MVP: All about the K's (and homers)

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MVP: All about the K's (and homers)

Post by ILikePie »

First of all, I love this game. I played MLB 2K5, MLB 2006, and MVP 2005, and MVP is the only one I still play.

Now, with that said, I do have an issue in two areas: K's and homers.

I play on All Star, with the the user pitch variables at -50,and the only other slider twaeks are to basrrunner speed (5) and fielder speed (-3). I am the Mets in my season.

My problem is with strking out the computer. I work the corners like nobody's business, VERY rarely throwing anything good in the zone. I even throw outside the zone, hoping to get them to chase, andf it works sometimes, but not very often.

My last game, I had 1 K and the game before 2. So, how many are you averaging, and can you give me some pointers?

Also, throug 5 games in my new Season, I only have 2 Homeruns. (Matsui and Beltran) I am getting a fair amount of hits (had 10 my last game), but not the long ball. I hold up at times, but it usually ends us as a pop up, chopper, or fly out.
Again, any suggestions.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

First of all...don't exclusively throw to the "cold" zones. Mix it up. Sure, you want to spend most of your time in that area...but throwing to the "hot" or "neutral" zones can really throw the computer off.

The last three games have been great for me in terms of K's. I had 8 with Smoltz in a complete game shutout. 9 with Hudson in 8 innings of work and 10 with Hampton in a complete game (gave up 2 runs though). So basically I've just had my three best pitching performances of the year...and I'm still 18-24 on the season...6 games out of first.

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Post by MizzouRah »

and I'm still 18-24 on the season...6 games out of first.
Somebody at OS has a dynasty writeup at and he's like 40-0 (I guess he's on rookie), but I wonder.. how much fun is that?

I'm the Cardinals and each game is a battle. I really think the batter/pitcher interface is top notch in MVP, but I know a lot of people don't like it all that much. Taking the first pitch has really allowed me much better success in both power hitting and scoring runs. I can't stress enough how much different it is hitting in a big park.

Getting k's against a cpu team is hard, but I like it that way. I can't strikeout many hitters with Mulder, but when Izzy comes in, I get my fair share by setting them up. A perfectly placed pitch on the black with 2 strikes usually does the trick... but it's hard and definitly rewarding when you do.


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Post by Granatofan »

I range 3 to 7 K's per game across all minor and major league games with KC. I get the CPU to chase out of the zone quite a bit by not hitting the perfect meter and aiming outside the strike zone. It seems that they get excited for that imperfect pitch and go for it. If I was better at the meter I'd be striking out the CPU more. I'm inconsistent with the meter and don't need the -50 adjustments others use to walk a couple or 3 batters per game.

My HR's are coming around and what has helped me is holding the stick away. It seems to be extending my arms more and I'm hitting the ball harder whether it is on the ground or in the air. I blasted 2 last night in my KC and 4 last night in my "A" game with Lake Elsinore, a personal best for me. Also, lay off the breaking stuff until you have 2 strikes and look for the fastball with the hitter's counts.

I'm also playing on MVP.

Hating and Insurging since '85.

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