How many of you guys are good athletes...

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How many of you guys are good athletes...

Post by eman »

Any decent athletes out there?

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Post by Zlax45 »

What do you consider a good athlete?

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

Yeah...that's a seriously open ended question.

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Post by Sudz »

played college hockey.

was a captain.

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Post by pigpen81 »

I know Diablo played Minor League baseball as high as AA.

BKRich played college football I believe...Cal Poly Slo if I am not mistaken.

My claim to "fame" is a 3 HR game in adult league baseball last April....and a 21 K game on the mound back in 98 in another adult league game.

Other then that, I am a terrific athlete when I am around my middle school students during PE....hahaha

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Post by F308GTB »

I don't know if I'm a decent athlete, but I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night...

What sport and what do you define as an "athlete"? I fancy myself a decent cyclist (can do 25 mph for an hour whereas pros are at 28-30 mph for the 40k).

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Post by JackDiggity »

My last decent athletic feat was coming in second to SSG Teran, SSG Moran in the BRC at Ft Benning in 1999. My teammate and I finished 41 seconds behind them. That was a b*tch!!!

Back in 1980 I had full rides offered for football and baseball from some MAC schools. I also had offers for football from Wisconsin(RIP Dave McClain) and Purdue.
The one that pisses my dad off to no end was a baseball offer I had from Arizona State. I visited the campus and Coach Brock was great. Alvin Davis was my homie tour guide of the valley. :wink: At that time the baseball program at ASU was the s***. They won the CWS in 81.

I passed on them to join the military. I love sports but being a soldier was a childhood dream. My father was a decorated WWII Army Ranger and I wanted to be like him. I did get my degree from the University of Maryland while I was in. They offered classes at many military bases. I really have no regrets.
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Post by eman »

The title of this post was poorly worded...

Are you guys still in good shape? Do you still compete? Do you still workout?

This year Im 31 and Id like get into good shape. I want to start to eat healthy and feel better about myself. At 18 I could run 5 miles @ 7minutes a clip and not break a sweat. I could bench press almost 300lbs (double my body weight) and squat nearly 400 lbs. Basically I felt like I could do anything. Today I cant run 1 mile without feeling like my lungs are going to explode and Id be lucky to bench 185lbs.

This week I've worked out a little with the jump rope and on the bench. Im also working out on the dreaded squat rack - I hate that exercise but I love the results. :) My main focus is to strengthen my core and get healthy again. To be honest Im a heart attack waiting to happen. My father died young of heart disease and Im on the same path. For the last few years Ive become a couch potato. Im not terribly heavy (170lb), I dont smoke or drink but my diet is terrible. I cant explain it but I just dont feel right....

Currrently I play some pickup basketball and Im sick of feeling like my conditioning is holding me back. It sucks to see where you need to move only to have your body fail you... thats whats happening to me right now.

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Post by Leebo33 »

eman wrote:Are you guys still in good shape? Do you still compete? Do you still workout?

This year Im 31 and Id like get into good shape. be 31 again. When I was 31 I could bench my own weight (230) and I ran a 5:50 in the Harrisburg Mile, a 35 minute 5 mile race, could at least touch a basketball rim, etc.

Now I'm 38 and arthritis is bothering my right knee. If I even play basketball I can't walk for 3 days after. I still run, but I limit it 3-7 miles 3-4 times a week at an 8-11 minute mile pace. I ran my first 5k in 6 years on Thanksgiving and I ran a 28:30, which was my worst time ever by 4 minutes! I was still proud to do it though so everything is relative.

From the ages of 26-32 I had the shape of an early career Jerome Bettis, now I'm more like David Wells, and I'm hoping not to get to Andy Reid...LOL.

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Post by JackDiggity »

Leebo33 wrote:
eman wrote:Are you guys still in good shape? Do you still compete? Do you still workout?

This year Im 31 and Id like get into good shape. be 31 again. When I was 31 I could bench my own weight (230) and I ran a 5:50 in the Harrisburg Mile, a 35 minute 5 mile race, could at least touch a basketball rim, etc.

Now I'm 38 and arthritis is bothering my right knee. If I even play basketball I can't walk for 3 days after. I still run, but I limit it 3-7 miles 3-4 times a week at an 8-11 minute mile pace. I ran my first 5k in 6 years on Thanksgiving and I ran a 28:30, which was my worst time ever by 4 minutes! I was still proud to do it though so everything is relative.

From the ages of 26-32 I had the shape of an early career Jerome Bettis, now I'm more like David Wells, and I'm hoping not to get to Andy Reid...LOL.

:lol: :lol:

Thanks for the games David! :wink:

I used to run 4 to 6 miles a day. Now I race (TOCA) 200 miles a day. :lol:
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Post by fatheadX »

I'm trying to be a good athlete; I had my knee scoped on Wednesday in the hopes I can get back to playing baseball and basketball. Ask this question again in a month or so!

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Post by pk500 »

Ran cross country, indoor and outdoor track in high school and at NCAA Division I level in college. Not recruited, but made varsity at college as a freshman walk-on. Was captain of both high school and college cross-country team.

That's my only claim to fame.

I used to play rec hockey, but I think at age 40 I finally may have hung up the ax other than pond hockey. I now play rec soccer every week and participate regularly in road and off-road cycling, and downhill skiing, all for fun and fitness. :)

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Post by 10spro »

For an old guy like me at 43 and still weigh an average of no more than 165 punds for the past 12 years or so, is an accomplishment. I lift weights, play footie (Captain while in Argentina), hockey, tennis and lately more golf (less cardio :wink: )

For those people that just had newborns, anyone would tell you that , THAT experience alone is a full time workout.

Do I have a belly? Starting....but I think the title of the thread was meant to be who doesn't?


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Post by Diablo25 »

pigpen81 wrote:I know Diablo played Minor League baseball as high as AA.
Thanks for the ego boost pegpen :) Yes I did play pro ball for 7 years but to call me an athlete would be pushing it :lol: If I raced a pregnant lady I'd come in 3rd. I was a catcher so lets just say speed wasn't my strong point. I currently coach high school baseball and I'm still in decent shape. For a 35 year old I'd have to say I'm in pretty good shape. Golf is now my preferred sport - mainly because beer is involved. I'm one hell of a cyber athlete though!
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Post by nyisles16 »

soon to be 32 here..........scored 25 goals...... in NHL 2k6 :lol: ... looking into getting a new bike with my b-day coming up & mainly play rec sports... but I have this weird problem throwing a baseball.. my throwing style can be compared to Mackey Sasser - i throw the ball all over the place that sometimes I have to think about where to throw the ball - very odd

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Post by bkrich83 »

35 and out of shape. Gonna have to say no, not a good athlete.

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Post by b_assassin »

About 40 pounds ago I could high jump 6'9" and dunk a basketball any which way but loose (not bad for a guy who is only 6'0"). I was recruited for college track and basketball, but wasn't good enough for full scholarships so I had to give it up in favor of work and school. Up until last year, I played basketball fairly regularly with some friends from work, but my diminishing abilities and overly competitive spirit led to some on-court conflicts, so I decided it was better just to hang up the sneakers :). Now I just work out with a personal trainer a few times a week to try and keep off the excess weight, and not destroy my joints for those moments when I do feel like being athletic again. It is amazing what sitting at a desk for 8 years will do to your body.

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Post by dbdynsty25 »

I have a lot of sex with myself. Does that count?

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Post by Brando70 »

At the moment I'm trying to get back into shape. I went on the South Beach Diet in early 2004 and lost about 20 lbs, and got serious about the gym again. Kept that off until this last fall, when I started not eating as well as I should and not working out enough. The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas just killed me. I'm just now starting to (slowly) drop weight again).

Even so, I would say I'm in decent shape for a moderately active 35 year old. I try and get to the gym 4 times a week, three weight/cardio sessions, and one cardio session. Once I get in the habit it's not too hard to maintain, and I always feel better after I go.

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Post by Dave »

I can shoot fairly well...of course I can't create my own shot or handle the ball much, so I'm not much of a hoops player.

Also a very recreation skiier.

That's as close as I can come to saying I'm an athlete. I am trying to put on some muscle mass to my rail-thin frame for the first time in my life. Since all I've done is lose weight I don't want to lose, I guess it is time to think about taking some sort of suplement.
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Post by MUTTS »

I'm 36. Captained the Cornell Track team back in 1991.

I still run about 40 miles/week--did 12.25 miles in 1 Hr 25 min yesterday. Ive run a few timed races this winter although I havent done any speed training. I ran an 800m in 2:11 a couple of weeks ago but I'm sure I can go faster. Also split a 56.9 400 back in February.

Truthfully I prefer to golf and sex with myself.


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Post by Gangrel »

It's all about activity I think. I have never been able to go to a gym religously, probably to my detriment. I just turned 30, and have a bit of a gut. However, I've had one since high school for one reason or another, if not longer. But being diabetic means I'm on insulin, which is a known metabolism killer......

I would much rather play a sport then "work out" any day. And I find that as long as I keep that up, I can go for hours..... example, this morning I played 3 hours of ball hockey as a goalie. I'm sure I will pay the price tomorrow, but only near the end did my energy level go down...

I also play softball in the summers, and have played Ultimate a bit and flag or touch football.

Am I good at any of them? Aside from hockey and probably baseball, I would say I'm not the best. However, I make up for my lack of grace or height with hustle..... I have been known to hit the dirt to snag a fly ball just out of reach, or a pass in the back corner of the end zone......

I'm kinda like a bulldog, short, not very agile, but always there.... ;)
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Post by F308GTB »

eman wrote:
Currrently I play some pickup basketball and Im sick of feeling like my conditioning is holding me back. It sucks to see where you need to move only to have your body fail you... thats whats happening to me right now.
The body responds quickly to exercise. I was a couch potato 5 years ago. Was around 175 lbs at 5'9.5". Not a fat bastard but still carried a few extra pounds. I just started exercising and it built up from there. If you're body is failing, it's because it's getting pushed too far too fast. I'll be hitting 37 in a few months and am in the best shape of my life (gee, I sound like a Bowflex commercial). Did a 70 minute 10 miler in December, can bust an hour in the 40k bike, working on sub 20 minute 5k's. At 31 you have a lot of athleticism left. Actually, the toughest class for things like cycling, running, tri's/du's, and basically anything involving endurance (more than 1 minute) is 30 and up, with 35-40 being brutal. There are guys in their mid to late 40s more than holding their own (i.e., winning) in bike races in the top classes here in Texas.

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Post by ProvoAnC » keeps my ass in shape and my throwing up muscles tested

Its the best program that I have come across to get the results I need to perform effectively.
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Post by XXXIV »

I played frosh soph football and varsity soccer in HS.... You wouldnt guess it looking at Me today.

:oops: :lol:

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