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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Jared »

Pk500 sez:
<BR><blockquote>"Nah, you´re going to wipe your, well, you know, with the receipt from the store where you bought FIFA 2003 after you realize that it´s s*** for the eighth consecutive year.
<BR>Just kidding, bro.
<BR>Seriously, I hope EA snaps out of it and builds a good soccer game. But it seems like the only genre in which EA gives two hoots about realism is football with Madden and NCAA. Every one of its other franchises leans heavily toward the arcade side of the gaming fence. "</blockquote>
<BR>I disagree. I know that harkening back to 1996 and 1998 is old history. But back then, FIFA was an excellent title. FIFA 95 or 96 (I of them was very good, while the other was gerbil vomit) was excellent, and I had tons of fun with FIFA 98 and WC 98.
<BR>Also, they see the dollar signs they´re missing out on. WE6 has sold a bunch o´er in Japan (one million copies in two months). Multiply that by about $50 a copy, and you´ve got $50 <b><i>million</b></i> in revenue that EA is missing out on. And don´t forget about the European market, where EA will get creamed unless FIFA 2003 is solid.
<BR><blockquote> "Sometimes I think Konami could dominate the soccer market if it released Winning Eleven 6 for all consoles in the U.S. But then reality kicks in: Soccer sadly isn´t the most popular sport in the U.S., and there are millions of gamers who think that the FIFA brand of soccer resembles the real game. </blockquote>
<BR>Well yeah....but I think you´re underestimating the U.S. soccer gamer. Lots of them play and watch high quality soccer on TV, and are aware that the previous versions of FIFA have been pinball or frustrating. Releasing a game that´s much better than FIFA and combining it with a decent ad campaign (gaming mags, maybe some good in-store promotions) would be great.
<BR>(Actually, that would have been the thing to do....about two months ago, during the World Cup. Konami USA amazes me sometimes....)
<BR>So if Konami released WE6 in the States, I´m sure we´d hear a litany of cries from soccer morons who said: "This is too slow! Where are the laser-beam shots? How come I can´t jam the speed burst button into the face of the controller and waltz in to score a goal? What is a through pass?"
<BR>I disagree. There´ll be a few that say that. But most will welcome the good game. Most fellow soccer gamers WANT something worth playing. It´ll take some work for Konami to get some US market share (umm....releasing your best game in the States would be STEP ONE MORONS), but it can happen.
<BR>Unfortunately, I think EA will wise up and come out with a competitive soccer title before Konami wakes up.
<BR>Jared<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Jared on 19-08-2002 20:29 ]</font>
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>I really want your predictions to come true, but I don´t think you can use Japan as an analogy for potential sales in the U.S.
<BR>First, soccer is HUGE in Japan. And the international moves of players like Nakata only increases the sport´s popularity. Second, WE6 sold a ton of copies in Japan as that nation had World Cup fever all year.
<BR>Plus I think you give U.S. soccer gamers too much credit. You, I and a small but vocal legion of footie freaks -- who demand realism in our footie games -- are the exception, not the rule. I´ve read way too many posts and reviews from mental midgets who claim that "FIFA rox," "FIFA once again is the best," that I really don´t trust the soccer intelligence of the average American sports gamer.
<BR>Call me a footie snob. So there!
<BR>Hey, I meant to ask you: What club do you support?
<BR>I´m a huge Newcastle United fan and am watching the Magpies´ season opener against West Ham right now on Fox Sports World. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Take care,
<BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 19-08-2002 21:19 ]</font><BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 19-08-2002 21:20 ]</font>
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Jared »

<BR>On 2002-08-19 21:18, pk500 wrote:
<BR>First, soccer is HUGE in Japan. And the international moves of players like Nakata only increases the sport´s popularity. Second, WE6 sold a ton of copies in Japan as that nation had World Cup fever all year.
<BR>I disagree. Baseball is huge in Japan. Soccer is a distant second. I was surprised about the World Cup coverage in Japan...there was a decent amount, but not nearly as much as I expected. Some games weren´t even televised on non-satellite TV. For the freakin´ World Cup. Korea was different though...everything was World Cup. It was heaven.
<BR>(And funny...the most popular soccer game in soccer-mad Korea was FIFA WC 2002.)
<BR>Plus I think you give U.S. soccer gamers too much credit. You, I and a small but vocal legion of footie freaks -- who demand realism in our footie games -- are the exception, not the rule. I´ve read way too many posts and reviews from mental midgets who claim that "FIFA rox," "FIFA once again is the best," that I really don´t trust the soccer intelligence of the average American sports gamer.
<BR>These are probably the same people that probably like the old FOX puck (with the light trails) and wish Madden would have a Superman mode.
<BR>And it´s not just the American sports gamer that likes FIFA. Go somewhere like and look at the message boards. People from all over the WORLD that love FIFA and say "FIFA rox". Stupid fans are universal. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Call me a footie snob. So there!
<BR>Hey, I meant to ask you: What club do you support?
<BR>I´m a huge Newcastle United fan and am watching the Magpies´ season opener against West Ham right now on Fox Sports World. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Footie snob.
<BR>And as for me. In the Premier League, I support Arsenal and Leicester City. Leicester City because I´m a huge Keller fan and loved his days with the club. Arsenal because the first match I ever attended in England was Arsenal v. Liverpool at Highbury. It was simply amazing...the atmosphere, the people, the stadium. Wow. Incredible. Plus I always liked Bergkamp after WC 94. And how can you not like Seaman, half goalie-half porn star?
<BR>I also root for DC United (was a Tampa Bay Mutiny fan....sob).
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by davet010 »

You guys will be distressed to know that WE6 will be released again..but only here in Europe as Pro Evo Soccer 2. Out in November, once they have converted the thing from Japanese.
<BR>I do know one thing...I´m avoiding Macca if on-line play is up and running.
<BR>Paul..thought I´d drop by to see what´s happening here..nice site. You ready for Man City v Newcastle Saturday ?
<BR>PS - If you ask nicely, I might even pick you up a program...
"The players come from all over the world, the money from deep underneath the Persian Gulf, but, as another, older City poster campaign put it, this is their city. They may now exist in the global spotlight, but they intend to keep it that way."

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Nice, nice, nice, please, please, please, pretty please, I´ll love you for life, you´re a lovely bloke, I love you, please, please, please, I will name my second son Dave, pretty please!
<BR>Nice enough? <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Man, I would be forever in your debt if you picked up a program.
<BR>Want to put a punt on the match between us?
<BR>Take care,
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by davet010 »

That was a little more than I really wanted..but I´ll do me best.
<BR>E-mail me your home address, and I´ll sort you out.
<BR>As for a bet, what do you fancy ?
"The players come from all over the world, the money from deep underneath the Persian Gulf, but, as another, older City poster campaign put it, this is their city. They may now exist in the global spotlight, but they intend to keep it that way."

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by bayousooner »

<BR> I agree w/ you. I do enjoy the FIFA titles because it is the only way to play with club teams. If only they would release the same KANOMI titles here like they do in Europe.
<BR> If you think the FIFA titles are arcady, remember the Gremlin titles for the PSOne. They were know as Actua Soccer in Europe and release in the US as VR Soccer and the other was Fox Sports Soccer. I remember reading reviews in UK mags praising these titles. They had worse ball physics than the FIFA titles.
<BR> Let´s all hope that someday we will get the soccer title we want without having the modification to our consoles. I personally refuse to mod mine.

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Welcome aboard, man.
<BR>World Tour Soccer 2002 for the PS2 isn´t Winning Eleven, but it´s much better than FIFA 2002, and it includes a boatload of worldwide club teams.
<BR>Don´t let the 989 label fool you -- it was developed by Team Soho in England and is a decent game. If the "tacklefest" nature of the higher skill levels is eliminated for the 2003 version, it will be a very, very good game and probably the only U.S. soccer release in the same universe as a Konami game.
<BR>Unlike Jared, I hold out little hope for FIFA 2003. Even if the physics are improved, the play probably will be too scripted.
<BR>I´m playing FIFA World Cup 2002 right now for an upcoming review, and EA has improved a few things from FIFA 2002. But the play is still WAY too scripted.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 20-08-2002 15:24 ]</font>
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Jared »

You know, I haven´t played World Tour Soccer yet. It hasn´t been anywhere local for me to rent, and I don´t want to put down the money for a decent soccer game. I´ll check it out though, when I get the cash.
<BR>Anyways, if FIFA blows....there´s always CM4!
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by bayousooner »

Thanks for the welcome PK.
<BR> I have World Tour Soccer and it is a great and challenging game. I like being able to take a lower division team to the premier division. I just don´t think they have player names (it´s been a while since I have played it).
<BR> I have seen World Tour Soccer for only $30 at Toys R Us and even maybe Wal-Mart. You will get your money worth.

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>World Tour Soccer has all player names except for Dutch players. For some reason, 989 couldn´t get the license from the Dutch federation, even for club teams.
<BR>Take care,
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Jared »

Nice. I might actually pick it up, next time I see it. Thanks for the info.
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by davet010 »

<BR>You didn´t lay down your bet for Saturday..what do you fancy wagering.
<BR>E-mail me with your address if you want a program (condition dependent on result, natch)
"The players come from all over the world, the money from deep underneath the Persian Gulf, but, as another, older City poster campaign put it, this is their city. They may now exist in the global spotlight, but they intend to keep it that way."

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by bayousooner »

Hey Dave,
<BR> From what I have read of PK´s prior post, on the SR forums, this must be for City and not United?
<BR> undefined

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by davet010 »

<BR>Darn right - as my address has it, I am actually from the fair city of Manchester.
<BR>Golden rule..the closer you are to the city, the more likely you are to be Blue rather than Red [I may, of course, be biased <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">]
<BR>PK is a Newcastle fan, and the geordie hordes play us on Saturday....
<BR>Further appearances by me may depend on the outcome.
"The players come from all over the world, the money from deep underneath the Persian Gulf, but, as another, older City poster campaign put it, this is their city. They may now exist in the global spotlight, but they intend to keep it that way."

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by bayousooner »

<BR> That´s a clever saying. I almost hate to admit it, because I know there will some on this forum that will be after me, but I´ve been a United fan for about 15 years. Was only able to follow them a bit from some mags, but over the last 7 years the internet has changed that. You may have to forgive me for being a dumb American, but I do follow the English Leagues and the national team.

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Oh, no!!!!!!
<BR>As the supporters at St. James´ Park in Newcastle have sung in the past:
<BR>"We drink Ex, we drink Brown, we´re going to wreck your f*cking town!"
<BR>Well, I wouldn´t want to wreck Manchester. After all, it gave us DaveT and Oasis. (I know, Dave, you think Oasis are tossers. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif"> )
<BR>But maybe we can wreck Old Trafford ... !!!
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 21-08-2002 15:50 ]</font>
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Great to see you here, man! Another footie zealot invades DSP!
<BR>It´s funny -- I´m playing World Cup 2002 on the Xbox for a review that probably will go live next week, and deep beneath the laser-like shots and the goofy ball physics in the air is the makings of a fairly good footie game.
<BR>The CPU plays a bit more of a possession game -- no more constant long aerial clears from the back. The CPU also is a bit more creative around the opponent´s box instead of just sprinting toward the corner or launching a laser from the 18. But the CPU still doesn´t cross enough.
<BR>I must admit that the new passing system is really growing on me. I like the idea of having to weigh a perfect slotted pass through instead of just hitting a button for an automatic through pass.
<BR>I´m finding World Cup 2002 to be playable at least on the slow speed setting at the Professional skill level or higher.
<BR>Is World Cup 2002 a Konami killer? Not even if you armed it with hollow points. But it is arguably the best FIFA game EA has made in a long time.
<BR>I know, that´s not saying much. But it offers a sliver of hope for the future.
<BR>Again, great to see you here. Stick around!
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 21-08-2002 17:50 ]</font>
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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Neckthai »

For someone who is still trying to master ISSPE for the PS1, I guess I really have no idea what I´d expect from Next Gen console soccer game.
<BR>If only I could get my hands on a copy of Winning Eleven for one of my systems without sticking a knife in it...
<BR>Who am I kidding. I´m in footie heaven with ISSPE and Champ Man...

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FIFA 2003/Konami/other soccer stuff (

Post by Jared »

If you don´t want to knife your machine, you can always get Winning Eleven (the Japanese version) for the Gameboy Advance. You´ll have to import it, but you can play GBA titles on all machines.
<BR>It´s a great game handheld sports game I´ve ever played. I should be putting up a review in the next week or so.
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