MVP Baseball vs. the rest

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by oasisboston »

I have only played MVP Baseball 2003, and I really like it. My only gripe is the choppy fielding and inablility to control diving or to jump over the fence for homers.
<BR>I haven´t personally played ASB or HH, but from what others tell me, they both suck.
<BR>I was wondering if anyone had played World Series Baseball 2k3? One website gave it an amazing review. Why doesn´t this website have a review for it? Let me hear your views on the new baseball games and world series if you played it.

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by Galley »

I had MVP for a few days. I tired to like it, but the fielding was so slow, and the baserunning was even slower. High Heat can´t be beat! <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon21.gif">

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by K_Mosley »

I actually really like ASB. From what I´ve read about all the baseball games, it doesn´t sound like any of them suck to me!
<BR>Give them a rental, like PK is doing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by JasonC »

I haven´t played WSB yet because Sega hasn´t come up with a review copy and I haven´t been able to find it in any of my local Blockbusters. I will rent it if I see it, but I´m not going to plunk down $45 just to try it out.
<BR>I´m not sure who said that HH "sucks", but I would take that opinion with a grain of salt. It is certainly not perfect, but it is a very fun baseball game. Or, as pk500 would say, it´s not so much fun as it is realistic. If you like realism above all other things then you would enjoy HH2004.
<BR>ASB, on the other hand, is all flash and no substance. I can see how some people like it, but I just couldn´t get into it. I really really tried to like it. The batting interface was just too hard for me to cope with.
<BR>MVP has a lot of potential and hopefully next year they will smooth it out enough to knock High Heat off its horse. I really liked a lot of things about it and think that it can be the best with a little push.
<BR>I am anxious to try out WSB too. Right now I am in the middle of a move from California to North Carolina. Hopefully I will be able to try it after I get settled in.

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by kevinpars »

"Right now I am in the middle of a move from California to North Carolina."
<BR>Wow, THAT is a move, all right. Not one of those moves where you pack everything up and realize that you still have a bunch of unpacked junk in the house and make about 10 trips with the car!
<BR>Where in NC are you moving? I lived in the Raleigh-Durham area for about 10 years and my father and sister lived over near the beach.
<BR>As for bb games, I ended up buying WSB based on user reviews. I had to go with the PS2 version, which is not as good, but it is still a lot of fun. I also play High Heat 2004 on the PC. I like them both. Both could stand some improvements, but maybe next year.... But the two of them will keep me busy until the football games come out this summer.

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MVP Baseball vs. the rest

Post by K_Mosley »

<BR>"ASB has all flash an no substance"
<BR>Wow, I would say exactly the opposite... there´s more "baseball" in ASB than in any other baseball title I´ve ever played. Oh well, to each his own. Good luck with your move. NC is a beautiful place!

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