCs, using Nokia cell phones, and producing world class rally drivers? :)
:lol: Then it's time to go fishing with their new Rapala gear.
For the love of Jari Kurri and Teemu Selanne, will you guys cut the sh*t? :)

Take care,
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Post by Teal »

Ah, let the derailment continue!!!

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Post by JackB1 »

pk500 wrote: For the love of Jari Kurri and Teemu Selanne, will you guys cut the sh*t? :)

Take care,
Don't forget about Esa Tikkanen :D

p.s. Jared.....can you intergrate a spell checker into this site so I
don't offend Scoop and Mix?

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Post by JackB1 »

tealboy03 wrote:The simplest, best explanation I've ever heard is this:

If we're fighting them there, we don't have to fight them here.

Keeping it on their soil is far preferable to having them bomb us again. And they haven't. As to the stirring of the pot, I couldn't disagree more strongly. Years and years of doing nothing while THEY stirred the pot have finally caught up with them, and us for that matter, and we cannot just go back to simpler days. We are at a war with a bunch of religious zealots, not soldiers, and these guys will NEVER fly the white flag.

I hate war. I wish evil didn't exist, but the fact of the matter is, it does. And we have to deal with it. Placing our heads in the sand, however more comforting that might be, only exposes our asses and cuts off our vision. War is not a perfectly plannable thing. Things happen, things change. The administration's miscalculations were that we were going to win this thing conventionally, and conventionally, we did. We defeated Saddam's 'army' in combat. But now we have these cowards that will never face up to any enemy, because they lack the balls and the skill to do so. So they will strike anonymously, cut the heads off of innocent people, and bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE in a continuing effort to thwart our will. They are succeeding, unfortunately, at least in the court of public opinion. We don't have the balls for war anymore. We don't have the chutzpah to do what is necessary. We have been desensitized to violence and oversensitized to war. Somehow, we can forget that the same terrorists who killed 3000 people on 9/11, and hundreds more in years preceding, are planting car bombs and IED's in Iraq. The newest catch for the US is another high ranking Al Queda 'general'...and he is an Iraqi citizen.

But more than all of this: We need to win. Those brave souls fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan need to win. They need overwhelming support, immediate and unconditional access to everything they need to crush the opposition, and they aren't getting it. They hear that America no longer supports what they are doing. They, inescapably, take that to mean that America no longer supports them. They have dipshits like Harry Reid saying, on National TV, that 'this war is lost', and asshats like Nancy Pelosi, who has all the time in the world to travel to Syria to talk with terrorist sympathizers and enablers, but no time to hear from a general who may say something positive about the way things are going.

Caught in the middle of all the politics, posturing, and ridiculous rantings, are those soldiers, who, if they wonder why they're there anymore, only do so because they get the impression that no one gives a damn about a mission they are giving their lives for. And that is a crying shame.

So, that's what I think...
Teal......I really appreciate your response, but you never answered my 2 main questions:

1- Don't we HAVE to leave at some point? Since we can't control what happens after we leave, won't things turn to sh*t again at some point?

2-What exactly constitutes a "win"?

I am 100% behind you when it comes to defeating Al-Queda and the rest of the islamic extremists, but I don't think that having 90% of our army in Iraq and 1 billion dollars a week spent there is the best way to do it.

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Post by Brando70 »

pk500 wrote:
ScoopBrady wrote:
mixdj1 wrote: That's tough ... maybe when they're all running Linux on their PCs, using Nokia cell phones, and producing world class rally drivers? :)
:lol: Then it's time to go fishing with their new Rapala gear.
For the love of Jari Kurri and Teemu Selanne, will you guys cut the sh*t? :)

Take care,
We really should be discussing this in a sauna.

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Post by Teal »

JackB1 wrote:
tealboy03 wrote:The simplest, best explanation I've ever heard is this:

If we're fighting them there, we don't have to fight them here.

Keeping it on their soil is far preferable to having them bomb us again. And they haven't. As to the stirring of the pot, I couldn't disagree more strongly. Years and years of doing nothing while THEY stirred the pot have finally caught up with them, and us for that matter, and we cannot just go back to simpler days. We are at a war with a bunch of religious zealots, not soldiers, and these guys will NEVER fly the white flag.

I hate war. I wish evil didn't exist, but the fact of the matter is, it does. And we have to deal with it. Placing our heads in the sand, however more comforting that might be, only exposes our asses and cuts off our vision. War is not a perfectly plannable thing. Things happen, things change. The administration's miscalculations were that we were going to win this thing conventionally, and conventionally, we did. We defeated Saddam's 'army' in combat. But now we have these cowards that will never face up to any enemy, because they lack the balls and the skill to do so. So they will strike anonymously, cut the heads off of innocent people, and bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE in a continuing effort to thwart our will. They are succeeding, unfortunately, at least in the court of public opinion. We don't have the balls for war anymore. We don't have the chutzpah to do what is necessary. We have been desensitized to violence and oversensitized to war. Somehow, we can forget that the same terrorists who killed 3000 people on 9/11, and hundreds more in years preceding, are planting car bombs and IED's in Iraq. The newest catch for the US is another high ranking Al Queda 'general'...and he is an Iraqi citizen.

But more than all of this: We need to win. Those brave souls fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan need to win. They need overwhelming support, immediate and unconditional access to everything they need to crush the opposition, and they aren't getting it. They hear that America no longer supports what they are doing. They, inescapably, take that to mean that America no longer supports them. They have dipshits like Harry Reid saying, on National TV, that 'this war is lost', and asshats like Nancy Pelosi, who has all the time in the world to travel to Syria to talk with terrorist sympathizers and enablers, but no time to hear from a general who may say something positive about the way things are going.

Caught in the middle of all the politics, posturing, and ridiculous rantings, are those soldiers, who, if they wonder why they're there anymore, only do so because they get the impression that no one gives a damn about a mission they are giving their lives for. And that is a crying shame.

So, that's what I think...
Teal......I really appreciate your response, but you never answered my 2 main questions:

1- Don't we HAVE to leave at some point? Since we can't control what happens after we leave, won't things turn to sh*t again at some point?

2-What exactly constitutes a "win"?

I am 100% behind you when it comes to defeating Al-Queda and the rest of the islamic extremists, but I don't think that having 90% of our army in Iraq and 1 billion dollars a week spent there is the best way to do it.

1-YES, we have to leave at some point. But does a firefighter leave before the fire is put out? And to the other point, it might. At which point the firefighters return to the fire.

2-Well, to be honest, a 'win' when it comes to battling against a religion (and that's what it is) that thinks this way, won't be totally won on the battlefield of arms. It will have to be an ideological win, and I don't know honestly if that can happen. As long as those nutjobs live, they will create more nutjobs. Right now, Iraq is a terrorist suckzone. If they are going to keep pouring into Iraq, then what better place to kill them than where they keep running to?

The frustrating thing is that these cockroaches will keep breeding, and keep on murdering in the name of some ridiculous god. The temptation, and I'm not sure how I feel about it, to be honest, is to say 'just back up a couple hundred miles and flip a switch, THEN rebuild'. But we sure don't have the resolve to do that anymore. It's a horrible thing to imagine, but I can't imagine a full resolution to this other than the termination of the middle east. If we're all honest, we'd have to concede that.

So yeah, we have to leave at some point. But it sure ain't now. And yeah, it could very well turn into a clusterf*** if the Iraqi government doesn't flex some muscle and drop its balls, and in that case, they would a) deserve what they get, and b) become an enemy nation once again.

There's just no text from which we can historically draw on how to deal with this war. So we are in unknown territory, because this is VERY unconventional. And all the answers that will actually put a stop to this are, at this point, to horrible to imagine. So we have to put up with a slow bleed now, in order to avoid a gaping, gushing wound later, at least until we figure out something.

But something HAS to be done, and at least we're working on it. It ain't pretty, and it ain't perfect, but the military has made adjustments and strides for 5 years now...and it will continue to have to.

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Post by JackB1 »

tealboy03 wrote:
1-YES, we have to leave at some point. But does a firefighter leave before the fire is put out? And to the other point, it might. At which point the firefighters return to the fire.

>>>>the main argument this admin is making against leaving now, is that when we do, it will turn into chaos. Won't this happen "whenever" we decide to leave? That's why I say, the sooner, the better. It was a 3-headed monster before Sadaam somewhat controlled it and will be one after we leave. There is more terrorist activity there now then before we iunvaded, so common sense says lots of it is just due to us being there.

2-Well, to be honest, a 'win' when it comes to battling against a religion (and that's what it is) that thinks this way, won't be totally won on the battlefield of arms. It will have to be an ideological win, and I don't know honestly if that can happen.

>>>At least you can admit that there is no way any "victory" or "win" can be declared in the not too distant future. That's a lot more than this admin will do, since they keep stessing "not losing". A more realistic view would be to "minimize the damage", but that needs to be on an ongoing basis. I just think there are two choices here......stay permanantly or get out ASAP. I just dont think this admin is being honest to the American people about what has been happening there from the beggining and it's hard to believe what someone tells you when everything to that point has been incorrect.

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Post by Jared »


For the love of God, learn how the quotes tag works!


No offense, but your last two posts are extremely off base. To quickly reply:

The whole "if we're fighting them there, we don't have to fight them here" argument doesn't work. The UK has been fighting in Iraq, and they've been attacked in London. Same with Spain when (I believe) they were part of the coalition.

Second, just because people don't support the war in Iraq doesn't mean they don't support the troops.

Third, you treat terrorists like they're some sort of finite resource that can be sucked into Iraq and exterminated, and ignore the fact that our actions create more terrorists. When people are in horrible situations (e.g. war zones), they tend to be driven to more extreme agendas. (And by the way, I'm not saying that this excuses their behavior.)

Fourth, I won't concede that the only full resolution to the conflict is genocide.

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Post by XXXIV »

Jared wrote: Fourth, I won't concede that the only full resolution to the conflict is genocide.
I would have to agree with you.
That wouldnt be so good since the vast majority of the people living there are just like you and I...
They are not all scum sucking mindless fanatic murdering terrorists the same that not all Greeks own restaurants or Italians are in the mafia.
Too bad its pretty much the only way the media portrays them.

I dont have the answer to how the correct resolution will come about since there will always be terrorists the same way there will always be bad news cast coverage of terror.

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Post by Teal »

Jared wrote:Jack,

For the love of God, learn how the quotes tag works!


No offense, but your last two posts are extremely off base. To quickly reply:

The whole "if we're fighting them there, we don't have to fight them here" argument doesn't work. The UK has been fighting in Iraq, and they've been attacked in London. Same with Spain when (I believe) they were part of the coalition.

Second, just because people don't support the war in Iraq doesn't mean they don't support the troops.

Third, you treat terrorists like they're some sort of finite resource that can be sucked into Iraq and exterminated, and ignore the fact that our actions create more terrorists. When people are in horrible situations (e.g. war zones), they tend to be driven to more extreme agendas. (And by the way, I'm not saying that this excuses their behavior.)

Fourth, I won't concede that the only full resolution to the conflict is genocide.
No offense taken-if I can't figure out after all this time that you won't agree with a political viewpoint of mine, then I'm an idiot... :lol:

Our actions don't create more terrorists! That's the ol' 'if we'll just leave them alone, they'll leave us alone' line, and that dog most definitely will not hunt. Our actions didn't create 9/11. Theirs did. They don't hate us for Iraq-they hate us for giving people freedom of speech and freedom of religion. They hate us because we don't bow down at the feet of some vengeful SOB god. Iraq was supposed to be about Saddam, WMD's, and liberation for Iraqi's. Those were all in the SOTU speech where it was outlined. Now terrorists have swarmed in. We have a new contingency to deal with. You DO understand that Europe is a helluva lot closer to where the terrorists are than we are, right? I fail to see your point there.

WE haven't been attacked since 9/11, and we've foiled several attempts, apparently.

As to the second, someone PLEEEEZE explain to me how exactly that works, because a blanket statement ain't gonna cut it. If you don't support victory in the endeavor that they find themselves in, you don't support them. It's like saying you support firefighters, but not that they put out fires. It's what they do, and defeat (ie, anything other than victory) cannot be an option. I don't care if you were FOR the war or not. We're there, and the only option, one that I don't think the administration has been hawkish enough on, is to kick ass and take names. We can deal with the political crap later.

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