Fifa09 club team(360)

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Post by Danimal »

I think I would have a better chance pulling one of those off in real life then the game pad. :)
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Post by nyisles16 »

RobVarak wrote:General Warning : Anyone attempting any of that s*** from those videos when I am on the opposing team will see his ass getting kicked up and down the fied. :)

What the hell is a fied?? :roll: [/b]

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Post by JohnnytheSkin »

Can I get an invite to the club?

I haven't been on much (I have the annual weather changing cold) but I'd love to try out some OTP.

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Post by RobVarak »

JohnnytheSkin wrote:Can I get an invite to the club?

I haven't been on much (I have the annual weather changing cold) but I'd love to try out some OTP.
Sure, you can have nyisles' spot :twisted:

I'll shoot you an invite next time I'm on.
XBL Gamertag: RobVarak

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Post by GB_Simo »

Evening. Since I'm now one of you, I should probably drop a line here to explain that if you're in a match with me and find me uncommunicative, it's to do with my being in a different timezone and having to stay mute to avoid waking up a house full of people; I'm always listening but will never respond, unless we're playing uncommonly early. Additionally, if any glorious late chances end up being lost skywards (Zep played some FIFA 08 OTP with me and can testify that I am especially skilled in this area), it's Zeppo's fault for inviting me.

My real-world position is centre back, my FIFA 09 position emphatically isn't, and I can most commonly be found 6 yards out, sat on the floor with my head in my hands.
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Post by MACTEPsporta »

Okay, here is what I have.

Firstly, I want to apologize for being cranky during matches. I am extremely competitive and it's hard for me to take a loss, let alone 35 of them. I usually try to turn off my mike when I don't have anything positive to say.

Secondly, I've switched the team to Fiorentina, and I think it's working. I believe our best formation currently is 4-3-1-2 and that's the team that fits into it perfectly.

Reasons for 4-3-1-2. Vast majority of the goals we've let in came straight down the middle, so having three central midfielders pretty much guarantees that we won't drag ALL of them out of position. It is also the closest thing to the diamond 4-1-2-1-2 we all like so much, but provides us with more defensive presence in the midfield, as I explained earlier. Unlike the diamond it misses the wingers, but I think that's also a benefit, since anyone who's ever played on the wing in OTP, plays just like they would as an attacker, and that makes a good old defensive minded diamond look like a formation with 5 attackers. Not good. 4-3-1-2 on the other hand allows the two strikers to float to the wings, and use the third attacker as the target man. That pretty much fits our style of play, since whether it's myself, Mac, Costa or forensic up front, we will all make that sideline run to get open for the ball.

THIS IS NOT FIFA 08. It plays differently. It is a lot more realistic in the build up. Lofted through balls don't work anymore. Long balls down the wing from a defender to an attacker are no longer effective. Neither are crosses from the corner flag. If you are crossing make sure you cross early, if you are in the corner look for the run on top of the box.

MAKE THE SHORT PASS. This game rewards short passing in the midfield more than anything else. Pass back if you have to. We are all skilled enough to do it, but we keep looking for that one great pass. Make the back pass and see how it will stretch the other team. Try passing to the feet more. In 08 through pass was the primary passing button. Here it only works when there is space in front of the player you are passing to. Passing to the feet allows the player receiving the pass to shield the ball, or to make a one touch pass if he is in trouble. It's safer.

CLEAR THE BALL ON DEFENSE. Clearing is not just for when you are scrambling to get the ball out of the box. It is also useful when the other team is pressing, and allows to get the ball behind them. Be smart when you clear. If you are a full back and just received a pass back from midfield, clearing it first touch will most likely put it out of bounds. If you are not under pressure, pass it back to the goalie or to your central defender, they will have a much better look at it and it will result in better directed clearance. That is, of course, unless you are under pressure. In that case - CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!

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