MVP (PSP) Impressions

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Post by sportdan30 »

Just got the call from EB Games that my copy of MVP is in. I'll hopefully post early impressions this evening.....albeit after the Apprentice.

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Post by 10spro »

Looking fwd to your comments. I was reading another reader's review from another site and early impressions are mediocre despite the delay EA took in order to do the last polishes. I am still enjoying MLB though...

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Post by MizzouRah »

Picking mine up in about 30 mins.. and I brought my psp to work with me.


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Post by icvu42 »

MizzouRah wrote:Picking mine up in about 30 mins.. and I brought my psp to work with me.

I've considered doing that. Give me something to do over my lunch. Since I usually eat at my desk and search the web.


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Post by Badgun »

Here are a few impressions from another message board:
Okay first off a few minor gripes..

1. Rosters are not updated.
2. Edit Player will not allow for a change of skintone (so we're stuck with a white Barry Bonds)
3. Edit Player doesn't allow for Name Changes either.

Create a Player is good, lots of options, though the animations of the player model during create a player mode are kind of jerky. This could just be because I was changing options while going through the menus.

I will be playing a game next to see how the gameplay is.
and now that he's played a game...
Loading is faster than the console version..

Commentary is terrific right out of the console version of the game.

Hitting and Pitching animations seem to be smooth. However, one time I did notice that all of the features of the hitter disappeared during the swing replay. (it went to a non-detailed model)

The Pitch cursor takes some getting used to as the Analog Stick is VERY touchy. More than a milimeter in any direction is out of the strike zone.

Fielding animations seem fairly smooth, however, it's difficult to tell about minor details.

Hitting is much more difficult to time. Given the wider perspective and smaller ball it's more difficult to tell how far away from the plate the ball is. (i'm sure this is just because I'm not used to playing the game on a handheld).

There is an option to "Save and Quit" during a game, so if you need to you can put it down and pick back up later.

outfields seem HUGE... and the players seem very small compared to the area around them. It seems way to easy for a routine double to turn into a triple.

Fielding is defaulted to ASSIST.. (which means you don't take control of players until they have the ball...) but you can change it to Auto or Manual.

I got used to pitching faster than hitting. Finally got my first hit in the 5th inning, and the gameplay seemed to fall into place.

Overall this game is very truthful to the console version. The Gameplay feels sluggish at first, but becomes crisp and familiar with experience. I haven't had a chance to play with all the options yet. But so far this seems like a very good effort to port a console version over to a handheld system.

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Post by 10spro »

Hmmm, mid May with no updated rosters? That's unacceptable. We'll just have to wait for more comments on the gameplay. I was just hoping that with the delay they took, they would at least get the most updated rosters besides touching up on the gameplay dep't.

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Post by sportdan30 »

Thanks for passing along the impressions Badgun. I also read from the same forum poster that there is some sort of freeze every few pitches or so which makes hitting difficult. This is definitely concerning.

In any case, this is just one person's impressions. I'm interested to hear what Todd has to say about it.

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Post by JackB1 »

Badgun wrote:Here are a few impressions from another message board:
what forum did u get these from? I'd like to check it out.

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Post by MizzouRah »

Damn.. I wish I had more time to play this game instead of working.

Anyhow, after two quick start games it's very similar to the console version EXCEPT the game is much more challenging.. even on Pro. This is due to the parks actually feeling like they should - I don't think we'll need to tweak outfielder speeds because I've seen all kinds of bloop hits, especially with slower fielders. I love this part of the game. Fielder's ratings are VERY noticeable.

A tad bit of slowdown between the out and the next batter coming up to bat. I also had to turn the pitching speed all the way down, just like MLB.. it's just to hard to see, imo. I use assisted fielding, but if you like manual.. I think aerial view might be what you would want to use.

Seems like all the commentary is there, the replays, etc.. even fireworks on HR's. Basically, it's the full console version of the game minus the franchise mode. BUT it's harder and if it stays this hard on PRO, I'll be very happy because I like the higher scores on Pro moreso than All Star.

Using the 4/3 pitching/batting views and it definitly takes some time to get used to the strikezone and of course with the psp, it's much harder to pinpoint your spots with the touchy analog stick.. again, I like this.

I hope to get another game or two in soon, but so far it's MVP and if that's what you want via portable, then get it. If MLB does the trick for you, save the $50.

Don't know much about rosters yet, as that's not a huge deal for me.


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Post by Badgun »

JackB1 wrote:
Badgun wrote:Here are a few impressions from another message board:
what forum did u get these from? I'd like to check it out.
The Gamefaqs MVP (PSP) forum. You have to kind of filter out the punks, but there is some good info over there.

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Post by Inuyasha »

MizzouRah wrote:
A tad bit of slowdown between the out and the next batter coming up to bat. Todd
I had this game for ps2 last year and I remember that same slowdown you describe happening in the PSP version. It was really no big deal. I dont know which to get right now, mlb or mvp so I'll wait for more impressions.

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Post by MizzouRah »

After some more games, the familiar game I love on the Xbox is back and now portable. I'm happy, and most of you know I've supported MVP since it came out this year.

Actually, playing the field on "zoom" is much better than aerial.. it only zooms at the last minute, which makes a difference with the small screen - but I still have it back on assisted as want my fielders to play like their ratings. I'm telling you, default Pro.. much harder - could just be me getting used to the game, but I'm really liking the more variety of hits due to the huge outfields - I really think it's portrayed perfectly.. from playing in Kansas City to Houston, etc.. outfield dimensions do matter.

I assume I'll get better, but I don't think I'll need the pitching meter on -50 like the console version, pitching from btp is damn hard, and well, that's a good thing. There are slowdowns here and there but so far, nothing that has impacted gameplay - mainly transitioning from out to batter walkup animation.

I haven't checked out season mode yet, but I've heard there is no reserves.. so maybe no injuries - which, without a franchise mode is no biggie to me. The game feels and plays like MVP.


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Post by Badgun »

No reserves? Damn, even MLB has a inactive player list.

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Post by MizzouRah »

Badgun wrote:No reserves? Damn, even MLB has a inactive player list.
I haven't checked out Season mode, but someone over as OS said there are injuries and suspensions - and he said there were FA's so.. I'm not totally clear yet until I get a season going.


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Post by JackB1 »

MizzouRah wrote:After some more games, the familiar game I love on the Xbox is back and now portable. I'm happy, and most of you know I've supported MVP since it came out this year.

Mizz......what about the slowdown people have been reported? One guy was saying it happens every 10 pitches or so. How does the gameplay compare to MLB?

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Post by Badgun »

Have you seen this at all?
Okay I've not encountered my first major problem..

Every few pitches there is a HUGE DROP in framerate. This makes the Pitchers motion, and the ball motion to the plate grind to a very slow pace.

When this happens it is 98% IMPOSSIBLE to hit the ball, as you have no idea when the system will speed up again and the ball will return to moving at normal speed.
This is the guy I quoted earlier so I think he's pretty legit.

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Post by ScoopBrady »

Badgun wrote:Mizzou,
Have you seen this at all?
Okay I've not encountered my first major problem..

Every few pitches there is a HUGE DROP in framerate. This makes the Pitchers motion, and the ball motion to the plate grind to a very slow pace.

When this happens it is 98% IMPOSSIBLE to hit the ball, as you have no idea when the system will speed up again and the ball will return to moving at normal speed.
This is the guy I quoted earlier so I think he's pretty legit.
I've been scouring the internet looking for impressions and that is the only one who mentioned that. Many people are saying there are hiccups during transitions, such as replays and next batter, but nothing about slowdown when the pitch is coming to the plate.
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Post by MizzouRah »

Again, I've only sneaked a few games in, but I've seen nothing as far as the pitching or batting interface slowing down when the ball is going to the plate.

I'll look for it tonight when I get another game or two in.


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Post by Theo »

MLB is the better game in my opinion.
1.Better framerate.
2.The fast forward feature
3.Better graphics (imo)
4.Practice swings (no big deal though)

MVP on the psp isn't bad, I just prefer MLB.

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Post by sportdan30 »

I'm having a real difficult time deciding whether or not to tear off the cellophane wrapping. I'm not liking what I hear about the framerate issues as well as the slow game pace. It's so hard to decipher when reading an impression whether the guy is giving a neutral review or is biased.

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Post by Leebo33 »

It's really a mixed bag. I've only played about 15 innings so far. Framerate whores should probably stay away. It's not anything like Gretzky PSP but it is noticeably slower than the Xbox version and slower than MLB PSP. *I* can definitely tolerate it, but those looking to find a reason not to like it or slam EA will find the framerate and graphics an easy target. There is also a slight pause between swinging and making contact, but I have yet to see any pauses while pitching or swinging. The pause isn't a framerate issue, but rather ironically, similar to MLB's problem last year. Fielding may take some getting used to with the nub. I love the momentum based physics, but it was overdone on a couple plays and I didn't get that feeling on Xbox.

On the plus side, I've already seen a few plays that flat out cannot happen in MLB. I've seen very good hit variety, realistic bounces, easy doubles that are actually doubles, balls well out of the strike zone at a realistic rate, realistic arms, realistic runner speed, etc.

I also cannot tell you how refreshing it is to be able to set your defense. People have certain things that they need in a baseball game. Some need realistic routines and swings. I need walks and the ability to change my defensive positioning.

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Post by 10spro »

The key in hitting in MLB is patience. If you do, you get your fair share of walks as well.

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Post by Leebo33 »

Is this a port of MVP 2004?

There are some sliders missing :evil:

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Post by Leebo33 »

Yes, it is a damn port of 2004. You can tell by the excess triples (can be fixed with sliders), larger strike zone, camera angles, and missing key sliders. I hope they fixed the lefty bug.

EA makes it easy to hate them sometimes. $50 for a 15 month old game with rosters from January.

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Post by HipE »

Leebo33 wrote:Yes, it is a damn port of 2004. You can tell by the excess triples (can be fixed with sliders), larger strike zone, camera angles, and missing key sliders. I hope they fixed the lefty bug.

EA makes it easy to hate them sometimes. $50 for a 15 month old game with rosters from January.
I actually remember this being rumored a few months ago. Back when the first videos of the game came out, someone remarked that it used the stance and swing of Manny Ramirez from MVP 2004, not 2005. He wondered if that meant that the game was actually a port of MVP 2004. It sounds like he may have been right.
