PS3 Owners who have/do own a 360.....

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PS3 Owners who have/do own a 360.....

Post by RallyMonkey »

I know there have been multiple threads relating to either/or, but i need some direct advice/suggestions. I almost pulled the trigger this weekend swapping out my 360 for a PS3? Why? For a fresh start. Much like games, when the newest one comes out, i want it. Here's my question.

I like my 360. Never had it break (knocking on wood) although just last week the screen went a wee bit hairy when i put 2K7 in but nothing since. I like the games just fine. I don't have the HD-DVD player and don't plan on getting it. Marketplace is nice, but since it's inception i've only purchased Saw III and don't plan on putting any more money into it. Live is great, but with the very rare exception i don't really game online much anymore unless it's head to head and even those are few and far between.

So what am i asking? Simply this. Based on the above, the fact that it appears Blue-Ray is winning the battle, and that i am as impulsive as a 6 year old in the candy aisle at the grocery store, can those of you who either DID make the change, or who own both, give me your thoughts.

P.S. In terms of gaming, yes, MLB is the main draw for me.

Also, if you don't want to be subject to public ridicule feel free to PM me.

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Post by wco81 »

Blu-Ray is selling better. Recently, Home Media Research announced that Blu-Ray outsold HD-DVD 70 to 30 percent in the first quarter, with some big releases (Cars, Pirates) still to come soon.

Movies which come out on both formats, such as The Departed, have reportedly sold better on Blu-Ray.

However, the combined sales of both formats is less than 1 percent of DVD sales. So the studios haven't really supported the formats. They could have released more than they've been doing. For instance, Sony itself hasn't released Da Vinci Code or Spiderman 1 or 2 yet.

So it's still too early to say either format will have the success of the DVD. Player prices and disc prices started out lower than DVD player and disc prices did ten years ago. But prices are still in the early-adopter range, especially new releases going for around $25 or about $10 more than DVD new releases.

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Post by Spooky »

Don't do it! I cannot think of one reason to play a game that is out for both systems on the PS3. Read the reviews. Any game that comes out for both 360 and PS3 is always worse on the PS3 (graphics, online, feautes, etc...).

If you just go by exclusive content, then you're really screwed. Motorstorm? Have it. Have not played it in weeks. The online is really fun, but a total interface nightmare. What else is there...? Oh, I am looking forward to "Calling All Cars" in the PS3 downloadable market, but not a system seller by any means.

As for Blu-Ray, it's nice, but not really worth IMO. Movies are WAY too expensive right now and come with little or no extra content. $35 for a movie I can get for $15 on standard def!?!?! HD doesn't warrant the extra $20 for many things at all.
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Post by GTHobbes »

I've got both and haven't turned on my 360 since the day I hooked up my PS3. I'm curious to play Forza but otherwise I probably would've just dumped the 360.

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Post by Spooky »

GTHobbes wrote:I've got both and haven't turned on my 360 since the day I hooked up my PS3. I'm curious to play Forza but otherwise I probably would've just dumped the 360.
WOW! Seriously???

What games are you playing on the PS3?
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Post by Sport73 »

Thanks for the impressions, keep them coming. I'm in same boat as RallyMonkey, but driven more by the fact that I'm on my second 360 and expect it will crap out soon too. Even the Elite360 that just launched is said to be scratching discs and over-heating, so MS has yet to fix the issues with the box.

I know there is already a thread on the consoles, but this is specifically about 360 vs. PS3 for DSP owners. Is the PS3 the eventual winner?

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Post by F308GTB »

wco's response nails it. HD and BR are both selling in very low numbers compared to traditional DVD. Who cares if BR is outselling HD? The market penetration at this point is insignificant and shouldn't be a predictor which, if either, format may succeed. I wouldn't say that the studios have yet to support the formats - the CONSUMERS have yet to support the formats. One article said less than 200 next gen discs have been sold of some titles.

FWIW, a friend who has both says that for action movies the two formats look similar. When the action slows down (i.e., drama, comedy), BR to him looks grainy. He prefers HD. Also, he hasn't touched his PS3 in many weeks except for watching movies.

If some PS3 game exclusives aren't pulling at you, I see no reason for the PS3. So far the multiplatform titles have been better on the 360. I expect that to continue - 360 versions are out first and the 360 is an easier platform to develop on.

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Post by wco81 »

F308GTB wrote:So far the multiplatform titles have been better on the 360. I expect that to continue - 360 versions are out first and the 360 is an easier platform to develop on.
I think this will bear watching for another year or two.

I thought Oblivion was better in many ways than the X360 version?

But Splinter Cell, Ubisoft really gave the PS3 version the short shrift.

It might turn out that for multiplatform titles, developers won't optimize for the PS3, especially the SPEs. Burden is on Sony to provide better tools.

Dirt should be an interesting case. Supposedly that engine was developed with help from SCEE.

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Post by WillHunting »

I just got the elite. I know it is close to PS3 territory (in terms of price) and if I really really really wanted a BD player and value that more than playing games, I would have gotten a PS3. But alas, I am buying a console to play games, and I love the 360 for XBL, 1st party exclusives and some of the XBLA titles.

I played about 5 hours yesterday, no scratching of discs but it was kinda hot (but didn't overheat).

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Post by Spooky »

This is from a response I wrote to a PM but I think it may add value here...

"I have a 360, a Wii and a PS3. I bought my PS3 right around the holidays because I was able to get one for around $100 with trade-in and returns, discount, etc... So I decided to go for it.

So now I have had it for 5 months or so and I own only one game for it which I don’t play. I have 5 or 6 Blu-Ray movies, which are nice, but again, not worth the extra $20 over the standard def versions IMO. I don’t even use the PS3 for playing standard def DVD’s as it does not upconvert and you cannot use a universal remote because it uses Bluetooth technology.

What games are you that interested in for it? MLB? It will be the exact same game as the PS2 version with a bit prettier graphics. Not worth $600.

At this point, I would not even recommend the PS3 for the $100 I paid for it. It just sits there. There is not one game I would buy for it if there were a 360 version available. Why would I? The online interface sucks (even if you don’t use it that much, if you ever decide too, the 360 version will always be better). Most of the games lack features the 360 version has. There is no controller rumble. The graphics are always worse on the PS3 (framerate, less textures, etc…). There are maybe two exclusive PS3 titles that intrigue me this year. TWO! This whole PS3 thing is a mess right now. I cannot figure out why anyone would want one unless they are hell bent on Blu-Ray.

This unit itself is really nice. It’s quiet and has a pretty slick interface (PSP style). I have had no problems with it so far. The online store is starting to pick up a bit too. Games like Flow, Tekken and Calling All Cars are pretty cool, but it does not beat the MS Marketplace by a long shot.

“Gadget Whore” or not, I just cannot see the justification for paying $600 out of pocket for a PS3 this year. Maybe mid-2008. I obviously like my toys too and have wondered many times on why I have this $600 toy sitting in my house. I cam REALLY close to returning it but decided to just keep it since I only really paid $100 out of pocket in hopes that one day it will be used more."
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Post by FifaInspected »

WillHunting wrote:I just got the elite. I know it is close to PS3 territory (in terms of price) and if I really really really wanted a BD player and value that more than playing games, I would have gotten a PS3. But alas, I am buying a console to play games, and I love the 360 for XBL, 1st party exclusives and some of the XBLA titles.

I played about 5 hours yesterday, no scratching of discs but it was kinda hot (but didn't overheat).

Xbox 360 v. Xbox 360 Elite comparison by Engadget

We tested the consoles with a Sharp 46D62U (46-inch) 1080p LCD and a 5.1 surround system -- we went HDMI vs component, since it's safe to assume the majority of people don't have VGA inputs on their HDTVs (including us). We played the first stage of Gears of War (on casual, so what?), and then plugged in our HD DVD drive and watched a few scenes from Batman Begins.

Console noise
We know how much you all wanted your Xbox 360 Elite to quiet down a bit, but we have some bad news for ya. As we heard from our sources who supplied us with much of our info about the Elite, unfortunately the noise level is about the same as before. It doesn't use the new 65nm chips, so it seems to require the same number of case fans.

The same is true of the disc drive. Our Elite and classic drives do sound different, and it's obvious they're not the same make or model. However, unfortunately, they're equally loud. Sorry guys, you're still going to have to put up with the same level of noise as before -- don't come looking to the Elite for something that sounds less like a shop-vac.

As we said before, these are using the old round of 90nm chips, not the 65nm variety. So it goes without saying that using the same chips as before, these things are going to produce the same amount of heat. We didn't run an 18 hour stress test or anything (obviously), but both units did feel about the same after an hour of playing games and movies, and they both felt like they were outputting about the same amount of heat.

HDMI 1080p vs component 1080p/i
We're going to be totally honest here, we hardly noticed a damn difference at all. We figured the best visual test would be playing in 1080p on both HDMI and component video, and we were right. What little difference we did notice, we noticed it with that test. In a couple of darker scenes in Gears there seemed to be a little more depth to the blacks (and a bit more distance detail because of it). But to tell you how subtle it was, we didn't even notice it until we literally started flipping back and forth as fast as we could. Fast motion, spinning, action, all the rest -- it looks almost identical on both consoles.

When watching an HD DVD in 1080p on HDMI and 1080i on component, we definitely didn't really notice anything different. The age old question though, right? Is 1080p actually noticeably different? Not to us, and probably not even if you have a 720p set -- assuming you're viewing on anything less than a massive, massive display. By the way, before you make any judgments about perceived visual quality based on our screen caps, please remember that those were taken with a regular camera, not pro screen capturing tools . In other words, what you may think is a big difference in quality may actually just be a small change in light metering or exposure. In other words, you'll kind of have to take our word for it when we say it looks almost identical.

We can now definitely confirm that despite its HDMI output, the Xbox 360 Elite still doesn't enable advanced codec support (like Dolby TrueHD). You still have the same three options as you had before: digital stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1, and DD with WMA Pro. When we played back an HD DVD with TrueHD audio (Batman Begins), it just stayed on DD5.1, nothing else happened. Bummer. But again, that's what we were expecting. ... -the-test/
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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Console gaming right now just isn't valuable to me at this point. My 360 sits, unused except for the occasional game of NBA 2k7...otherwise, all of my gaming is done on my PC and the occasional game of MLB 07 on the PS2. I go through I'm sure I'll get back into console gaming a bit when Forza comes out, but for now, I'm on my PC kick.

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Post by pk500 »

Other than the sense of community created by Xbox Live, I don't miss console gaming one bit.

I'm having the time of my life racing and shooting with the PC, as the mods and various tweaks available for PC games are MUCH more appealing to me than console games. Plus I really dig the depth and realism of PC games, at least in the racing genre.

Granted, I'm 3- and 4-year-old games on my aging rig, but I've had none of the driver or hardware woes that so many associate with PC gaming. And it will get even better with my new rig next month, as I can play more current games.

At least I don't tremble when I play, wondering if this will be the last time I'll turn on my PC without failure. I don't envy cats who have to deal with the anxiety about failing Xbox 360 hardware.

This hobby is supposed to relieve stress, not compound it. Leebo's frustration just jumped off the page, and that really sucks. Not fair when you consider that he and other owners of failed 360s spent at least $400 on something that was supposed to bring fun, not aggro.

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Post by MizzouRah »

dbdynsty25 wrote:Console gaming right now just isn't valuable to me at this point. My 360 sits, unused except for the occasional game of NBA 2k7...otherwise, all of my gaming is done on my PC and the occasional game of MLB 07 on the PS2. I go through I'm sure I'll get back into console gaming a bit when Forza comes out, but for now, I'm on my PC kick.
EXACTLY the way I am right now. My pc gets 75% of my playing time right now, with my psp getting a game a night MLB The Show style.

I sold my Xbox 360 as it just sat there after I finished my NHL 07 season and seeing how MLB 2k7 was so buggy.. I sold it to a friend as I was done with console gaming for now.

I'm not even pumped for NCAA 08 or Madden 08 one bit... but who knows once they come out.

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Post by pk500 »

I'm getting Madden 08 for the PC only if the Ron Mexico Dog Fighting Mode is included. :)

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Post by Inuyasha »

dbdynsty25 wrote:Console gaming right now just isn't valuable to me at this point. My 360 sits, unused except for the occasional game of NBA 2k7...otherwise, all of my gaming is done on my PC and the occasional game of MLB 07 on the PS2. I go through I'm sure I'll get back into console gaming a bit when Forza comes out, but for now, I'm on my PC kick.
I'm feeling the same way. I think to myself maybe it's because console gaming is at it's low release time of the year, but then I think I'm just sick of the repetitive games and cycles. I don't feel the urge anymore to go buy ncaa or madden when they come out. I've already done that for years on end, there's nothing special anymore about those games to me. Been there done that. The only game I was excited for was mlb2k7 only because it was a series I had not played on 360 last year. But other than that, no games coming up have got me saying I need to get that right when it comes out.

And good point about the stress. I've been gaming so long now that I dont have time to mess with sliders or accept lazy programming. Just give me a fun game, thats all I ask. Don't force me play franchise modes when the only thing I want to do is play the game and not mess with ticket prices and such.

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Post by LAking »

Console gaming right now just isn't valuable to me at this point. My 360 sits, unused except for the occasional game of NBA 2k7...otherwise, all of my gaming is done on my PC and the occasional game of MLB 07 on the PS2. I go through I'm sure I'll get back into console gaming a bit when Forza comes out, but for now, I'm on my PC kick.
I'm a PC gamer at heart. I love the modding possibilities of PC games and like the fact that you aren't limited to what the standard controller can do. You can use a keyboard/mouse, gamepad, steering wheel, flight stick, whatever. PC games on average have always had more depth to them, at least the ones that were programmed for the PC from the beginning.

That being said, there just aren't enough good PC games anymore. If you like hardcore racing and flights sims than i envy you because the PC has so much to offer in those genres. I, however, don't dig those games much. I also grew tired of the RTS genre around the time Red Alert got old. I did like Company of Heroes but on a whole i don't enjoy those kins of games anymore. Those seem to be the only games that get any real support on the PC these days. Even quality FPS aren't as common on the PC as they used to. And don't even get me started on sports games. What i wouldn't give for a great PC hockey game.

So that's why i very rarely use my PC for gaming anymore. I've been forced to embrace console gaming because that's the way the industry is going.
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Post by fanatic »

I've been wondering the same thing lately- would be nice to have something fresh. However, like others here, I don't know about $600 so I can play The Show. It's going to take a bit more success from Blue Ray to make the choice easy for me.

I've also been thinking about how happy I'd be with a ps2 and/or a dreamcast nowadays. I haven't owned a ps2 in about 5 years, but I would have a blast with winning eleven, the show and guitar hero. The dreamcast would also be fun- I just saw it at this place around the corner for $49.

At this point, I'm happy playing my Spurs Master League in WE 360 as well as Guitar Hero rock-out sessions with my wife. I really don't have a tonne of time anyways. I would feel weird about trading in the 360 for a ps2 and dreamcast, but I don't take gaming quite as seriously anymore, so we'll see. Maybe a Wii in the future once the library increases?

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

LAking wrote:That being said, there just aren't enough good PC games anymore. If you like hardcore racing and flights sims than i envy you because the PC has so much to offer in those genres.
That's why I'm glad I like both well as RTS games (Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer 3 are both outstanding). Too bad you don't like those. IL-2 1946 is absolute crack if you like flight sims...sheesh. You don't like any of the games that the PC specializes in...that's a shame.

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Post by RallyMonkey »

Well, after all the help (thanks by the way), i decided a PS3. Honestly it was nothing more than an impulse purchase initially as i sat in the store looking, looking, wondering and then leaping. As i sat playing Motorstorm i told myself why do i need another console (this is the third in the house now). Buyer's remorse set in all afternoon. Why? It looks nice, it runs well, the interface is nice, the graphics are stupid good, but really was it worth it? OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

Then last night came. I went out and rented Casino Royale and The Departed on Blu-Ray. It was at that point where everything clicked for me. I bought it because for $600 i was able to pick up a machine that allowed me to enter the next generation of movie watching AND i can play games on it, (MLB most notably). This wasn't a purchase as a gaming system as much as it was an ENTERTAINMENT system. With a plan to redo my upstairs bonus room in the next year or so with surround sound and a bigger TV, this unit will fit nicely up there as i turn my kids play room into daddy's entertainment room. I'm a happy customer today.

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Post by wco81 »

Sportsgamer blog has some entries about some Japanese baseball game they imported.

Sounds like they think it may turn out to be better than MLB.

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Post by Diablo25 »

RallyMonkey wrote:Well, after all the help (thanks by the way), i decided a PS3. Honestly it was nothing more than an impulse purchase initially as i sat in the store looking, looking, wondering and then leaping. As i sat playing Motorstorm i told myself why do i need another console (this is the third in the house now). Buyer's remorse set in all afternoon. Why? It looks nice, it runs well, the interface is nice, the graphics are stupid good, but really was it worth it? OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

Then last night came. I went out and rented Casino Royale and The Departed on Blu-Ray. It was at that point where everything clicked for me. I bought it because for $600 i was able to pick up a machine that allowed me to enter the next generation of movie watching AND i can play games on it, (MLB most notably). This wasn't a purchase as a gaming system as much as it was an ENTERTAINMENT system. With a plan to redo my upstairs bonus room in the next year or so with surround sound and a bigger TV, this unit will fit nicely up there as i turn my kids play room into daddy's entertainment room. I'm a happy customer today.
BluRay is very cool, plus the gaming will start to kick in soon for the PS3. I still do not own a PS3 game but I will soon - MLB The Show.
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Post by ScoopBrady »

Nice post Rally. I'm with you on this one. As a standalone system the PS3 just doesn't deliver yet, emphasis on yet. As a multimedia machine it's definitely worth it. I picked one up over the weekend and I'm pretty impressed with the whole thing. Home looks like it's gonna be cool as hell and The Devil's Rejects looked 8O . Being able to stream movies to my PSP is just plain awesome as is playing PS1 games on it. Resistance is cool and I picked up fLow and one of the Go! Sudoku packs from the PSN store. I don't regret my purchase at all but I probably wouldn't have made it yet if it wasn't completely paid for by a side job I did. My initial plan was picking one up sometime after June but when this side job fell into my lap that changed.
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Post by fsquid »

wco81 wrote:Sportsgamer blog has some entries about some Japanese baseball game they imported.

Sounds like they think it may turn out to be better than MLB.
I'm assuming that you are talking about the Pro Yakazu (sp?) series? It's a good series, I love their gameplay. Trying to decifer Japaneese got old though.

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Post by fsquid »

dbdynsty25 wrote:
LAking wrote:That being said, there just aren't enough good PC games anymore. If you like hardcore racing and flights sims than i envy you because the PC has so much to offer in those genres.
That's why I'm glad I like both well as RTS games (Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer 3 are both outstanding). Too bad you don't like those. IL-2 1946 is absolute crack if you like flight sims...sheesh. You don't like any of the games that the PC specializes in...that's a shame.
How easy is it for a newbie to get into the C&C games? I've always been interested in giving it a roll.

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