OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by Steelerfan2k1 »

America says "Johnny Depp is like dumb f-ing no talent washed-up actor who just ended whatever chance he ever had of making another dime in America with his big mouth"
<BR>Anyone else care to answer Johnny back with an "America says" line - or am I the only redneck jingoistic American who is annoyed by bs like this....

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by lessthanme »

It´s to be expected. He´s living in France for crying out loud. I´m not ready to downplay his talent as an actor though. He has pretty much been amazing in every role he has played, and without him, Pirates of the Caribbean would have been a snoozefest. It´s just the expatriate mentality that so many actors/artists tend to adopt once they reach a certain point in their career. I can understand where he´s coming from though. He has a low self esteem and is not that confident, just watch an interview with him. Very soft spoken and nervous, although, later in the Leno interview he started to loosen up. But anyways, in his eyes, for a country to regard him as such a wonderful actor could seem beneath him or something. Like his thinking is "you people consider me famous? I am nothing, you are stupid for thinking I´m so great" Then that just turns into him hating the country, then eventually hating everything the US does. Just a theory, but it seems to be something in common with all the expatriate types. No excuse for saying stupid things, but sometimes it seems these creative types can have a mental block like that.

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by Steelerfan2k1 »

F-in A! Less than Me!
<BR>I´m not looking for an eloquent defense of the man´s work against the unfair rantings of a person like myself who doesn´t even watch his movies.
<BR>I´m looking for people to jump on the "throw all reasonable assessments of Depp´s acting talent to the wayside and shred his a$$ for opening his mouth about world events" bandwagon....
<BR>Come on people! Let´s gooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by pk500 »

<BR>No offense to you, as it´s an interesting post, but since when has Johnny Depp´s opinion on politics -- or the opinion of any insulated Hollywood star -- mattered one bit?
<BR>Very few things piss me off more than entertainers or athletes who make political stands unless they back up the talk with action, like Ali did. Otherwise, they live in a f*cking fantasy world and have little grasp of reality.
<BR>That said, Depp is on to something in regards to America´s lousy respect for the international community. Bush´s "It´s my way or Trailways" foreign policy is a joke, and does anyone else find it ironic and hypocritical that he´s requesting UN assistance now that post-war "rebuilding" is going bad? The Cowboy was more than willing to throw the middle finger at the UN in regards to waging the war, but now he wants UN help for waging the peace?
<BR>I´d throw Bush a Bronx cheer, too, if I was France or Germany or any other country that the U.S. roughed around in the court of world opinion before the war, all but calling them pansies because they wouldn´t fight.
<BR>Take care,
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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by bkrich83 »

I could care less what he says. Another insulated uneducated High School dropout actor, shooting his mouth off. France can have him.

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by lessthanme »

sorry.. i love johnny depp as an actor and gave it much thought after i heard what he said today <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>If you want me to shorten up my thoughts. He is a sheltered actor that shouldn´t really be talking about politics because he doesn´t know that much. But I still own almost every movie hes ever made <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">... sad I know.<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: lessthanme on 03-09-2003 19:08 ]</font>

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by TheMightyPuck »

He was dead on about the freedom fries <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by RAMMZZ »

Who lets Depp influence their Lives?
<BR>I liked him in Pirates of The Caribean but that doesnt mean Im going to listen to anything he has to say about anything other than movies.
Football/ Hockey/beer...what more ya need?...well okay...but she can wait til halftime.

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by Steelerfan2k1 »

<BR>I was looking for some good old fashioned ignorant patriotism and thoughtless anti-French sentiment...you know, the same type of mindlessness that produced the "freedom fries"...
<BR>I don´t know - there´s something about the America as "dumb puppy" remark that just set me off.
<BR>Maybe it´s because he moved to France and now he´s dismissing America with trite lines. Now that I think about it - it´s the same reaction I had when former Steeler linebacker Chad Brown´s wife commented that "She couldn´t wait to get the hell out of Pittsburgh for a place where you can actually get sushi" after he signed his big free agent deal with the Seahawks a few years back (nice signing by the way Paul Allen - 30 million and look how many Super Bowls and division titles Chad has brought home for you)
<BR>In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter what Chad Brown´s wife thinks about Pittsburgh?
<BR>Meanwhile - if they ever play here I will boo her lustily and love every second of it....

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by Jackdog »

Depp can say what he wants no matter how stupid he sounds,but homie sure makes alot of money off movie going Americans.
<BR>I take BK´s take...who cares
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif">

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by lexbur »

As an American first and a Browns fan second, all I have to say to Mr. Gilbert Scissorgrapes is: "WOOF WOOF!!!"

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OT: Johnny Depp Says "America is Like a Dumb Puppy"

Post by Parker »

Wow, I never realized how smart of a guy Depp is. This country is going down the crapper fast with Bush´s idiotic policies.
<BR>What´s funny is he has played the American rednecks that he is supposedly offended in films. Gilbert Grape for example.
<BR>Now, I´m definitely going to see Depp in the Willy Wonka remake. <BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Parker on 04-09-2003 22:34 ]</font>
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