Have you been rolled up by Culpepper?

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Have you been rolled up by Culpepper?

Post by Dave »

Did anyone else see that Daunte Culpepper announced his gaming 'tag' to a member of the Twin Cities media? He goes by "bigjitbad" and here's his explanation on the name:

"That's me,'' Minnesota Vikings quarterback Daunte Culpepper said. "Where I come from, a jit is like a youngster, and I was big so I was called Big Jit as a kid. Most people don't believe me when I tell them who they're playing. Nobody can stop me in Madden.''

Must be on PS2, since I'm a rube and tried entering it in XBL to no avail.

In other Vikings news, did anyone see Tony Dungy stand up, in a way, for Randy Moss' TD celebration? I thought it was interesting, coming from Tony D, but he says that GB has a tradition of mooning the visiting team's bus following a loss. Kind of puts it in some sort of perspective at least.
xbl/psn tag: dave2eleven

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Post by cdastros »

Ricky Williams posted his gamertag on his website runrickyrun. He said he did it to get better compatition. I wonder if Ricky still plays at the weird school that he goes too.

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