Madden 19 with RPM

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Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Thought it was time to start a thread. Thanks to my favorite person I'm in the closed beta so can't comment specifically on it but there is a ton of information which i will start to post below.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal » ... -deep-dive

Gameplay in Madden NFL 19 was developed with two primary objectives:

1. Player Control across the field

2. Immersive NFL Experience from start to finish

To achieve these objectives, our goal is to deliver the most significant animation upgrade in Madden history. Madden NFL 19 introduces a package of features known as Real Player Motion – featuring authentic player movement, more player control and responsiveness, and player signature behaviors that will immerse players into the NFL each and every game.

Real Player Motion - Locomotion

Player Locomotion, or Run Cycles, is the feature that is going to have the biggest impact on Madden gameplay. The Locomotion system has been rebuilt using technological innovations from across a variety of EA games and was designed in a way that intuitively balances the line between responsiveness and authenticity.

The new Locomotion system delivers the precision of making sharp cuts vs. rounded turns based on button inputs. Want to make a sharp cut up the field before stepping out of bounds near the sideline? Let go of the RT/R2 Acceleration Burst and move the LS in the desired direction to cut sharply on a dime. Want to run at full speed, making minor movements to avoid losing momentum? Hold down the RT/R2 Acceleration Burst to carve through the defense.

Managing the Acceleration Burst mechanic will have the biggest impact on the way you play Madden. When used, Acceleration Burst will take your player to top speed based on his ratings but prevent you from making drastic direction changes without losing speed. When NOT accelerating and using ONLY the LS to move your player, you can make sharp, precise cuts and drastic direction changes, but cannot run at top speed. This change in speed transitions allows you to be in full control over how you want your player to move on the field while offering the most visually authentic locomotion we’ve ever had.

In addition to the movement benefits, players’ Run Cycles will be visually and functionally separated based on each player’s height, weight, position, and ratings. There are multiple versions of Run Cycles in Madden 19 so that each player will feel and look unique. A big, bruising fullback may have to take a few extra steps to make that sharp cut up the field as opposed to a short, shifty scat-back, who can quickly put his foot in the ground and go.


Speaking of putting your foot in the ground and going, One-Cut is a new ball carrier move that does just that by leveraging the skill of the Acceleration Burst with the precision of the new Player Locomotion. Inspired by ”one-cut” backs in zone schemes, and further supported by Minnesota Vikings’ WR Stefon Diggs’ miracle play in playoffs, this mechanic unlocks the ability to burst out of a controlled cut on a drastic direction change up the field.

When making these cuts, there will be a small timing window open to activate a faster version of the Acceleration Burst as the outside plant foot hits the turf, simulating the burst ball carriers get when sticking their foot in the ground and hitting the hole. But be aware, this mechanic is so powerful, it comes with a heavy stamina hit, so you’ll have to be smart about when to deploy the move, as you’ll most likely only have the energy to pull off only one in a single play. The speed and effectiveness of One-Cut is of course tailored to fit each player’s individual ratings and scales per your difficulty level.

Strafe Burst

The defensive counter to One-Cut, Strafe Burst is very similar in its look and feel, as it will allow your defender to have a similar ability to quickly accelerate out of a foot-plant to go make a play.

When holding LT/L2 to strafe on defense, you can accelerate out of the strafe and into a sprint by releasing the strafe button and quickly activating the Acceleration Burst on RT/R2. It uses the same timing window system as One-Cut and mastering this mechanic will give your defender the ability to make a play on the One-Cut in the open field, while carrying a similar stamina hit.

Branching Special Moves

In Madden 19, you can chain together ball carrier special moves and make a smooth transition from one to another before each is completed. You want to quickly transition from a Juke to a Spin and back to a Juke? Real Player Motion allows the freedom and creativity for our players to take their best shot at putting out some of the best highlight videos ever seen.

Hit the Hole

Traditionally, one of the areas of the game where our players felt like they commonly lost control is when navigating through tight gaps in the trenches on running plays. Real Player Motion allowed us to make a new Ball Carrier mechanic to ensure more player control at this critical point in the run game.

Known as Hit the Hole, this is a Right Stick mechanic that is a contextual extension to the existing Juke system. When running through the line, if you want to make a quick direction change to get through a gap in the line, flick the RS towards that gap and you’ll see your ball carrier make a contextually appropriate direction change into the gap that will get him through quickly and efficiently, without tripping over his linemen or getting stuck behind them.

The player skill here lies with recognizing when an open gap exists or not. If you flick the stick towards a gap that has closed, your ball carrier will still make the direction change, but instead of squeezing through the line, he’ll be tackled instead.

Push the Pile

Building on the same area as Hit the Hole, Push the Pile is a new ball carrier mechanic that fits the same objective around player control.

Sometimes, on inside run plays, there are no open gaps to run through and you need your player to intentionally make contact with his blockers. Built specifically for these cases, Push the Pile is an extension of the Truck Stick mechanic. If you want to engage your running back into the back of a blocker to just push forward or guide the blocking engagement out of your way to gain space, simply hold the Right Stick up as you make contact with the blocker to get into a Push the Pile interaction.

Based on the player ratings of all three players involved (the ball carrier, blocker, and defender), there are a variety of results for these interactions. These include versions that fit a big, bruising RB who might truck right into the defender as he’s engaged and knock him down; versions for smaller, shifty backs who can just place their hand on the back of the blocker and guide him out of the way; and of course, situations for the defender to tackle the ball carrier as he’s trying to push through the line.

Catching Improvements

For catching in Madden 19, we really wanted to address some of our players’ feedback from the standpoint of delivering more freedom for the user. Common player feedback around getting pulled into catch interactions you didn’t ask for or watching a receiver jump high in the air and not being able to defend him when you’re trying to knock the ball out. To address those, we’ve introduced a new Mid-Air Collision system for receivers who like to high-point the ball and new additions to the Catching system to give more player agency when user-ing your receiver.

Defenders will have more control to decide between interacting with the receiver during the catch or afterwards. ”Play Receiver” is now all about hitting the receiver hard to make sure he doesn’t come down with the ball. On offense, you will have more time to make your decision about the catch you want and react later in the play to make your final choice. The catch mechanics remain the same, but no longer will you jump up in air while holding either Possession or RAC catch mechanics, as we’ve invested in staying closer to the true intent of those mechanics. But be aware that if you attempt to RAC catch a ball that is throw too high, you will most likely not be able to catch it. Choose wisely.

Animation Quality

In addition to making the game feel authentic, we also have done a lot of work on making the game look authentic. Real Player Motion is more than just stick mechanics and player control – this new technology also has allowed us to build features that keep you in the moment all game long. Check out a few of the highlights below.


When looking at all the core fundamentals in Madden, tackling has far and away gotten the biggest visual upgrade.

Our players will see tackles influenced by momentum, speed, and weight with our new Momentum Tackle system that ensures tackles play out as expected based on how the players started the tackle. When a defensive back is standing still or strafing to make a conservative tackle on a big, bowling-ball type of back running at him with a full head of steam, you’ll see the defensive back get taken for a ride while getting that back on the ground. Conversely, if the running back is trying to change directions and gets popped by a big linebacker running downhill, the running back will take the force of that hit and fall down in the appropriate manner.

We also invested heavily on improving our Tackling Physics system so that players who add-on into a gang tackle or get involved in the play late can find the correct animations to use in these interactions. They will no longer go into a “rag-doll” state or fall down while looking unaware of the game situation. These players will remain active in the play and their bodies will act according to the laws of physics and momentum.

We did not overlook the end of the play either. Anytime a tackle happens in Madden, players need to get up off the ground. To ensure that players getting up looked just as authentic as the players during the tackle, we built a new Get-Up system that allows players to smoothly transition from hitting the ground to getting up off the ground, to keep you immersed the experience. You’ll see players athletically roll with momentum to get up quickly, or see players intelligently delay getting up while other players on top of them get up first.

Lastly, we did a complete refresh of all of the Hit Stick animations. Every Hit Stick in the game will be new and use the Momentum Tackle system to ensure the same visual quality we expect with all of our tackles. Some new features also come in with the Hit Stick improvements. You can now attempt to Hit Stick a receiver during a catch but be careful not to be early or you will be flagged for Pass Interference. And the timing window has been decreased so that the Hit Stick is a true skill mechanic that will come with a heavier risk of broken tackles than we’ve had before.


Beyond the features we’ve built for in-game physical immersion, we also wanted to deliver some personality to go with it. There’s two features we’re introducing in Madden 19 that deliver on Player Signature; QB Pre-Play Signatures and User-Controlled Celebrations.

QB Signatures

We studied hours of film and watched QBs across the league to identify what makes each QB unique in his behaviors and mannerisms before the snap and have begun to reflect that in Madden. Green Bay Packers’ QB Aaron Rodgers adjusts his thigh pad all the time. Kansas City Chiefs’ QB Patrick Mahomes is very deliberate when making pre-snap adjustments. All of these behaviors will be reflected in Madden 19 on multiple levels, including Contextual (fidgets), Functional (pre-snap adjustments), and Audio (all supported QB’s will have contextually correct on-field wires associated with each signature animation). We are launching with a handful of NFL QBs fully supported and will continue to update more via post-launch updates.

User-Controlled Celebrations

You are now in control of what type of celebration you want to use after making that game-changing player. After a touchdown, sack or safety, you will have the opportunity to choose one of five celebration options via the Right Stick:

RS UP – Team/Group Celebration
RS RIGHT – Spike
RS DOWN – Player Signature
RS LEFT – Dance
RS CLICK/R3 – Swagger: Steal a Signature animation from the opponent team
Just like with the QBs, we spent dozens of hours watching film to see what celebrations NFL players are doing and which are the most popular, such as “Duck-Duck-Goose,” “The Bobsled,” “The Safe-Breaker,” and of course the many versions of “The Gronk Spike.” You will see a wide variety of celebrations that you see on Sundays, and we will continue to update this content all year long via post-launch updates.


We’ve made several additions and improvements to our Coverage AI logic. For starters we’ve added new rule sets for Cover 4, Cover 3, Cover 2, as well as other improvements. Here are some of the changes we’ve made.

Cover 4 – We have two new versions of Cover 4 (Quarters and Palms). Quarters and Palms are commonly referred to as “Man Match” defenses, which simply means the defenders in coverage can match up and play man-to-man. Both coverage concepts are similar but with two key differences.

Against a formation where a slot receiver is present, and if the slot receiver runs a quick out, the defense in Cover 4 Quarters will handle this route with the “Quarter Flat” player. In the same scenario with Cover 4 Palms, the defense will handle this route with the cornerback who’s playing “Outside Quarter.” In a sense, the coverage plays like a Cover 2.

Cover 3 – For Cover 3, an emphasis was placed on improving the logic for Curl Flat defenders and adding rule sets for standard Cover 3 so it’s better equipped to handle route concepts from Trips and Bunch formations that traditionally give it trouble. When the offense aligns in a Trips or Bunch formation, Cover 3 Match, Cover 3 Sky, and Cover 3 Buzz plays will function more like the Cover 3 Mable play from Madden 18.

Tampa 2 – The primary of focus with Cover 2 was adding new rules and logic for the Middle Read and Vertical Hook defenders. The Middle Read player will now do a much better job of getting to the deep middle of the field to defend against pass routes that cross that area. We also continued the work with our Cloud Flat players in regard to defending hi-lo route concepts and with new press animations.

Protect the Sticks – The Protect the Sticks mechanic has been overhauled and updated with new logic. Now underneath defenders in zone coverage will spot drop the depth of the first down marker.

New Plays – The defensive theme continues as we’ve added a new defensive formation called “Big Nickel Over G.” This formation uses 4-2-5 personnel which is (four down linemen, two linebackers, and five defensive backs). Three of the defensive backs are safeties, thus the name Big Nickel. The formation contains new plays and coverage concepts
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Deep Dive Franchise ... -deep-dive

Experience Franchise in a whole new way!

Step into your coach’s office and build your team into a dynasty. Upgrade your players, balance your scheme, and make decisions about your depth chart to impact your success on the field. After the game, visit your players in the locker room and slap a Captains patch on the superstars. Back in your office, soak up the best snapshots from the game on your TV and in the news. Download a community-created draft class and head to the NFL Draft. Find the hidden gem that fits your scheme and see your next superstar revealed on the stage.

Player Archetype Progression

Madden NFL 19 introduces a new way to progress and classify your players in Franchise with the Archetype Progression system. Each position is now broken up into two-to-four styles used to grade the player. For example, the quarterback position now has four styles: Field General, Scrambler, Strong Arm, and West Coast. Matt Ryan may be an 88 OVR West Coast, but only a 78 OVR Scrambler. On the other hand, Deshaun Watson may be an 82 OVR Scrambler but only a 79 OVR West Coast. These archetype OVRs make it easy to evaluate a player’s strengths and weaknesses.

Earn Skill Points by acquiring enough XP for a player to level up. XP is earned during gameplay, training, awards, and more. Once you’ve earned a Skill Point, spend it on one of the Player Archetypes to upgrade the OVR for that Archetype by a full point.

At the end of each game, you are presented with all the players that have skill points and are ready to upgrade. Let’s say you want to upgrade Matt Ryan’s West Coast OVR. It’s currently an 88 OVR, so spending one Skill Point will increase his individual player ratings, which will elevate his West Coast to an 89. This time, the West Coast upgrade awarded +1 to Play Action and Deep Accuracy and +2 to Short Accuracy. If he got a second skill point, he could receive +1 to Play Action, Short Accuracy, and Throw Power. The number of rating points earned from each upgrade varies, but they will always move you up one OVR point in the selected archetype.

The decisions you make with this progression system are powerful. Instead of just going up one rating at a time, your players progress a full OVR each upgrade. It’s a dynamic system that ensures players progress in unique ways, while still giving you control over the players’ total progression paths.

Archetypes per position:

QB: Strong Arm, Scrambler, West Coast, Field General

HB: Power Back, Elusive Back, Receiving Back

FB: Blocking, Utility

WR: Deep Threat, Possession, Red Zone Threat, Slot Receiver

TE: Vertical Threat, Possession, Blocking

OL: Agile, Power, Pass Protector

DL: Run Stopper, Speed Rusher, Power Rusher

MLB: Field General, Pass Coverage, Run Stopper

OLB: Pass Coverage, Run Stopper, Speed Rusher, Power Rusher

CB: Man-to-Man, Zone Coverage, Slot Corner

S: Zone Coverage, Run Support, Hybrid

K/P: Accurate, Power

Coach Scheme Fits

Your coach’s scheme matters more this year, thanks to the Scheme Fits feature. Build your team with players that match your scheme and they will develop faster, giving you more success on the field.

Start by choosing an offensive and defensive scheme. To make your decision easier, scroll through the available schemes to see how many players on your roster are a Scheme Fit. Each scheme looks for a specific Player Archetype for each position. For example, the West Coast Zone Run scheme looks for Agile offensive linemen. All offensive linemen that are Agile will have a puzzle piece Scheme Fit icon denoting they’re a match. This helps you find the players that best fit your team. The scheme fit icon is visible in Free Agent Bidding, Trading, Scouting, Drafting, and more.

Change your scheme at any point for full control over how you build your team. Draft a stud Strong Arm QB in the first round and want to maximize his development? Simply switch to a Vertical Power Run or Vertical Zone Run offense and start building your team around him. Your QB will now get bonus XP in training because he is a scheme fit. Shape players to fit your scheme by upgrading the archetype your scheme prefers until they flip to a new player type. Players that have balanced Archetype OVRs are much easier to flip than ones that are far away.

Here’s a full list of the offensive and defensive schemes this year:

Offensive Schemes

West Coast Zone Run
West Coast Power Run
Vertical Zone Run
Vertical Power Run
Multiple Zone Run
Multiple Power Run
Run and Shoot
Defensive Schemes

Base 4-3
Multiple 4-3
Base 3-4
Multiple 3-4
Tampa 2
46 Defense
Draft Class Creator

The #1 requested feature by the community is here. Get ready to create and share Draft Classes using Madden Share. When Scouting starts in Week 3 of the regular season, you will be prompted to either use an auto-generated class, download a class, or import a locally-saved class. Download and import any time Scouting is available, even if it’s later in the season.

Creating and sharing a draft class is easy. Start with an auto-generated class and edit as much or as little as you want. While on the main Scouting menu, press the “Edit Players” button to kick off the process. Choose to edit the current class or import/download another one. If you edit the current class, then you will be taken to a spreadsheet that reveals everything about the 450 players in the current draft class. Easily move players up and down the draft projection using the “swap” and “insert above” tools. Select each player and edit his Player Info, Appearance, Equipment, Ratings, and Player Traits.

When you access the Draft Class Creator menu, a Transaction Log item is sent so other people in your league know that you saw the full draft class. The Transaction Log is also notified each time a player is edited so that others can keep track of who you are changing. For multi-user leagues, only the Commissioner can adjust the draft class.

Find all the draft classes the community has created in Madden Share. Sort by most downloaded and top liked to find the class you are looking for. Download a draft class, make edits, and then upload a new one. Everything is at your fingertips when you’re using the Draft Class Creator.

Depth Chart Positions

Your team now has a Specialist section with seven depth chart positions. These positions ensure the right players are on the field in the right situations.

Nickel and Dime defenses now use Rush Left End (RLE), Rush Defensive Tackle (RDT), Rush Right End (RRE), Sub Linebacker (SUBLB), and Slot Cornerback (SLCB) positions. These players are best for downs when the offense is likely to be throwing the ball. For RDT, RLE, and RRE, this means that the run stoppers are leaving the field and the pass rushers are stepping in. The CPU won’t put in a player that has low pass rush moves in this position. For Sub Linebacker, the best pass coverage linebacker will fill this spot. Your Slot Corner will be the best players on your team using the Slot Corner OVR, but will not fill with CB1, CB2, FS1, or SS1 unless their archetype is Slot Corner.

The Slot Wide Receiver (SLWR) depth chart position will be the best players on your team using the Slot Receiver OVR. It will not be WR1, WR2, TE1, or HB1 unless their archetype is Slot Receiver. This will ensure that players like Miami Dolphins' Danny Amendola are used in the slot, but guys that are better outside will stay outside.

Power Halfback (PWHB) is used in goal line formations and other heavy sets as your running back. He will be the best player on your team to tote the rock between the tackles using the new Power Back OVR. If you have an elusive back as your best halfback and want to keep him in on goal line formations, just swap him into the PWHB starting position. You have the control!

3rd Down Running Back (3DRB) now uses the new Receiving Back OVR. Your 3DRB will come in on 3rd Down for many formations. Some playbooks even have your 3DRB come in on shotgun formations for other downs, too.

Kick Returners (KR) and Punt Returners (PR) got some love as well. The CPU will never have a starting HB, WR, CB, or S as a Kick Returner. The CPU will use starters to return punts if their Kick Return rating is high enough, though. This means that guys like Antonio Brown will be back there during punts, but won’t see the field during kickoffs.

Player Ratings

Eleven fresh ratings have been added to help differentiate players and bring to life the Archetype system. For example, the new Run Block Finesse and Pass Block Finesse ratings will be featured on Agile linemen. Meanwhile, Power linemen will rely on the new Run Block Power and Pass Block Power ratings.

Break Tackle: Determines broken tackle success for ball carriers vs standard tackles (not Hit Sticks or Cut Sticks).
Break Sack: Determines whether the QB will escape a sack inside the pocket.
Throw Under Pressure: Determines passing accuracy when throwing under pressure.
Run Block Power: Determines success chance for Drive, Down, and Power Double Team blocks on plays like Toss and Power O.
Run Block Finesse: Determines success chance for Zone, Reach, and Zone-Double Team blocks on plays like Outside Zone and Stretch.
Lead Block: Determines success chance for blockers leading from the backfield or pulling from the line.
Pass Block Power: Used versus defensive power moves.
Pass Block Finesse: Used versus defensive finesse moves.
Short Route Running: Used when running short routes (Slant, Drag, etc.).
Medium Route Running: used when running medium routes (Curl, Dig, etc.).
Deep Route Running: Used when running deep routes (Corner, Streak, etc.).
Immersive Environments

We’re unleashing the power of Frostbite in Franchise with the addition of immersive environments. While playing as a coach or owner, you’ll be exploring your coach’s office. If your coach has won a Super Bowl, you’ll see a Lombardi trophy on the shelf. Head to a locker room environment to interact with your players.

If you’re playing as a player, you will see your player in a locker room as he prepares for his next game.

In addition, you’ll experience the NFL draft in Madden in a brand-new way. The draft stage presents which team is on the clock and who the previous pick was on giant video boards in front of a crowd. When it’s time to make your pick, your draftee will be sporting his new uniform while his ratings and development trait are revealed.

These amazing environments deliver an immersive experience in Franchise while you build your ultimate dynasty.


We want you to live in your Franchise and want to help you tell the stories of each game. We’re doing this by displaying some of the top moments from each game as Snapshots. You can take snapshots from instant replay and in the highlight screen, and then the snapshots will be automatically recorded for you from key moments in the game. These Snapshots are integrated throughout Franchise as part of your immersive environments in the hub and in news stories. View full screen Snapshots from your games or from other users in your league by visiting the Snapshot Gallery. The Snapshot Gallery holds the last 100 snapshots from the league. As you load into game, see your very own snapshots in the background. Your snapshots are everywhere! Even the main menu of Madden shows your most recent snapshots.

Team Captains

To address another top community request, team captains can now be added and removed from the roster. You can add up to six captains per team. The captains patch will appear in game on the players uniform. Each star denotes how long they’ve been a captain. Not all teams allow for the stars to be shown on the uniform, but all captains will have a star icon visible on the field. This feature will let you quickly identify the top players on the opposing team.


At the end of each season, players regress based on their age and development trait. This year the regression is much more dynamic, meaning that each rating will have a unique chance of going down. High Development Trait players regress slower than other players, and the age at which players at different positions start regression has been adjusted as well. This means that high-caliber players have a better chance of extending their careers and climbing their way up the legacy leaderboard.

Dynamic Dev Trait

A player’s development trait determines how much XP they earn from training and games. We’ve updated them this year to be Normal, Quick, Star, and Superstar. It’s now much harder to be a Superstar than in years past. There are only a few Superstars per position, which makes them difficult to get, but the traits change more frequently. At the end of the season, each player is evaluated on how well they did compared to the rest of the league. Their performance will result in their development trait going up, down, or staying the same. Superstars need to perform at a consistently high level and be statistical leaders in order to hold on to the precious Superstar trait. Further, we have made rookie superstars extremely rare as part of our generated classes – they’re the ultimate reward of the scouting and draft process.

Step further into your Franchise in Madden 19 and build your dynasty. Play this and more in Madden NFL 19, available August 10.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Deep Dive Presentation ... -deep-dive

Not going to copy seeing how long the others were. Read it for the details.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

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Deep Dive MUT ... -deep-dive

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

I'll admit tl;dr but I guess i'm missing the point behind RPM. It says you have total control but don't you have total player control as it is right now? Kinda confused about that.

And since you are in the closed beta and can't give out details you can at least answer this question since you've played Madden with and without RPM. Does it really make a difference or is this just EA marketing hype?

Again sorry, but tl;dr :)

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by TCrouch »

It makes a difference. In some scenarios, TOO MUCH of a difference. It's definitely noticeable.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

TCrouch wrote:It makes a difference. In some scenarios, TOO MUCH of a difference. It's definitely noticeable.
Thanks Terry, so is that a good or a bad thing? Again this is a broad question due to, i'm sure an NDA.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by TCrouch »

90% good, 10% bad...for ME. I will also say that I didn't love it immediately (except on defense, where I felt like superman and I could do anything), and that there are some limitations with the current logic that prevent me from really seeing it work in between the tackles in the running game.

I guess without getting into specifics, I will say that in Madden 18 I could sleepwalk against the AI in franchise mode (and I'm purely a franchise player, with occasional online matchups against a friend). I played it just before the beta went live, and went something like 27 of 31 for 385 and 5 TDs with Derek Carr.

In the beta, I can play full 15 minute quarters, struggle to gain yards, and not a single bit of it feels cheap. I knocked off the Patriots 16-13 in a 10 min quarter game. I got destroyed by the Rams 31-10 in my first game. I then blew out the Broncos big (something like 34-3), and lost the next week 20-10 to the Dolphins when I lost Derek Carr. I snuck by the Browns 19-16 to get back to 2-2.

It's very hard to describe in words why RPM is so different, but next time you play Madden 18, and you're not using turbo---move the stick from up/right to up/left. The player will change directions in a small arc, because there's momentum and that's what the engine does. With RPM, depending on the player size and speed, you will get a very SHARP cut off of the plant foot without doing anything special. It leads to some breathtaking runs in the open field, and it works as a defender, too. You can do some amazing lateral cuts and pursuits to the ballcarrier.

When the NDA lifts, I'm sure I'll ramble until my fingers bleed, but this is easily the most entertained I've been with a football game in my life. I struggle, sometimes I kick ass, sometimes I'm getting it kicked. I feel like a world beater some games, and the next I throw EIGHT interceptions (literally happened my last game last night against my friend online).

I definitely don't want to hype it to be the best thing ever for all people, because there ARE some things I hope they iron out before release, but even if it released exactly as it is right now, I'd be in hog heaven.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

Sounds good, thanks Terry and hopefully it'll have a nice impact on Live 19 as well !

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Terry about covered it all and since we can't go into details I will just say you immediately notice it in the beta, whether you like it or not is going to depend on what you want out of your football game. It and many other things feel more sim to me than any football game I've ever played, will it stay that way on release? Who knows.

I will say that RPM is a big change and it is not even the best thing about this version of Madden IMO there are other things which I think bring the game forward tremendously but there is also some things which need to be tweaked as well.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

Thanks for the info, sounds encouraging. I wonder if this RPM began development prior to the new guy taking over? Surely it must have as that sounds like quite the undertaking of a project. If so, hopefully the new guy continues making progress.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Aristo »

Woot! I'm in the Beta!

I really haven't read through the agreement, so I'm not going to say anything other than I'm excited to put plenty of time into this after my session last night.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Madden PC installed, if you get Origin Premier it unlocks tomorrow at 10 AM CT.

Not sure when Xbox EA Access unlocks. Anyone interested in checking out the PC version I will be streaming tomorrow night for sure.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

Danimal wrote:Madden PC installed, if you get Origin Premier it unlocks tomorrow at 10 AM CT.

Not sure when Xbox EA Access unlocks. Anyone interested in checking out the PC version I will be streaming tomorrow night for sure.
Dan what are your PC specs?

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by TCrouch »

Danimal wrote:Madden PC installed, if you get Origin Premier it unlocks tomorrow at 10 AM CT.

Not sure when Xbox EA Access unlocks. Anyone interested in checking out the PC version I will be streaming tomorrow night for sure.
Yeah, I was excited to see that yesterday. Got it installed and ready to go tomorrow when I get off work.

Looking forward to see how Madden works in 21:9 ultrawide mode, because that should be a MASSIVE help with seeing the outside receivers from a normal camera.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Rodster wrote:Dan what are your PC specs?
I don't remember, I will check them tonight. Whatever $4000 bought me in the last 10 months. :D
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Rodster »

It looks like the specs aren't too demanding just to get to the PS4/XONE quality. Though i'm not sure how much you need to turn on all the eye candy? It looks like my 5 year old rig can easily handle the recommended req. ... quirements

Minimum requirement:

OS - Win 7/8/8.1/10 64bit
CPU - Intel Core i3-4350, FX-4330, or equivalent
HDD Free Space – 48.5 GB
GPU - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660, AMD Radeon RX 460
Recommended requirement:

OS - Win 7/8/8.1/10 64bit
CPU - Intel Core i3-4350, FX-4330, or equivalent
HDD Free Space - 48.5 GB
GPU - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 670, AMD Radeon R9 270x
The recommended specs will get you to at least console-level gameplay. Of course, like any other PC game, the better the hardware, the more horsepower you can use push the game to higher levels. Though the recommended specs are definitely enough for a quality gaming experience.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by DChaps »

Wow, I did not even realize there was a PC version. What do you see as the benefits over the X1X? Thanks for all the great information!

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by sportdan30 »

I'm seeing reports that Madden 19's 10 hour trial is now up in EA Access.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by TCrouch »

DChaps wrote:Wow, I did not even realize there was a PC version. What do you see as the benefits over the X1X? Thanks for all the great information!
For me, navigating a UI with a mouse (assuming that's implemented) is worlds better.

And having 21:9 ultrawide support at a 3440x1440 @ 100Hz resolution? Seeing outside WRs at the line, even on "normal" camera? Sold. I know that PC load times will be drastically quicker than a console version, too, so there's that.

The full game is live now on Origin Access Premier, so I know Dan and I will be putting some time into it starting today. The nice thing about it there is that there's no 10 hour trial, you just have the game at this point. Based on what we saw in the beta, I hope it plays very similarly. I usually blow the crap out of the CPU, but I was struggling to score points in the beta. I was 3-2 after 5 games in a franchise, and seemed to be winning or losing by 3 or 4 points every game.

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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by pk500 »

sportdan30 wrote:I'm seeing reports that Madden 19's 10 hour trial is now up in EA Access.
Confirmed true. I'm downloading now to my XB1.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Danimal »

Going live soon Madden PC
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Diablo25 »

Servers may be getting slammed. I’m having trouble starting the download.
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Re: Madden 19 with RPM

Post by Diablo25 »

Got it downloaded. Headed in now.
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