NFL 2k3 Strategy

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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by FloridaGators »

What do you guys do to run the ball better? Also on defense do you blitz a lot? Looking for some opinions before I start my second season. I´m actually battling for a playoff spot in my first one. I´m 8-5-1 so far with Eagles playing on Pro with 7 minute quarters. Quite challenging game.

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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Regarding running, it´s vital to look at the defensive formation before snapping the ball. I´m not trying to be a wise-ass, either. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Seriously, if you´re running off-tackle left and the defense has a linebacker ready to pounce in that hole, audible. If you see a defensive back approach the line of scrimmage while calling signals on a running play, audible.
<BR>The audible is your best friend in this game, especially when a DB approaches the line during signal calling for run support.
<BR>On defense, I discovered a strategy that worked during a blowout win by my Bills over the Bears in a season game: I started to control a defensive lineman.
<BR>I always used to control a linebacker in all football games, as LB´s get more of the action than any other defensive player. But NFL 2K3 is heartless, and I found myself out of position too many times, especially on pass plays, when controlling my linebacker. Plus I wasn´t getting enough sacks when I controlled the LB.
<BR>So I switched to controlling defensive linemen and am finding it really fun and effective.
<BR>First, controlling a DL keeps my linebackers in their assigned coverages and holes better than when I control them. Second, by using line shifts, well-timed blitzes and special moves, I´m getting more pressure on the QB and sacks than if the CPU was controlling my defensive linemen.
<BR>My Bills´ defense has improved measurably since I started controlling defensive linemen.
<BR>Now, when to blitz. Again, look at the offense´s formation at the line, factoring in the team´s tendencies. For example, first-and-10 against the Steelers. Is Kordell going to throw? Probably not. I would expect Bettis to get the ball on a run, so I´ll blitz. Not an all-out blitz, but I will send at least one linebacker on one side and possibly a cornerback. But if I see four wide receivers on the line while Kordell is calling signals, you bet your ass that I´ll call a defensive audible and move back into coverage.
<BR>It´s the little things that make NFL 2K3 such a brilliant game. It has forced me to think football more than any other console football title.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 24-08-2002 08:53 ]</font>
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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by FloridaGators »

I never usually even set up my audibles, sounds like it is vital in this game. Thanks for the advice.

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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by NovaStar »

What´s up Gator. When on defense (and in addition to what PK said) Look at the offensive package the offense is running. Before everyplay the computer gives you the package of the offense. For instance before you call your defensive play the bottom of the screen will say the offense has called aces or ace split...You know that an ace package is a running package (most of the time) so call your defense accordingly. On offense the computer also reads your offensive package (just think in real football the defense can see what offensive personal you have in the game and they adjust accordingly, this is what makes this feature like real football) So if you call aces and hold the triggers down you will count four defensive backs (You can tell by the names that appear only db´s names appear) at this point I audible to a slot formation to get a lb on faulk or one of my receivers. If I count six db´s I know they are in a dime so i audible to a run. In this game you really have to think football. After playing with the rams i see why they are so successful on offense... they get bad matchups for the d, lb´s on receivers.

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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by FloridaGators »

<BR>I heard on OS from Jaybee, a real knowledgable guy, that NFL 2k3 plays best when you turn the game speed to "Fast." Supposedly others have tried and love it, they say it´s far from arcade.
<BR>P.S.-What quarters are you guys on? I´m on 7 minutes right now.
<BR>P.S.S.- Before I start my new season any big transactions I should do? I´m putting Kirkland,Levens, and now Freeman on the Eagles, Sam Adams on the Raiders, any others?

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NFL 2k3 Strategy

Post by NovaStar »

I tried the fast mode on 2k3 and it does play better. This game has me on egde every time I play it. Last night I was playing as the Jets against the Bears in a preseason game (Pro-default settings) it was the 4th quarte with :48 left I am down by four, the computer kicks off I get a remarkable return all the way down to the Bear 20yd line! I get the ball down to the 2yd line 4th down, I have no time outs clock is at 12 seconds! 11..10.. I panick I call the wrong play, not only that I clearly saw a red line in the play diagram, which clearly means a run play up the middle, what do I do, I get the ball to C. martin and act like it is a play action pass. Needless to say I am now 5yds behind the line of scrimmage running for my life, game clock has expired, then erlacher comes and puts me out of my misery. Game over. I felt dumber than the damn AI in last years version! This game is of the globe!!!

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