Colin M 2005 Impressions

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Post by Spooky »

Zeppo wrote:For some reason, I am having a much better time with hairpins in this game than in 04. It's entirely possible that I am just better now, but I think there may be something about the game that hleps.

I haven't got too far in career mode (still on the first block of stuff), but I am frustrated by the lack of challenge. I had hoped the competitors would have ramped up a bit by now, but I'm beating them by large margins in the various competitions. What's frustrating, is I think I have to restart in order to change the difficulty. Not 100% sure, but I think so. Better do it now, before I get too far in. Although, part of me wants to cruise through just to open up all the cars. Hmmm.
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Post by pk500 »

I finally broke down and bought this last night, as I thought my contact had forgotten me with a freebie. As fate had it, he e-mailed me this morning and told me the game was en route! Oh, well, that's what returns are for. :)

Anyways, I played CMR 2005 for about 45 minutes, and I'm very pleased. This version is all about refinements and subtle improvements. There's nothing new that has blown me away yet, even though I haven't tried online play yet. But there are a lot of little things that impress me:

1. Great variety of cars. All of the WRC, 2WD, Super 1600, Classic, Group B and Dakar vehicles are AWESOME. I had a f*cking riot taking a Mini Cooper through a Finnish stage. Big fun. Can't wait to unlock the

2. Improved graphics. Lots of good detail, especially in the road surfaces. There's a whole soft-edge look to some of the graphics that's new, too. I also really like the blurry, concussive effect that is displayed after you hit an object hard. Makes you feel woozy, which is very cool.

3. Collision detection. I think this is slightly improved, too. For example, I veered into a spectator area in a UK stage, and the game reset immediately with a loss of time. That's realistic. There's no way you could plow through fans in real life and just keep going. That would not happen. I also smashed a small roadside sign in Spain, which hurt my car and slowed me considerably. Again, another plus.

4. Nicky Grist is back as the default co-driver. Nothing against Derek Ringer, but Nicky's Welsh lilt is easier to understand than Derek's Scottish brogue. Plus I LOVE Nicky on Speed's WRC broadcasts.

5. Tough stages. Difficult stages always have been a hallmark of the CMR series, but this game raises the challenge to another level. You really need to focus. Steady and sure is a lot better recipe for success than fast and furious due to the tough stages. One complaint, though: When the hell is this series going to get Monte Carlo stages back in the game? I'm almost certain there were Monte stages in the first two editions of the series.

I can't wait to run with you cats online with CMR 2005. As I played, I thought of two ways that newbies to the series or rally games could be more competitive with experienced guys online: either run asphalt or run with a classic Mini Cooper. Asphalt is the great equalizer, as we all have experience on asphalt from other racing games. The Mini Cooper is slow enough that it's easy to control, so everyone should have fairly comparable times, I would think.

Many more impressions to come. I've just barely scratched the surface, but I really, really, really like what I've seen and felt so far. It's tried-and-true CMR with refinements and subtle improvements.

CMR is a lot like the Winning Eleven, Madden or ESPN NFL series. It's hard to make huge improvements in the series when it's already damn good, so all of the gains are subtle yet effective as hell when viewed as a complete package.

Let's rally, boys!

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Post by Zeppo »

PK glad you've finally got it. Although something tells me the life of this game for us will make the week we've been waiting for you to get it seem like nothing.
pk500 wrote: 1. Great variety of cars. All of the WRC, 2WD, Super 1600, Classic, Group B and Dakar vehicles are AWESOME. I had a f*cking riot taking a Mini Cooper through a Finnish stage. Big fun. Can't wait to unlock the
yes? The what? The suspense is killing me! I agree with everything you say. I am having a much better time with this game than 04, and I don't know if it's that the pace notes are clearer, better, or I am just paying more attention to them now. Also somehow I am better at hairpins, but maybe I am just figuring that out by now. I too love the blurry vision thing, I think it's a great touch. And hey, I ran into a street sign so hard once it popped out of the ground! I lost a lot of momentum, but didn't stop completely!

I have become obsessed with creating little 'custom rallies' to use for online play. I have 4 4-stagers and 2 6-stagers redy to go, with weather that flows, the whole bit. I can't wait to try them out. And one cool thing is with just ghosts online (and i have them turned off, too), even I can host a full room of 8 with no issues.

And I like the minis too, but I love the old Escorts. I just wish there were more of those 'special' class cars, but there are so many cars I'll get over it.

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Post by pk500 »

>>>I have become obsessed with creating little 'custom rallies' to use for online play. I have 4 4-stagers and 2 6-stagers redy to go, with weather that flows, the whole bit. I can't wait to try them out. And one cool thing is with just ghosts online (and i have them turned off, too), even I can host a full room of 8 with no issues.<<<


Reserve a spot for me, please. I'm ready to rally!

As for the unlocks, sorry I didn't finish that sentence. Nothing titillating -- I just can't wait to unlock all of the classics and Group B cars. The Group B's are beasts.

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Post by mixdj1 »

Since it seems like GR:IT has faded I say we get some Rally on tonight! What do you say? The normal 10:30 EDT?


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Post by Teal »

I'm all for it...

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Post by pk500 »

I'm good for one or two. I'll watch the Rally d'Italia on the DVR as a warm-up, followed by virtual CMR rally and then the Vice Presidential debates on DVR.

Thanks for planning my night, fellas. :)

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Post by mixdj1 »

I'm only halfway through Rally d'Italia so no spoilers tonight, ok? ;)


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Post by Dave »

I might be up for some rallying following some DSP NHL action. I'll bug someone if I make it late!
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Post by Spooky »

Hmmmm...Well, I bought it yesterday and played for about 2 hours total last night. My initial impressions are not a good as I had hoped and here is why...

There is something different in this years version that has me completely thrown off. I am very surprised no one else has had the same experience. It has mostly to do with the control and driving model. Now, I am no expert at driving models but the game feels WAY more stiff and slow than previous versions. At first I thought it was just that VW Polo in the Career mode, but no, it carries over to the 4WD’s too.

I am not sure if Codies were trying to get more ‘sim’ like with this version, but I noticed an immediate difference (at this point for the worse). I know some of you love a more challenging game and are probably thrilled that it is harder to control the cars, but I just was not feeling it last night at all. It’s funny because the CM series has always been one that just felt right to me. With ’03 & ’04 I was able to get into a serious groove and do quite well on most stages. I loved the feel of the cars and the whole driving model just made sense to me. When I started playing ’05 last night I felt a bit like I was in the twilight zone!?!?! It was weird, I could barely complete a stage and was all over the place. I could not get the rhythm and timing of the big turns down and everything just felt clunky and slooooow. One thing I did notice was this new steering lock button was helping me a bit, but that will take some getting used to.

As you can probably tell I am a bit disappointed. I know most of you like the new direction and dig the challenge which I can see growing on me, but I am also worried about the sense of speed taking a nose dive. Just did not feel like I was flying down those straights at all last night. Who knows, maybe I was in a weird mood and everything will seem better tonight (hell, maybe I have been playing too much BO:3).

Anxious to give it some more playing time, but I’m a tad frustrated right now.

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Post by Zeppo »

Hmm. Interesting impressions, Spooky. I have had quite the opposite experience.

Now, I hadn't played much of 04 since ToCA came out. But when I started plaing this one, I was amazed that pretty soon it felt much easier for me to control. I don't know if it's that the pace notes are better, or better timed, or if there's a big difference in the handling, or if I'm just better now at rally driving, but I was much more successful (after a little while of doing everything wrong). I find the hairpins much easier to deal with in this one, for example.

As to the sense of speed, well, in some of those long strings of 6es, I have to say the sense of speed can get pretty hairy, or maybe 'clenchy?' 'Puckery?'

I will say my first day with the game was a struggle for me, but as I played I got used to what the game is 'telling' me with the vids. Also note that I had great improvement once I turned OFF all the visual aids: the ghosts, the progress bar, the visual pace-note icons. Once I got rid of that stuff, I had a much easier time picking up the road and listening carefully. I did the same thing in ToCA. Having a lot of trouble learning some circuits, I turned off the map and it made it much easier for me to learn to recognize the turns. Instead of glancing at the map all the time to see what was next, I started to learn the visual cues and it made it much easier for me to learn the tracks.

I suggest you give it a shot with no visual aids, and see if that helps. Otherwise I say don't make a judgement so soon after popping it in. Give yourself time to adjust to the game, and I think you will start to enjoy it more. I really think the 4WD can fly, when we went from Minis to th 4WD, it was a HUGE difference. And having tried the Citroen in a career challenge, I think the differences among the cars can be quite large. I can't drive that Citroen at all, but the Pugeot, I am really loving. But I notice a huge difference in my ability to get through the stage depending on which 4WD I am in.

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Post by pk500 »


Interesting impressions. Like Zeppo, I've had a completely different experience.

Quick word of advice: Have you checked your tires? The default tire selections are AWFUL. They'll have you on a dirt tire when you're running on pea gravel in Australia or have you on a combo snow-ice tire when you're running on compacted snow in Sweden.

Check your tires before you enter the stages next time. It's sort of like sex with birth control: I think you'll find the game more enjoyable with the right rubber. :)

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Post by AcemanPR »

What camera view are many of you playing in? I ask because playing in a cockpit or bonnet cam feels totally different than playing in a chase cam. I find the control to be awkward when playing in a chase cam, but when I play in my usual cockpit cam, I think the control feels perfect. I think this game was designed to be played in the "1st person" cams. It eliminates any of those "pivot" steering complaints.

Like others here, I think this is the best Colin game to date. I disliked Colin 3. Colin 2004 was a much better experience, and Codemasters simply completed the game with 2005.

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Post by pk500 »

Cockpit. It's the view I use for all racing games when available. Most realistic, most immersive, usually has the best sense of speed other than bumper cams, which I think are useless because it feels like you're driving a camera, not a car.

Take care,
Last edited by pk500 on Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spooky »

pk500 wrote:Spooky:

Interesting impressions. Like Zeppo, I've had a completely different experience.

Quick word of advice: Have you checked your tires? The default tire selections are AWFUL. They'll have you on a dirt tire when you're running on pea gravel in Australia or have you on a combo snow-ice tire when you're running on compacted snow in Sweden.

Check your tires before you enter the stages next time. It's sort of like sex with birth control: I think you'll find the game more enjoyable with the right rubber. :)

Take care,
Thanks PK, however, I made it a point to make sure I have had the correct type of tires on each stage (i.e. using ones that represent the majority % of that stage). Probably just me needing to get used to the game.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Zeppo wrote:And having tried the Citroen in a career challenge, I think the differences among the cars can be quite large. I can't drive that Citroen at all, but the Pugeot, I am really loving.
After trying a few different cars online in a random rally, I fell in love with the Audi A3. I have no idea why, I just got in a groove with that car. I doubt I'll ever try to find something else...I love that thing.

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Post by JackB1 »

can someone explain the difference between the steering lock button and the hand brake button? thanks

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Post by Dave »

I use the roof cam and tend to use that or a hood cam in most racing games. Indycar was one where I'd use the cockpit view, but other than that, I tend to feel claustrophobic when inside the car.

Jack, the handbrake basically stops the car using the rear brakes, so when you hit it, the rear wheels lock up and allow for the car to pivot. The fast steering just gets from lock-to-lock faster, so you can counter-steer more quickly. I haven't used it much though.
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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Dave wrote:The fast steering just gets from lock-to-lock faster, so you can counter-steer more quickly. I haven't used it much though.
Hell, I didn't even know that existed.

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Post by Dave »

It might be the only real change to the driving model. Whenever I've tried to use it I blow my braking or entrance to the corner. I can see how it might be useful though.
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Post by Zeppo »

Dave wrote:I use the roof cam and tend to use that or a hood cam in most racing games. Indycar was one where I'd use the cockpit view, but other than that, I tend to feel claustrophobic when inside the car.
I used to be a 'bumper cam' guy exclusively. It gave me the most immersive experience, and the best sense of the car. I don't agree at all with PK about 'driving a camera.' I could learn to feel the size of my car well, and seeing the world through the tiny window that is a TV, cockpit cams always felt far too limited in what I could see. It can be tough to see the turns well with all that stuff in the way. With the bumper cam i always felt it was a better representation of my mental placement when I am driving a real car, where the cockpit is all in the periphery and the road was in my central field of view (NYC here, so no car, that's the reason for the past tense!).

CMR04 changed all that for me. The cockpit cam is super-immersive for me in the codies' games. The modeling of the cokcpit may not be great, and I don't care if I can see the steering wheel or working gagues or whatever. For me, especially in CMR games, is the windshield. The way it gets progressively grimier, and the whipers clear it off, I love that! It really adds to the immersiveness of it. And Dave, you don't get to see any of that stuff! It's very cool in the rain, where I think they have a great effect on the windshield, but it's good no matter what, since the dust and dirt will build up.

Now I have been converted to an all-cockpit guy. As long as I can see the turns and drive the car, I will default to cockpit for the higher immersion factor. And suffering through a broken windshield in ToCA for example simply heightens the immersion to super-geeky frustration levels, which I love. I'll b*tch about it, but won't switch away from it, since it just adds more character to the experience of that individual race.

EDIT: I should add that only in the most arcadey racers can I deal with a behind-the-car view. It makes me see and react very late to turns from that view. It's too much like controling a remote-control car than driving a car.

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Post by James_E »

I like hood-cam for rallying games. It gives you more of the visual clues that you would get if you were actually driving the car and able to turn your head and look around. Cockpit camera seems like I have tunnel vision, can't see out to left and right as well.

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Post by Spooky »

James_E wrote:I like hood-cam for rallying games. It gives you more of the visual clues that you would get if you were actually driving the car and able to turn your head and look around. Cockpit camera seems like I have tunnel vision, can't see out to left and right as well.
Agreed! Although I tend to also use a chase cam casue I like looking at the car.

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Racing Wheel?

Post by Jima »

Can anyone recommend a good racing wheel for the Xbox?
Doesn’t seem like there are many choices compared to the PS2.

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Post by pk500 »

James_E wrote:I like hood-cam for rallying games. It gives you more of the visual clues that you would get if you were actually driving the car and able to turn your head and look around. Cockpit camera seems like I have tunnel vision, can't see out to left and right as well.
Good point. I took a few minutes during lunch this afternoon to test hood cam again, as I used it exclusively in CMR, CMR 2.0 and CMR 3 before switching to cockpit in CMR 04.

It was a push. I drove about the same with both. Felt less claustrophobic and had better vision with the hood cam but had more "seat of the pants" feel with cockpit. I also missed the immersiveness of the weather effects on the windshield when using the hood cam, although it was easier to see.

I'll have to keep experimenting.

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