Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by ProvoAnC »

2 things...
<BR>1. Chappelle Show is friggin awesome...I tihnk my fav so far was when he was a blind, black KKK guy. That was good.
<BR>2. I also agree with the PK/Libertarian stand-point. I see first hand how this country has almost 0 personal responsibility. Every mope I talk to says it was someone else´s fault, my girl´s a *****, she set me up, the cops lied, whatever. I never hear, "yeah I f-ed up and robbed someone cause I´m a cracked out loser." The cops are profliing, etc. No, you get stopped cause your speeding, or your headlight´s out, or your parked behind a closed business at 3am. You think we have x-ray friggin vision to see what race someone is from a .10 mile away...gimme a break.
<BR>So you saw a boob, big deal. I for one couldn´t even see anything until you look at all the losers that went frame by frame to get a little nipplage. "OOH I don´t want my child to see that stuff." Who´s parenting, TV or you?
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-02 17:50, TheFormerBrett44 wrote:
<BR>On 2004-02-02 13:25, Leebo33 wrote:
<BR>Conversely, do you really need to actually hear the word? You know what they are saying so what is the problem with bleeping it out. I actually like the bleeping of curse words just out of respect for the people that are offended by it. </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>You realize of course that people who are offended by "curse" words could simply change the channel or turn off the TV and go outside, right? I love when people whine and cry about something on tv and all they have to do is turn it off.
<BR>Reminds me of the woman who complained about Married With Children about 15 years ago, she wrote the sponsers, etc., really caused quite a stir. She was upset because her children were exposed to this "filth". I always wondered why she didn´t get up and turn off the television. The end result of her crusade? Ratings shot up about 200%.
<BR>This isn´t directed at anyone, but for god´s sake, can´t you morons turn off the damn tv if you´re offended? You don´t have a right to watch tv.
<BR>I love it when people complain about the people complaining. I´m not offended by nudity, but I think it is pretty reasonable to expect the Super Bowl halftime show to not contain nudity. Just as I feel it is reasonable for someone to expect network TV not to contain profanity. I don´t necessarily agree with those opinions, but I do not consider people morons just because they would like to watch a network program without profanity.
<BR>This isn´t directed at anyone, but for God´s sake, can´t you morons that complain about the people complaining just not read about or listen to those people complaining?
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>We all have penis’s and vagina’s. All of our penis’s squirt milky white stuff once we hit a certain age. All of our vagina’s bleed once we hit a certain age. We all take craps. We all like sex. We all say the ‘F’ word sometimes.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>LOL. I have a new sig!
<BR>Spooky, I agree man. That is funny sh...stuff.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Granatofan »

First, I didn´t see the show, but I saw the photo. I don´t think that is a pastie. It looks like a piercing. It doesn´t really matter that her breast was exposed on prime time. If anyone woman´s breast were exposed on prime time tv it wouldn´t necessarily be pornography. What I find interesting is that all of the apologies being issued are about the exposing of the flesh and not the act that exposed it. I believe that the whole thing was staged and meant to happen that way, but whether it was or not does not matter. Timberlake reached for and ripped away her garment in a gesture of power and dominance (again I didn´t see the show, but the photos, whether staged or natural reactions, show this). The poster on here who keeps referring us to his anti pornography site is half right. It is acts like this depicted in pornography that may be dangerous and degenerative. Images of naked people, people engaging in sexual acts or love making if you prefer are not destructive until the image or act is destructive in nature. I don´t mind if boobs are on TV, but I don´t really like seeing a man rip a woman´s dress to expose that boob when it is completely out of context and inappropriate as it was in a half time show. In other words I would let my fourteen year old daughter watch an appropriate love scene in an R rated movie (I can´t think of one right now) with my wife and me, but I wouldn´t want her to see the rape/murder scene at the end of Looking for Mr. Goodbar with Diane Keaton.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Jackdog »

"Timberlake reached for and ripped away her garment in a gesture of power and dominance (again I didn´t see the show, but the photos, whether staged or natural reactions, show this). The poster on here who keeps referring us to his anti pornography site is half right. It is acts like this depicted in pornography that may be dangerous and degenerative. "
<BR>I totally agree. Hip Hop has led us down the road of disrespecting women in this nature.
<BR>MTV and BET (Booty Entertaiment Television) show videos a hell of a lot more sexual than Janet showing a little flesh.
<BR>Anyone remember "Lil Kim" at the Grammy´s a few years ago with both breasts fully exposed? Diana Ross even fondled one. Yes she had pasties on her nipples,but a tit is a tit.
<BR>I don´t mind seeing some fleash,but I do mind the manner in which it was shown. It was done in a way that Hip Hop always glorifies. Disrepecting women. Mainly Black women.
<BR>Don´t get me wrong Jackson knew it was going to happen and she is just as guilty as all the hoocie mama´s in most Hip hop videos.
<BR>Personally I am tired of seeing Black women used in this manner. Rap has turned the phrase "*****,you wanna roll with me" into today´s way of asking a girl to the prom.
<BR>Sad thing is,many young sisters accept this behavior. "That´s my babies daddy" is becoming a common sentence in today´s inner-city schools. Having babies with as many girls as possible is a medal of honor in today´s inner-city high schools.
<BR>Peer pressure sex is running rampent these days among Black teens. As one of my cousins put it "I don´t want to be considerd a ***** for not taking care of the brothers".
<BR>Parent´s are to blame. As long as a teen can watch what they want,dress like they want,and do what they want. We will continue down the road that irresponsible Hip Hop is paving.
<BR>It´s Black history month. I don´t think that Dr. King or Malcom X would be very happy with the way the Black inner-city community has evolved in the past 20 years. Single parent homes,welfare,and the"Thug Nation" has taken over. "I have a dream" has become a nightmare.
<BR>End of rant.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>I´m not offended by nudity, but I think it is pretty reasonable to expect the Super Bowl halftime show to not contain nudity. Just as I feel it is reasonable for someone to expect network TV not to contain profanity. I don´t necessarily agree with those opinions, but I do not consider people morons just because they would like to watch a network program without profanity.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I´m not sure I consider a a breast that´s 65% exposed to be nudity, but I´ll give you that point. I think the Super Bowl stunt was in poor taste at best. I wasn´t offended however.
<BR>The only point I was making in my first post is that people have the choice to turn off their tv. If they are offended by profanity perhaps they shouldn´t even take the risk of watching network tv. And let´s face it, network tv tries to be as inoffensive as possible as they don´t want to lose sponsers. Still no one has the right to quality programming on tv, if we did there wouldn´t be all these silly reality shows on. If people are offended by profanity, stupidity, and vulgar televsion they need to rise off the sofa, turn it off and get out a book. Of course 90% of novels they could choose from probably contain profanity and descriptions of nudity. They could always read the bible....wait, that´s a pretty violent book with plenty of sexual descriptions.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by davet010 »

<BR>I agree with your points, but I can see that it was the somewhat unexpected nature of the appearance of this particular bit of flesh that annoyed some people..there´s no chance to turn over when you aren´t anticipating that in the middle of a Superbowl.
<BR>The ´entertainment´ itself was dire - neither Jackson or Timberlake have an iota of talent, and the best thing that could happen to Kid Rock is that he gets put down..he is obviously in excrucuiating pain, from the noises that he makes.
<BR>Still, nice of us in the UK to have exported you our streaking champion..
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<BR>Good points. I can definitely see both sides.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-03 05:17, davet010 wrote:
<BR>Still, nice of us in the UK to have exported you our streaking champion..
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I thought that´s who it was when they showed the footage last night on PTI. There was a special on this UK Streaker on Real Sports on HBO several months ago.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by matthewk »

First, to all those slinging out the statements "If you don´t like it, turn it off" and "Who´s watching your children, you or the TV". My son is just over 3. He´s seen plenty of "T" seeing as how my wife breastfeeds our 4 month old. If he were 9, I´d be pretty upset. As it is, I think it was inappropriate for the Super Bowl halftime on CBS. NO parent, no matter how good at watching their children could have known to keep their kids away from watching this. Sure, the Janet incident was at the end, and all the trash leading up to it should have prompted a parent to say "enough" if they were really concerned, but a lot people are having parties. They don´t keep both eyes on their kids 100% of the time, it´s just not possible. They´re playing in one room while the parents may be in the kitchen.
<BR>I just hate it when people use these statements without even trying to understand the point of view of a concerned parent.
<BR>Which brings me to: " I could NOT even imagine living in a house where I got uncomfortable if I was watching a movie with him and they said ´f*ck´. What a sad life that would be. There are SO may other things to worry about. "
<BR>Why would be such a sad life? At what age is it OK to feel comfortable with your kids hearing the F word? My son is 3, and I can tell you I cannot see any time in the near future where I want him hearing this word. Maybe when he´s 12, but not anytime soon. I´m sure by then he´ll know the word all to well, but even then I wouldn´t encourage it by using it myself in front of him. Show some respect for other peoples views.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

"If you don´t like it, turn it off"
<BR>Can this statement be turned around the other way? If you don´t like the fact that there are generally accepted standards for TV shows concerning profanity/nudity can´t you just turn it off and watch HBO or rent DVDs?
<BR>Also, I think a distinction has to be made regarding "offensive" and "appropriate." I´m not offended by profanity or nudity, although I do feel there are times when profanity and nudity is inappropriate. It is actually refreshing to watch TV shows that don´t have to rely on profanity. I´ve never said, "this episode of Law and Order would have been better with some well placed f*cks or some beaver shots."
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Slumberland »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-03 10:03, Leebo33 wrote:
<BR>"this episode of Law and Order would have been better with some well placed f*cks or some beaver shots."
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>This was actually a common mantra in my house when Angie Harmon was still on the show.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by ScoopBrady »

"NO parent, no matter how good at watching their children could have known to keep their kids away from watching this. "
<BR>Sorry Matt for singling out this comment but it´s statements like these that really piss me off. As a parent I feel my job is to guide and educate my child not shelter her. Don´t get me wrong, when she´s 9 I don´t want her watching porn or anything, but I will be prepared and willing to talk to her about anything she might see or hear in the future since that is what my job is. That´s what I think most of the outrage is about, the fact that people didn´t expect a boobie and now they have to deal with it. It´s much easier being a parent while dealing with the expected. It´s REALLY being a parent while dealing with the undexpected.
<BR>You did make a good point after that with this line: "Sure, the Janet incident was at the end, and all the trash leading up to it should have prompted a parent to say "enough" if they were really concerned ". That pretty much sums it up. They cry foul yet they should have done something when Nelly came out singing "It´s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes." Parents often forget that things their children hear can impact them just as much as what they see.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

"Why would be such a sad life? At what age is it OK to feel comfortable with your kids hearing the F word? My son is 3, and I can tell you I cannot see any time in the near future where I want him hearing this word. Maybe when he´s 12, but not anytime soon. I´m sure by then he´ll know the word all to well, but even then I wouldn´t encourage it by using it myself in front of him. Show some respect for other peoples views. "
<BR>Okay, here´s the deal...
<BR>I think we have all gotten a little wrapped up in specifics of everyone´s statements. Everyone has valid points and opinions. You have to remember that everything discussed here is relative and should be held within context. For example, my stating that it would be a sad world for me if I got uncomfortable hearing the word ‘f*ck’ while watching a movie with a 12 year old is all relative to his age and my situation. I am saying that I feel for people that have grown up in a manner in which if they were in my EXACT same situation, they would feel very uncomfortable if a few bad words were said in a movie, TV show, song, ect… To MatthewK’s point, I would NOT feel comfortable hearing a bunch of swears with a 3, 5, 7, or even 10 year old around. BUT, what the hell I am going to be watching with them that has swearing in it !?!?!?!? I hope nothing until they are mature and educated enough to understand and handle it. There really is no specific age for that either.
<BR>This is where I agree with the points of, ‘who’s parenting your children, you or the TV?’. Of course we cannot always monitor what they are observing at every moment, there are going to be some slip-up’s here and there. That’s life folk’s. It is all in how you react and respond to those moments in which your child hears or sees something that make you a true ‘parent’. If you want to react with shock and horror at Janet’s boobie being exposed and make everyone in the room feel nervous and awkward, fine. I just don’t think that will send the best message to your 3, 5, 6, 8 year old. If your 3 year old hears the ‘F’ word a bunch and starts saying it, it is your responsibility as a parent to teach them what is appropriate, polite, respectful, and moral with whatever values you believe in.
<BR>I guess what I am saying is, don’t be afraid of a word itself, be afraid of the people who are not educated and/or do not educate others with values, etiquette and morals to understand what it means and how it effects others. These are our responsibilities as parents and ultimately members of society.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>I just hate it when people use these statements without even trying to understand the point of view of a concerned parent.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I am a concerned parent of two young children. It is my and my wife´s responsibility to monitor what our children are watching. If my son is watching a program he shouldn´t be, it is my fault, not the fault of the program for containing what may be considered vulgar language or nudity.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

"I am a concerned parent of two young children. It is my and my wife´s responsibility to monitor what our children are watching. If my son is watching a program he shouldn´t be, it is my fault, not the fault of the program for containing what may be considered vulgar language or nudity. "
<BR>To play a little ´devil´s advocate´ here...
<BR>What would you do if you were letting your 3 year old watch Blue´s Clues (a show which you know and trust not to be inappropriate) and Steve whips out his schlong-a-dong !?!?!?
<BR>"A clue, a clue!!!" <IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_eek.gif">
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by pk500 »

>>>What would you do if you were letting your 3 year old watch Blue´s Clues (a show which you know and trust not to be inappropriate) and Steve whips out his schlong-a-dong !?!?!?<<<
<BR>Tell them that Steve had to use the potty. Seriously. And then ensure they don´t watch that show again.
<BR>Problem solved.
<BR>Take care,
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>You did make a good point after that with this line: "Sure, the Janet incident was at the end, and all the trash leading up to it should have prompted a parent to say "enough" if they were really concerned ". That pretty much sums it up. They cry foul yet they should have done something when Nelly came out singing "It´s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes." Parents often forget that things their children hear can impact them just as much as what they see.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I agree. But according to Brett we are morons if we complain that the halftime show has "curse" words or sexual innuendo. Our only recourse is to turn the TV off, change the channel, or go outside.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

From CNN:
<BR>"NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue joined the chorus. "The show was offensive, inappropriate and embarrassing to us and our fans. We will change our policy, our people and our processes for managing the halftime entertainment in the future in order to deal far more effectively with the quality of this aspect of the Super Bowl."
<BR>If MTV did anything positive with this stunt at all, they have hopefully made the NFL go back to actually talking about football and staying focused during halftime. I doubt it though.
<BR>You are right. That is exactly what you would have to do. I guess that is why a lot of people are up-in-arms over this Super Bowl thing because they now feel like, ´Okay, I guess we can´t let little Timmy watch the Super Bowl again until he´s 12 or 13´. The Super Bowl was normally someting you think that you´d know and trust not to have any ´inappropriate´ material kind of like Blue´s Clues. Guess we´re worng...
<BR>BUT, the fact that anyone was truly offended, shocked and horrified by a boobie is where my other rants come into play.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-03 10:58, Spooky wrote:
<BR>What would you do if you were letting your 3 year old watch Blue´s Clues (a show which you know and trust not to be inappropriate) and Steve whips out his schlong-a-dong !?!?!?
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>We prefer Joe at my house<IMG SRC="images/forum/icons/icon_smile.gif">

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by TheFormerBrett44 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>On 2004-02-03 11:09, Leebo33 wrote:
<BR>I agree. But according to Brett we are morons if we complain that the halftime show has "curse" words or sexual innuendo. Our only recourse is to turn the TV off, change the channel, or go outside.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Exactly, it is the responsibility of the viewing public. If you don´t like a show, don´t watch it. If you feel like you might be offended by dancing and singing, don´t watch the music videos. If you hear that Kid Rock, Nellie, and P. Diddy will be part of the halftime show you might want to consider watching something else during that time. It doesn´t take a genius...
<BR>I really don´t need someone to edit or censor my television programs, I think that as an adult I can decide what I and my family should be watching. Some people want the government or a chip or something else to decide for them what they and their children should watch. Thank you very much, but I am capable of doing that on my own.

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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by pk500 »

>>>I really don´t need someone to edit or censor my television programs, I think that as an adult I can decide what I and my family should be watching. Some people want the government or a chip or something else to decide for them what they and their children should watch. Thank you very much, but I am capable of doing that on my own.<<<
<BR>Bingo. The day I rely on a V-chip to determine what my family watches on TV is the day I can s*ck my own schlong, like Steve on "Blue´s Clues."
<BR>In other words, never.
<BR>People need to take responsibility for their actions. Here´s a classic example.
<BR>My family and I were at the ski hill where we belong last Saturday. My wife and I take turns watching our 3-year-old son in the lodge while our 5-year-old daughter skis on the bunny hill with friends, with one parent on the main hill and the other in the lodge with the punk.
<BR>Anyways, I crack open a cold Labatt Blue after coming in from a few hard runs in new powder, making my "shift change" with my wife. My 3-year-old son sees the beer and asks if he can have a sip. "Sure," I reply, and give the kid a nip that wouldn´t even fill a quarter of a thimble. Basically wet his lips.
<BR>I look over, and one set of parents is smiling. Another set is horrified, like they´re about to call Child Protective Services on me.
<BR>Get a f*cking grip. The kid had a sip of beer -- big s***. My father still jokes that one of the first words out of my mouth was "sip."
<BR>And you know what? I never had a problem with beer or other alcohol in high school or college. Sure, I got shitfaced from time to time, but I kept it in control and knew alcohol was nothing taboo and just a social tonic. Why? Because there always was booze around my house when I was a kid. Adults had a beer with a game, a beer with friends, a beer after dinner, a drink with clients.
<BR>In fact, my mother had four rules about booze in the house when I was in high school:
<BR>1. Get it yourself. Don´t drink our beer or booze.
<BR>2. Friday and Saturday nights only. I always had a meet Saturdays, so that ruled out Friday night.
<BR>3. Any kid who even sipped a beer at our house had to put their keys in a hidden place and stay the night. One sip, you´re staying.
<BR>4. Any kid who puked on a rug or any furniture never would be allowed to take a drop of alcohol in our house again. All puke into the porcelain vat.
<BR>And you know what? We had semi-responsible fun, no one got hurt, no one became a drunk, no one went to jail.
<BR>Meanwhile, one of my best friends in high school was absolutely forbidden by his parents to even sniff alcohol in high school. So what happens when he goes to college? He becomes a raging partier and flunks out.
<BR>Coincidence? I think not. Yet more proof that prohibition -- with damn near anything -- simply doesn´t work. It´s all about parental education and personal responsibility. Nothing else.
<BR>Take care,
<BR>PK<BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: pk500 on 03-02-2004 12:19 ]</font>
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Leebo33 »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>Exactly, it is the responsibility of the viewing public. If you don´t like a show, don´t watch it. If you feel like you might be offended by dancing and singing, don´t watch the music videos. If you hear that Kid Rock, Nellie, and P. Diddy will be part of the halftime show you might want to consider watching something else during that time. It doesn´t take a genius...
<BR>I really don´t need someone to edit or censor my television programs, I think that as an adult I can decide what I and my family should be watching. Some people want the government or a chip or something else to decide for them what they and their children should watch. Thank you very much, but I am capable of doing that on my own.
<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>I never asked the government to censor my programs. I want to change the programs before censorship is needed. I am not asking for a chip. In fact, I wish people would be more proactive. Rather than passively just changing the channel I would advocate a more proactive approach such as writing to the NFL and telling them how inappropriate their choice of halftime entertainment was. If enough people express their opinions rather than sit and wait for the government to act then maybe things will change and government intervention won´t be necessary.
<BR>People have a right to express their opinions as to what type of programming should be on the public airwaves and events such as the Super Bowl halftime show. If the majority want a lingerie bowl halftime show then so be it, but I want it up to the people and not some MTV producer who may have his own ideas as to what Super Bowl halftime should entail.
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by Spooky »

"Meanwhile, one of my best friends in high school was absolutely forbidden by his parents to even sniff alcohol in high school. So what happens when he goes to college? He becomes a raging partier and flunks out.
<BR>Coincidence? I think not. Yet more proof that prohibition -- with damn near anything -- simply doesn´t work. It´s all about parental education and personal responsibility. Nothing else. "
<BR>I´ve been preachin´ that for years !!!! AMEN ! I´ve seen that same scenario happen so many times it not even funny.
<BR><BR><BR><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Spooky on 03-02-2004 12:50 ]</font>
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Janet´s eye popping halftime pic.

Post by bdoughty »

<!-- BBCode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE> I´ve never said, "this episode of Law and Order would have been better with some well placed f*cks or some beaver shots."
<BR> </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode Quote End -->
<BR>Are we watching the same Law and Order?
<BR>Heck I picked up the computer game in the hopes that some kid from Sweeden with too much free time on his hand would make a Elisabeth Röhm nude hack.
[url=http://sites.google.com/site/bmdsooner/]My place for games![/url]

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