Xbox for Christmas and other notes

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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by kevinpars »

I may get an Xbox from the wife this year. I don´t know why I turn cheap and say that I don´t need another expensive ´toy´ yet at the same time I can make the brilliant decision to get my kitchen faucet repaired because $200.00 for a new one installed is way too much money. (Repair bill on old faucet was $345.00). Do the math - that would get me a box, a game and online for a year.
<BR>Anyway, I am going to use it for sports - mainly offline -at least at first. Is it worth it to sell my PS2 games (NCAA Football, ESPN Football and ESPN College Hoops) on and then buy the same games for the box?? Anyone play both and have an option? I know they will look a bit better, but is the boost worth it - and are the load times that much less? It would be a break even enterprise, because I would pay 15% to sell my PS2 games and the Xbox games are -on average- about 15-20% cheaper on half.
<BR>What other games would you folks recommend -sports games that is? I have started a list that includes Inside Drive, Top Spin and one of the hockey games. What else? Is Fever a fun game? Should I just get last year´s version of Fever or is this year´s game offer improvements?
<BR>Can I say something about politics? I am pretty far to the left (I have had a few friendly disagreements with Jackdog and others over at the old Sportsreviewers site before things turned ugly and strange) but I just can´t support Howard Dean. Is it shallow of me to not support a candidate because he released a statement that said "Rush Limbaugh’s comment … about Philadelphia Jets quarterback Donovan McNabb is unacceptable.”?? Is it asking too much for a President who knows the names of the 32 NFL franchises?
<BR>And speaking of politics, did anyone see this recently released conversation:
<BR>"Reagan is not one that wears well," Nixon said.
<BR>"I know," Haldeman agreed.
<BR>"On a personal basis, Rockefeller is a pretty nice guy," Nixon said. "Reagan on a personal basis, is terrible. He just isn´t pleasant to be around."
<BR>"No, he isn´t," Haldeman said.
<BR>"Maybe he´s different with others," Nixon said.
<BR>"No," Haldeman said.
<BR>"No, he´s just an uncomfortable man to be around," Nixon said, "strange."
<BR>That sounds like sitcom material to me. Imagine this conversation followed by Al Gore coming in and saying:
<BR>"Hey guys, I just invented the Internet!"

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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by seanmac »

As a Jets fan, that troubled me as well...but Howard is still the best chance to put an end to this abortion of a presidency. But I will now hop off of politics immediately (picture hopping off).
<BR>Honestly, out of that list I would re-purchase ESPN Football and use the rest of the money towards XBL. If you have a broadband connection, then Live is a necessity, not a luxury. Fortunately, most XBL compatible games come with a two month trial, so you can check it out for yourself. The Live experience will make you hesitate before ever buying a game with no online component.
<BR>Anyway, for me the Xbox must haves are ESPN Football and Inside Drive (and Halo...whether or not you like FPS games, you simply have to get Halo). NCAA is also a good game, but will be a very similar experience to what you had with the PS2. There is no consensus on the hockey titles, you have to rent various ones and make your own decision (I play ESPN but recognize its flaws). Fever is not worth the money at even a reduced price, unfortunately.

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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by krustylew »

I was actually more concerned when he referred to Russia as the Soviet Union. <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_wink.gif"> <BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: krustylew on 11-12-2003 07:09 ]</font>

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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by Brando70 »

Game response:
<BR>I don´t think I´d repurchase NCAA for the XBox. EA did a piss poor job with the discs, and there are a lot of dirty disk error and sound issues with it. But ESPN NFL on the XBox is just a thing of beauty. Honestly, between ESPN and ID, I don´t think I need another team sports game until baseball season -- although I´ll inevitably buy some before then.
<BR>Also, if you get XBox Live, you can get Ghost Recon: Island Thunder pretty cheap. That´s a great online game. I also second the Halo recommendation, especially since you can get it cheap at a place like
<BR>Political response:
<BR>At least with Dean, I feel like there´s a choice this election, unlike 2000. But to quote Jon Lovitz playing Michael Dukakis, "I don´t have a Chinaman´s chance of winning this election. I´m going to get beaten. Badly beaten." Dean is definitely to my left, especially on foreign policy, but I will vote for Bush when they pull the lever with my cold dead hand (which I wouldn´t put past them).
<BR>BTW, for anyone interested in media bias, I recommend The Daily Howler, Think there´s rampant liberal bias in the press? Read the Howler and you´ll see the press is much more conservative than Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh say.

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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by Leebo33 »

<BR>I´d throw Links 2004 in the list of must-haves (especially with XBL) along with Inside Drive 2004, ESPN Football, and Halo.
<BR>You can pretty much take Brando´s cold dead hand comment and reverse it for me. I view the Democratic field kind of like the NBA´s Eastern Conference. There are some decent teams and on some nights they look good, but by the end of the season all the flaws will be exposed.
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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by James_E »

Xbox Deal until December 13, Circuit City:
<BR>Xbox with 2 games: $179.99.... plus you get one of Midtown Madness 3 or Halo... FREE!
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Xbox for Christmas and other notes

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Suggested games to accompany your Xbox purchase, as I assume you´re getting Xbox Live:
<BR>Links 2004
<BR>Rivals 2004
<BR>Inside Drive 2004
<BR>Project Gotham Racing 2
<BR>Rainbow Six 3
<BR>Yes, Xbox games look better and load faster than their PS2 counterparts. But there´s also the convenience of the hard drive. Unlimited saves and no more memory cards, which is big if you´re an avid franchise or season gamer.
<BR>Regarding politics, I´m no fan of President Bush yet I´m not a Democrat. Still, the Dems have little chance to win with Howard Dean carrying the banner. I think the guy is too erratic and really doesn´t stand for much other than being the "outsider." Frankly, I don´t think Americans want an "outsider" during this time of war and a struggling economy.
<BR>With the economy making small gains, the Bush campaign´s huge war chest and the slick, ultra-controlled PR of the Bush White House, Dubya is a virtual lock for re-election in 2004, barring a catastrophe in the Middle East or a severe recession here.
<BR>Oh, well: I´m voting Libertarian, as always.
<BR>Take care,
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