I´m unplugging

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I´m unplugging

Post by matthewk »

I´m done posting here for a while. I´m sure I´ll lurk when looking for info on games, but I need to stop posting here.
<BR>I was hoping for a little more support. In the salaries thread I brought up what I believe is a legitimate gripe, and all I got was hammered for it. I guess it´s taboo to criticize entertainers salaries.
<BR>Some came back at me like I´m nothing more than "woe is me". Well, I´m not, but I feel I have reason to be upset with the way certain things are.
<BR>I thought there would be others who felt the same way, or could at least be understanding of where I am coming from. Instead I get criticized for feeling the way I do and speaking up about it.
<BR>I just need to get away from being an active participant on this forum. I know, "who cares", "why don´t you just leave without making a big deal of it"....etc. I´m done now.

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I´m unplugging

Post by dbdynsty25 »

Awww...can you leave your ball here so we can play at least?
<BR>What are we in f*ckin´ 3rd grade?

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I´m unplugging

Post by BBReBozo »

OK bye!
but really, this is 2004, and nearly everything is considered to be gay now

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Post by Brando70 »

DSP has made us soft. That thread would have been considered civilized on the old SR boards.
<BR>I mean, if you post an opinion, and no one agrees with you, it´s not personal. It´s just a disagreement. So you move on to the next one.
<BR>Some guys are more sarcastic than others, but generally speaking, everyone here is nice to each other. I can´t think of another board where topics like the Yankees or Janet Jackson´s nipple get discussed without excessive flaming.

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I´m unplugging

Post by Pete »

Announcing your departure and trying to make people sorry for you, probably isn´t the best way to go about things....as you can see from the first reply.
<BR>Do you really care if these people give 2 shits about what you think?
<BR>Just say piss on it, and go on.

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Post by RobVarak »

Just say piss on it, and go on.
<BR>Amen to that! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
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I´m unplugging

Post by sportdan30 »

For what it´s worth Matt, I´ll miss reading your posts. You´re one of a handful of people I´ve always thought to be pretty fair in what you have to say. Hope you don´t stay away too long.
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Post by matthewk »

I´m not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me. I thought I had friends here, but I guess not.
<BR>Let´s just leave it at I have some issues close to home recently, and that has influenced my posts. I won´t go into anymore details, because it will just be taken as me trying to get sympathy.
<BR>You know what, screw it. Here´s what´s going on. Take as whatver the f*%k you want, but this is the honest truth. My mom is facing back surgery which may leave her paralysed. It´s great fun thinking of my kids not being able to play with her the same way if this happens. Also as a side result, which is inconsequencial by comparison, but she wont be able to babysit the kids for at least a few months...possibly ever. It´s minor, but it means daycare for them, nd we´re already on a tight budget. Not that it matters much compared to what she might have to go through.
<BR>There. Fine. I´m overly f$%king sensitive because part of my life is turning to crap and I have to sit by and watch it. So please DB, BBR, and everyone else, feel sorry for me. ´Cause you know, that´s what this is all about. It´s one big f´ing joke apparently. It´s all to get attention.
<BR>Whatever. I´m done. I was curious about the reaction after I started this thread, which is why I came back to it. I was hoping there would be some sense of community or whatever towards me even without spilling my f´ing guts about my "issues". Now it´s goign to be all about me trying to get people to feel sorry for me. Great. Just what I always wanted.

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I´m unplugging

Post by Jared »

<BR>First, wanted to let you know that I got your back in the other post. Hadn´t run across it previously.
<BR>And I think people were criticizing you because of the tone of the "I´m leaving" post. Since people didn´t know the context, it sounded more sensitive than it was.
<BR>People debate in a pretty blunt manner over here. There will always be people that will disagree with you and say it here, as will there be people that will back you up too. You´ve got friends here. But don´t take their absence from a particular post as evidence against that.
<BR>I´m not a fan of the tone of some of these posts (the "poor baby" ones are a little unnecessary). But conversely, I´m not gonna censor anyone for their opinions.
<BR>As for your situation, I hope everything goes well with your mother´s back surgery. We´re here for you if you need any support.
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Post by J_Cauthen »

<BR>I´m a free market, lassier-faire type. I say let the market speak. I personally agree with you that the salaries are way out of line, and I personally do very little with my actions to support them.... but there they are. I vote with my dollar and my time on matters like this. Undoubtedly there are others who are entertained enough by the antics of these "entertainers" to justify the money.
<BR>In general I´m not so sure a forum that´s dedicated to computer and video gaming is the kind of place you´re going to get the kind of dialogue you seek on a topic like this. I usually stay out of "off-topic" discussions here unless one happens to speak to a particular pet interest of mine (we´ve had some interesting music and movie discussions, for example).
<BR>I wouldn´t take the reception you got to this subject as a barometer for how you´re perceived here. Your views on baseball video games are particularly valuable to me, and I´m sure many others.

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I´m unplugging

Post by sportdan30 »

<BR>I´m terribly sorry to hear the troubles you´re having to endure with your family. Speaking personally, my mother watches my 2 year old son one day a week and it´s clearly one of the highlights of her week. She also watches my two nephews once a week as well. So, I can imagine how difficult it must be for you as well as well thinking about the unknown.
<BR>You do have to realize though that many of us don´t know each other very well other than mindless posts on the internet. Thus, it´s impossible for any of us to read into what you´ve been going through. I´m pretty sure no one on here is trying to deliberately upset you. Most times than not, it´s just guys being guys. If you don´t tell us what´s going on, we just assume all is well.
<BR>I think you´re a tremendous asset to this site. You don´t always agree with what everyone has to say and to me, that´s cool. You´re your own individual. You shouldn´t be afraid to speak up concerning what you believe in. But you shouldn´t be afraid to take criticism either. Personally, I very rarely indulge in controversial posts on here. That´s just me. I´m here to talk sports and sports video games.
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I´m unplugging

Post by BBReBozo »

OK bye!
but really, this is 2004, and nearly everything is considered to be gay now

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I´m unplugging

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Best of luck to your Mom.
<BR>Just because someone disagrees with you doesn´t mean they don´t like you. I love my wife, but we have some bitter disagreements over politics, for example. Am I leaving her because of it? No. We just don´t talk politics much anymore.
<BR>If you are wary of people´s reactions to non-sports gaming topics, then don´t post opinions about them. Any time you expose your opinion on matters in here, especially non-gaming topics, you´re subject to rebuke, some harder than others.
<BR>Just stay here and post about games. I enjoy your opinions on those, as you put a lot of thought into your posts about gaming and other topics.
<BR>Running away isn´t going to solve any problems -- take it from a guy who has made many stupid "I´m leaving for good" farewells from gaming forums. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Best of all, talking about gaming in this forum might provide you with some stress relief and escape from your real-life troubles.
<BR>Your call. Again, best of luck to your mom.
<BR>Take care,
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I´m unplugging

Post by davet010 »

Stick with it Matt, I can see exactly where you are coming from. One of the trade offs of a democracy is that governments can´t please all of the people all of the time - for every person who thinks the European Working Time Directive is a great idea (basically prevents anyone from being forced to work > 48hrs a week for more than 12 weeks unless they deliberately opt out in writing), there is another who thinks that it is an infringement on the right of employers.
<BR>I´m one of the former, btw.
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I´m unplugging

Post by Jared »

<BR>What´s the average # of weeks of vacation time that someone gets in general in England? Is it more or less than France and Germany?
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I´m unplugging

Post by fletcher21 »

Mattk has been a ***** ever since the old school days @ SR, what kinda grown man just runs away from an online argument? it would be this expert´s opinion that mattk´s wife has tightened the noose so tight that he is losing it
<BR>fletcher understands this kind of thing, as he just got out of a 4+ year relationship and he wants to tell mattk that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and to tell his wife(if she is indeed the problem) to shape her ass up and end her tyrannical control over his house and his life, that he is a man of action and if she doesnt agree then she will be caged and left unfed to sleep in her own filth for this coming weekend <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>word im out
<BR>ps whats going down dbdynsty pk bbr wco81 airdog and siam if he is lurking
<BR>ps: sorry about ur mom ,this is all in good fun, i am sure you got a good laugh out of it, no joke :]<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: fletcher21 on 05-03-2004 16:57 ]</font>
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I´m unplugging

Post by dbdynsty25 »

What up Fletch...how´s it going bro?
<BR>We´re trying to hold it down for ya...haven´t seen Skrizzy for a min. but I catch him online occasionally.
<BR>How are things man?

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I´m unplugging

Post by fletcher21 »

word db
<BR>things are changing, but for the better
<BR>i got kicked out of the navy for a few things i did but probably shouldn´t have, but it is for the best, as i will be making a lot more money, and am actually around females every day now, so all is well in my world
<BR>right now i have about 8k to blow on a car, i am not sure what i want to do but i would take some suggestions
<BR>i really want either an accord, jetta, or civic, something that i can pimp out and nothing american
<BR>but yeah i am back holdin it down in minneapolis haha you know how we do
<BR>do you guys still chat or what ? i dont have irc but i have aol instant messenger
<BR>ps things are about to change up in here, trust me fletcher breaks it down like few can... and you know this, man <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_razz.gif">
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I´m unplugging

Post by BBReBozo »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-03-05 17:03, fletcher21 wrote:
<BR>i got kicked out of the navy for a few things i did but probably shouldn´t have
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I have never been more happy, or less surprised.
<BR>Welcome back AC, you filthy, no-good beast.
but really, this is 2004, and nearly everything is considered to be gay now

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Like I said in the other thread man...stick with a Civic...you can probably get a 99 or 00 w/ like 50k on it for under 8g´s. Stay away from the Jetta though...
<BR>It´s #3 on the list of cars the gays dig.

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Post by jLp vAkEr0 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-03-05 17:21, dbdynsty25 wrote:
<BR>It´s #3 on the list of cars the gays dig.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I´m pretty sure this kind of 411 is only available in a gay site... lol!
<BR>Fletch! You no good freak, you blew it with the Navy, but why aren´t we surprised? Word bro! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon21.gif"> <BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: javi on 05-03-2004 17:42 ]</font>

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Post by Jackdog »

Fletch.......You pus*y whipped , can´t hang with the squids,Watchtower buying from Prince, Navy reject.
<BR>Welcome back!! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
<BR>Man go easy on Resin/Parker he´s has made an effort to put all the BS that happened at SR behind him. He´s a good poster here at DSP.
<BR>You on the other hand <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif">
<BR>Glad your back home bro,good to see you here!!

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Post by matthewk »

In the matter of 12 hours I´ve gone in a complete 360 (and then some). Please forgive me little tantrum here today. My emotions are on a very short fuse lately.
<BR>Looking back, it was a bad idea to start this thread. At least soem good came of it. I brought that ***ing **** Fletch out from behind his momma´s **** and got his *****ing **** to post <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif">
<BR>I promise to keep myself in check from now on. I don´t think anyone wants this board to turn into a Dr. Phil show.
<BR>I appreciate the well wishes from those who gave them. Our debates here have almost always stayed civil, and I let things get to me more than they should have. Sorry guys.

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Post by fletcher21 »

haha hey
<BR>yeah man, the navy was a good deal but it didnt work out, as they like to say <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif">
<BR>i guess lazyness and cheating, plus a few alcohol incidents and fights are not looked upon highly by the government... funny that haha
<BR>ill tell you tho, it is true what they say about that phrase "gay in the navy"
<BR>a quick story: there was a guy in my barracks a few months before i got there, his nickname was "big sweets"
<BR>allegedly he was a big (6´2+) black dude, and he raped like 5 dudes
<BR>apparently he would go to your door and when you opened it he would come in, knock you out, and ***** you in the ass then leave before you came to
<BR>well finally he got caught, and he got busted i guess, i just thought it was a very gay thing, knowing someone like that is in the navy made me a little hesitant to tell people i am in the navy haha
<BR>so anyways, one of my friends told me the story, and i guess he got caught when he was ***** some dude, his roomate busted in and saw it haha
<BR>dude was telling someone about it and said "yea man i bust in they door, hit they ass in the head and take they manhood!"
<BR>sounds like a scene out of a gay porn LoL
<BR>anyways, my 6 months in the navy taught me a bunch of stuff, and i am keeping my options open
<BR>a very good friend of mine is an army recruiter, and if he can get me the 100% assurance i could drive a tank, you will see fletcher in an army camoflage uniform soon! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif"> (jackdog what do you think about that? how hard is it to get the chance to drive a tank? my friend said if you get over 65 on your asvab you can basically pick the job, but i would assume you know more about it, especially the army)
<BR>word i am off like a prom dress, its friday nite and i gotta go find me some hot 18 yr old to ***** raw dog LoL
<BR>p.l.u.r baby never talk down!
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Post by fletcher21 »

btw mattk i didnt mean any harm in that post, but dont ever try to talk down to me or i will have to jock you like the no good flea-ridden animal that you are!
<BR>p.l.u.r2k4 baby
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