Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

Forget that Syracuse won the National Championship or that Carmelo Anthony was an instrumental part in the decisive win. The fact of the matter is he left school after his FRESHMAN year, not his junior or even sophomore year, his FRESHMAN year. That means one thing. He wasn´t in college playing for the love the game. He was there for one thing, the money baby. I realize there will be those who don´t agree with me, but such accolades and recognition should be given to those "student athletes" who make a committment to a university and actually play for the love of the game....and not neccessarily the BENJAMINS. In my opinion, the cover boy should be awarded to a senior, someone who has exemplified what it means to be a college player. My vote: Nick Collison
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

<BR>I disagree with your opinion 100 percent.
<BR>If it was all about the Benjamins, Carmelo Anthony would have went pro last year. He would have been a lottery pick last year.
<BR>Yes, his draft status improved and earnings potential improved greatly due to his fantastic season at Syracuse. But the kid did attend classes, and he admitted that the one year of college helped him grow as a person immensely.
<BR>College trains you for a future profession. Carmelo Anthony´s profession is a basketball player, so I would say the year at Syracuse did its job.
<BR>If someone offered you a pile of cash after your first or second year to "go pro" in your chosen field, would you reject it and stay in school, knowing that this chance might not arise again? Of course you wouldn´t.
<BR>Carmelo Anthony can return to college at any time. He´s already promised his mother -- by far the most powerful influence in his life -- that he will. But he never may get the chance to be the No. 3 pick in the NBA Draft again.
<BR>The idea that top young hoops players should stay in college for four years is noble but out of touch with reality. Athletes turn pro in figure skating, gymnastics, motorsports, tennis and soccer long before they reach 21 or 22, which is the age of the average college graduate.
<BR>Why should basketball players be held to a different standard?
<BR>As for Collison vs. Anthony, come on -- get real. Nick Collison is a solid player who has very little "curb appeal" to people who aren´t rabid Jayhawks´ fans. He seems to be a very nice young man who has zero charisma or magnetism whereas Anthony has a 1,000-watt smile and personality and a very unique first name by which he´ll be referred to without his last name very soon in NBA circles.
<BR>When you say Carmelo, people will know exactly to whom you refer. When you say Nick, that could be anyone.
<BR>In other words, Carmelo Anthony is a bonafide sports marketing star in the making. Nick Collison is not.
<BR>Earning the status as a video game cover boy has more to do with marketing and sales potential than it does with a player´s achievements or length of stay in college.
<BR>Business truly is about the Benjamins, baby. So is college and pro basketball.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 26-06-2003 11:56 ]</font>
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by Brando70 »

So Sportdan, 20 years ago, if March Madness had been available, should Magic Johnson have been left off the cover?
<BR>I don´t blame Carmelo at all for leaving. He made a huge name for himself. He won the national championship. He´s got the skills to succeed at the next level. And he´s going to make a bazillion dollars after today. He would be a fool to pass that up.
<BR>Not to mention, staying four years is overrated as far as NBA careers go. There was an article (maybe USA Today?) that discussed that high school players who go pro have the highest rate of playing time (I think the criterion was players who play 18+ minutes within their first year of two). That percentage actually declined with the more years of college a player played.
<BR>It´s not like college athletics is some noble pursuit. It´s a business for schools and has been for untold years.
<BR>So for Carmello being on the MM cover, I think he´s the right choice. He was the best player on the best team last year and played a key role in their championship.

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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

I´m not blaming Melo for leaving college early to pursue his dream. If in the same situation, I would most likely do the same as he given that he´s already been a part of a national championship team. Not to mention he´s above and beyond the skill level of other college players. My main gripe is with EA Sports. They must realize that their main fan base of those who are playing their games are in high school and college. However, instead of awarding the cover to someone who´s a bonafide 4 year player (ala Carson Palmer for NCAA 2004), they´re basically glamorizing one player for one year of college basketball. If not Nick Collison, perhaps a more appropriate recognition would be to focus on the top three or so graduating seniors heading to the NBA. I think it should be a recognizable achievement for those who went to college to be part of a four year program and not just a stepping stone to the next level. But hey, more power to Anthony for cashing in on this endorsement deal.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

Dan, Dan, Dan:
<BR>Do you think Carson Palmer was the NCAA cover boy because he was a four-year college player? Because earning the cover was some sort of college lifetime achievement award?
<BR>Hell no! He won the Heisman Trophy and was the No. 1 pick in the NFL draft, for Christ´s sake! He was one of the most well-known college players by the end of last season and definitely after this year´s NFL Draft, and he happens to play the glamor position of the sport.
<BR>If a junior won the Heisman and came out early, you can bet your ass that EA would try to put him on the cover.
<BR>Placing athletes on game packaging is done for one reason -- to sell games. Nothing else.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 26-06-2003 13:06 ]</font>
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by RobVarak »

That means one thing. He wasn´t in college playing for the love the game.
<BR>Oh, my God. That literally made me LOL! O, mercy. That´s the funniest thing I´ve read in some time. Sportdan, you have elevated satire to an exceptional level...I hope.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

<BR>I seriously doubt EA would lose out on sales if they put a less recognizable athlete on their cover other than Carmelo Anthony. This is EA Sports we´re talking about. People are going to buy the game because it´s freakin EA Sports. Now, you and I are going to be a bit more practical and buy the game based on gameplay, realism, etc. I´m sure you´re not going to care who´s on the cover of ESPN College Basketball as long as it plays the best brand of NCAA ball. So, you´re saying already ESPN (VC) is at a loss in sales because they don´t have Melo on their cover? If Collison were to grace their cover, I still guarantee you it´s going to sell better because of last year´s first year effort. I suppose I can´t neccessarily blame EA for trying to boost sales, but still they´re doing a disservice to bonafide college hoopsters who play for the love of their school. These players deserve the recognition as do us fans for following these players for FOUR YEARS! Not ONE year.....FOUR!
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by James_E »

"bonafide college hoopsters who play for the love of their school"
<BR>Name ONE...
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

<BR>Your naivete is admirable but so misguided.
<BR>Name me ONE recent college player who could be a dead-fire lottery pick who has stayed in school for four years. One.
<BR>There´s a reason Nick Collison didn´t come out early. He wouldn´t have been a lottery pick last year, and he might not be this year.
<BR>Sure, EA sells a ton of copies of games because of brand equity. But are you trying to tell me that March Madness 2004 would sell as many copies if graduating Syracuse senior Kueth Duany was on the cover instead of Carmelo Anthony?
<BR>If so, then I have some oceanfront property in Mongolia to sell you.
<BR>You´re one of the few and the proud, Dan: A guy who believes in big-time college athletics as fun and games, something that rounds out a college student´s life experience first. Clinging to the notion of top Division I basketball players staying for four years is nice but totally unrealistic.
<BR>Well, time for a reality check: Big-time college sports is a big business first, including for its outstanding athletes.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 26-06-2003 14:17 ]</font>
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

"But are you trying to tell me that March Madness 2004 would sell as many copies if graduating Syracuse senior Kueth Duany was on the cover instead of Carmelo Anthony?
<BR>If so, then I have some oceanfront property in Mongolia to sell you."
<BR>No, not Duany but here´s a list many would recognize and be a better addition than Melo (maybe not a better player in terms of pure skill and athleticism but leadership and fundamentals):
<BR>Hollis Price, Kirk Hinrich, Keith Bogans, Troy Bell, David West, Brian Cook, Luke Walton, Jason Gardner, Steve Blake, Jason Kapono.....granted not all NBA bound but SENIORS nonetheless. I´d much rather see any of these guys grace the cover of March Madness. Not to mention the fact that some of them could have gone pro after their junior years (Hinrich and Price to name a couple) and would have been drafted. These players define college athletics, not someone using college just to get noticed. So, they won´t be a number 3 pick in the draft tonight, but they will have the satisfaction of playing all four years and representing what college athetlics is all about. Not to mention sales wouldn´t tank because one of them is on the cover. That´s absurd to think it would. (Example: NFL Gameday still finished last in sales a few years back even with Marshall Faulk on their cover....I´m pretty sure whoever was on the cover of Madden that year wasn´t as big as Faulk in status......but still kicked the living crap out of everyone in sales.....hmmm)
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

"Your naivete is admirable but so misguided.
<BR>Name me ONE recent college player who could be a dead-fire lottery pick who has stayed in school for four years. One."
<BR>Lets see.....hmmmmm, just one you say. Very well. How bout this years NBA MVP...none other than four year graduate Tim Duncan. Take that to the bank.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

Why does the image of Don Quixote parrying his sword toward imaginary windmills always enter my mind when I read one of Dan´s posts about this subject? <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>Dan, I admire your passion for the noble pursuit of college athletics. Too bad big-time college sports are just as filthy as pro sports.
<BR>Take care,
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

<BR>When did Duncan graduate? 1997 -- before the flood of underclassmen and high schoolers entered the NBA Draft.
<BR>Bad example.
<BR>But I should have been more specific: Name me one guy in the last five years -- really when the baby boom has started in the NBA -- who ignored dead-certain lottery status and had the success and instant national name recognition of Carmelo Anthony yet stayed all four years.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 26-06-2003 15:20 ]</font>
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

"But I should have been more specific: Name me one guy in the last five years -- really when the baby boom has started in the NBA -- who ignored dead-certain lottery status and had the success and instant national name recognition of Carmelo Anthony yet stayed all four years."
<BR>In order as follows:
<BR>1998 Raef LaFrentz
<BR>1999 Wally Szczerbiak
<BR>2000 Kenyon Martin
<BR>Now, you´re going to rephrase once again and ask me to name one within the past two years, right?
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by HipE »

Shane Battier would have probably been a higher pick if he left school early.
<BR>Jay Williams stayed in school until he graduated, even though he only played 3 years.

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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

"Dan, I admire your passion for the noble pursuit of college athletics. Too bad big-time college sports are just as filthy as pro sports. "
<BR>I am not saying that college athletics paints itself a rosey picture. Case in point, the problems that are now occuring in the ACC and dominoe effect that it´s going to have on the rest of the conferences. However, it is my opinion EA should have the smarts to recognize those players who have stayed in college because they ultimately loved playing college ball. Perhaps it´s not realistic, but that is what the NCAA tries to personify. Not one year players. Congrats EA.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

I´ve never been a fan of Duke....well, perhaps now I will when they play North Carolina. Anyways, what a tragedy about Jay Williams. From the reports, the prognosis doesn´t look good at all. I truly hope he can recover and play ball again but it´s definitely going to be a long road back. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by sportdan30 »

On the same topic of Jay Williams btw, it´s pretty pathetic listening to the sports hosts in Chicago brushing him off like he´s done and speaking ill of him as a player.
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Sorry....Carmelo Anthony does NOT deserve to be on the cover

Post by pk500 »

<BR>I´ll give you Kenyon Martin. Good call.
<BR>But Raef LaFrentz and Wally Sczerbiak? Come on. They were not as good or dominant in any year as Carmelo Anthony was last year -- as a freshman.
<BR>Those two guys are real reaches.
<BR>EA Sports doesn´t have to "reward" anyone with being a cover boy. They choose cover boys based on who will sell the most games.
<BR>Agree with you about Jay Williams. That whole situation is sad. Hope he comes back with a vengeance when he´s healthy.
<BR>Take care,
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